“Hey hey.” Boobich sneered.

“But, do you think that’s the end of it?” Biddy Li snorted, “I haven’t shown all my strength yet.” ”

“It’s amazing, Miss Bidelli just said that she hasn’t shown her full strength yet.” The referee announced loudly at the time, “That is to say, there is still a lot of room for Miss Bidili.” ”

Biddy took a deep breath.


Suddenly, a powerful aura erupted from Biddy’s body.

After sensing the breath on Biddy’s body, Klin on the side couldn’t help but be shocked.

How could Satan’s daughter’s breath be so powerful?

Make no mistake, right?

Although it is still far less than me, but the combat effectiveness is hundreds of them, right?

“I’ll decide right away.” Biddy smiled slightly.

Boobich was also slightly stunned, and looked at Biddy Li with some surprise.


Immediately afterward, Biddy kicked at Sbubich with a heavy kick.


Suddenly, Boobich flew out like a shooting star.


Sbubbic slammed into a wall behind him.

The walls collapsed, burying Sbubich inside.

“Whoosh…” Bidelli gasped heavily.

The kick just now consumed a lot of her breath.

“Not a joke, is it? Has Miss Biddy become so powerful? ”

“That man won’t be killed by him, will he?”

“Probably not?” It’s not that easy to die, right? After all, he had been beaten by Miss Bidili for a long time just now, and nothing had happened. ”

“Hey, referee, Sbridge has fallen off the field, hurry up and declare victory.” There was a loud shout from the audience.

After a brief pause, the referee hurriedly announced: “Off-field, the Sbubb player fell off the field, and Miss Biddy won the 3rd game!” ”

“Whoa, whoa!”

Just then, Sbubich, who was already lying in the wall, suddenly stood up and let out a roar.


Sbubbic soared into the sky and rushed in the direction of Biddy Li.

Bidili was stunned.

This guy is really beaten.

Also, isn’t the game over?

How do you come back?


Boobich charged furiously.

“Hey, Spooksby, Game 3 is over, you lose!” The referee panicked and hurriedly drank.

However, Sbubbic ignored it and continued to rush quickly in the direction of Biddyri.

At the same time, Boobich’s huge fist slammed directly into Biddy’s body.

Biddy frowned.


Seeing that Sbubich’s fist was about to hit him, Biddy’s figure leaned slightly to the side and dodged the opponent’s attack.


Biddy Li swept over and threw Sbubb to the ground.


Biddy Li kicked out again.


Sbubbich on the ground rolled several times in the ring and fell out of the ring again.


Furious, Sbubich gritted his teeth and stood up, about to continue to step into the ring to avenge.

It was at this time.

“Stop! What exactly do you want to do? Spookbeek! A voice came from nearby.

Boobich was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked at the other side.

It was also a contestant who spoke by his name Yamu.

“We’re not here for this kind of thing, and you’d better give me some peace or you know what the outcome will be.” Yamu said coldly.

“Ahh… Yes yes yes…” Sbubit suddenly woke up and nodded vigorously.


The two quickly left the scene.

“Wu Tian, you, the big sister of Bidili, the breath that erupts from your body is not weak.” Tranx Road.

“Of course.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“But the guy named Boobich isn’t weak at all.” Tranx mused, “Your big sister beat him like that, he can stand up.” ”

“Hmm.” Sun Wutian nodded again.

“I’m talking to you about that Sbubbich, are you just mummmmmm Tranx said without anger.

“If you win, you can do it.” Sun Wutian was indifferent.

Anyway, Big Sister Biddy has already won the game.

Why bother with so much?

“What?” Bidili looked confused.

But then again, this Sbubb Chip is still really thick skinned.

I had my breath exploded to such an extent that he could still stand up.

“I didn’t expect it, this Bidili is really powerful.” Sun Wukong was also deeply surprised.

Sun Wulian did not say a word.

Biddy is very powerful.

The problem is that when I saw her a month ago, the level was average.

It had only been a month, how could her breath have risen to such an extent?

“As we have just seen, after the defeat of the Spooksbee player, he stepped into the ring again and attacked Miss Bidili, which is already against the rules of the game.” The referee immediately announced, “Therefore, the organizing committee now announces that the Sbubb Lodge player will be blacklisted for the world’s first martial arts conference, and he will not be allowed to participate in the competition from now on!” ”


“Biddyri! Biddyri! Biddyri! ”

The audience cheered for Biddy.

