“What a nice guy,” he said

At this time, Nami stood at the bow of the Meili, looking at the sea in the distance, “I don’t know if we can be partners together next time we meet.” ”

But the tears in Nami’s eyes kept flowing, and she was holding a bounty order with her fists clenched, it was Aaron of the Fishman Pirates.

It turned out that Johnny and Joseph were accidentally scattered on the bounty order when they boarded Bharati’s boat.

Along’s terrifying shark face made her wake up from the happy journey with An Lan and the others.

The entire village is waiting to save its life.

So she took advantage of the opportunity when Hawkeye provoked An Lan to jump on the Meili and sailed directly towards Cocosia Village with the Meili.

She didn’t want An Lan to be involved in her own affairs, because of Along’s reign of terror, she always felt that humans could never defeat fishmen born with divine powers and special skills.

If she sees An Lan competing with Hawkeye, she may be able to believe An Lan once.

It’s a pity that she left without looking back before the two of them fought, and she felt that only in this way would it not involve An Lan and Gu Yina.

She didn’t want to put several people in deep danger because of herself.

At this time, she squatted on the deck and hugged her shoulders and cried: “I want to… Freedom again! 555 Belmer! ”


On the other side, the sea restaurant Bharati.

“It’s all to blame on you!” Gu Yina carried the supplies to a small boat with an angry expression, “The two bounty prisoners of the pirate Governor Klick and the ghost man Akin are all dead!” What about our bounty! ”

An Lan jumped into Bharati’s small boat for purchasing supplies with Koya in his arms.

“Call me P… What’s the matter! An Lan gave Gu Yina a blank look, “If you hadn’t directly chopped Klick on a whim, would we have so many bear things?” ”

“You mean to blame me?” Gu Yina jumped on the boat with a malicious look and glared at An Lan.

An Lan: “…”

“Walk around! Hurry up and chase Nami, don’t care about these details! “An Lan is full of desire to survive, and directly exerts the Great Law of Topic Shifting.

“How do you know where Nami went?” Gu Yina was really diverted from the topic.

An Lan smiled proudly: “I told you all ~ I am a god!” ”

“Sperm sickness!” Gu Yina gave An Lan a blank look and steered the small broken boat towards the north.

The boat drifted away.

On Bharati, Sanji lit a cigarette.

Looking at the distant An Lan and his group, they were silent for a long time.

“Old man, why aren’t they angry at all about the loss of ships and treasures?” Sanji’s eyes were misty, and he asked Zhepu.

“Maybe they believe in their partners.” Jepp spoke lightly.

“Yes?” Sanji took a deep breath of smoke, tears and snot running down Yamaji’s face, and the choking smoke made Yamaji cough.

He turned and walked to the dining room, where only Jeep and Sanji were left in the entire Bharati.

He watched his companions who died tragically and wept.

“Am I an asshole?” Sanji lowered his head and asked to Jepp, who stepped forward.

“You just did what you felt was right.” Jepp’s deep voice came.

He silently put the dead chefs into body bags.

As a pirate, he has long been accustomed to life and death.

He threw the cooks into the sea for burial.

Finally, he silently sat next to Yamaji, who had been crying bitterly.

“Old man, I want to go to sea.” Sanji suddenly raised his head and said solemnly to Jepp.


He nodded at Yamaji with satisfaction: “Go, wait for the next wave of pirate ships and the like, follow along, and find ALLblue instead of me!” ”

Sanji’s eyes gradually became firm.


Yamaji was stunned: “Why should I wait for the next wave of ships?” ”

Jepp looked at Yamaji as if he were mentally retarded: “Have you forgotten that our last procurement ship was requisitioned by that Colonel Anlan?” If we can’t wait for the next boat before we run out of food, we’ll starve to death as before! ”

Sanji: “…”


In a remote part of the East China Sea….

“To the east! To the east! Dong! Groove! That’s North!! ”

The vicissitudes of Usopp commanded Solon to adjust his direction with black lines, he really couldn’t hold on, and after several days of high-intensity navigation, as long as he relaxed slightly, Solon would lead him to unknown seas.

He now knew how lucky Solon was to return to Sirobu Village five times!

TM ran into the shark’s nest four times, and once almost got into the tsunami range.

MMP himself lost his mind to go to sea with this guy!

My TMD is too hard!!

Usopp endured his sleepiness, his eyes bloodshot, trying to keep himself from sleeping, and with difficulty directed Solon in the direction of the sea restaurant Bharati…

PS. Ask for a monthly pass for a new day, love you guys! Disgusting ~, I really don’t fit the style of candy super sweet, alas, I can only admit that I am a sand sculpture ….

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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