Biddy Li also took a deep breath and calmly walked out of the ring.

“Saro, I won.” Biddy smiled and said to Saro.

“Well, it’s not bad, you can beat him, which means that your strength has improved a lot.” Saro nodded slightly, “Especially the last kick, worthy of praise.” ”

“Of course, I’m strong.” Biddy grinned.

“Hello Biddyli, congratulations.” Sun Wuyi smiled.

“Classmate Goku, you come on too!” Biddy Li was in a good mood and nodded at Sun Wuyi, “If you can win the next game, then the second round is the two of us.” ”

“Okay.” Sun Wuyi replied.

I don’t want to compete with you.

How can you be my opponent?

Well, don’t get tangled up anymore.

Race before you talk!

“Now proceed to the 4th match, the 4th match by Jebit player against Saiya Masked Superman.” The referee announced.

In the audience.

“Saiyan Masked Superman?” Eliza was stunned.

“Is that the righteous warrior who appeared in our city?” Shapu nodded thoughtfully.

The glasses man was holding a telescope and looking at Sun Wuyan in the ring.

Sun Wulian wrapped his headscarf, stunned that he could not see clearly.

However, the glasses man’s ability to distinguish is still quite strong.

“Hey, how do you feel like this Saiya Masked Superman is a bit like Goku’s classmate?” The glasses man mused.

“What?” Shap was stunned.

“Although he wears a turban and sunglasses, his nose and lips are exactly the same as Goku’s classmates.” Glasses male analysis.

“What? Lend me a look. Shap hurriedly greeted.

Shap picked up the telescope and looked closely.

With preconceived notions, the more Shapu looked like Sun Wulian.

“It’s really Goku’s classmate… Just kidding, is he the Xyer Masked Superman? Shapu was astonished, “Could it be that he took a month’s leave just to cultivate well and to participate in the world’s first martial arts conference?” ”

“You’re mistaken, right?” Eliza smiled, “He must have borrowed the name of Saiyan Masked Superman to disguise himself for the game, right?” ”

“Does he need to hide his identity?” Is that necessary? Shap was puzzled.

“Because he’s shy.” Eliza was not surprised.

“But does he know martial arts?” Sharp was a little confused.

“No matter how much, let’s cheer him on, although we know it’s in vain, and we know that he will definitely not win.” Glasses man proposes.

The three of them agreed to cheer Goku on.

“Goku come on! Goku come on! ”

Sun Wulian had just stepped into the ring, and before he could warm up, he heard a shout to cheer himself up not far away.

Sun Wulian was stunned at that time.

Sun Wulian swept away into the distance.

“Goku come on! Come on, Goku! ”

“Even if you don’t win the championship, you must win the game.”

“When you come back, remember to join our martial arts club!”

Sun Wuyan was stunned, and the cold sweat on his face slipped down.

How did you suddenly reveal your identity?

How did they get to the scene?

Come to think of it.

When Saro was playing, they added fuel to Saro.

I actually ignored such an important thing!

I thought they wouldn’t recognize me.


Biddy laughed at the time.

“Carefully disguised identity, I didn’t expect to be recognized so quickly.” Biddy was amused.

“Isn’t this a comic book that thinks you can only be distinguished by your hair and eyes?” Saro smiled, “Even if you wear a mask and a hat, acquaintances can easily recognize when they touch it.” ”

“Well, Saro is right.” Biddy nodded.

“That… Goku’s identity is revealed? Sun Wukong was also slightly stunned, and suddenly understood.

“Goku, the last time he invited me to the world’s first martial arts conference, he asked me to wear a green headscarf.” Klin continued.

Vegeta: “…”

Vegeta did not say a word to the side.

Goku said the same thing to me.

I really want to shoot him.

Just to my surprise, he said the same thing to Kling.

In other words, this kid is not hinting at me, right?

Am I a little wronged Leping and that pig?

No matter, in short, they are very unpleasant, and they are wronged.


Biddy smiled again.

How to still green turban? What was Goku thinking?

Did you rob this noseless girlfriend?

No, this noseless one doesn’t mean… Does he not have a girlfriend?

“Green turban? Does it have any special meaning? Sun Wukong asked curiously.

Biddy: “…”

Saro: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

Kling: “…”

Several people were speechless.

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