Above the high walls.

“Hey, Goten, what happened?” Tranx was young, but he could see that something wasn’t quite right.

“Brother… It seems that his brother is going to become a Super Saiyan…” Sun Wutian said, “but my brother said that if he becomes a Super Saiyan, he will not be able to go to school.” ”

“There must be something big going on.” Tranx concluded.

“Well, I can feel… A danger was approaching my brother. Sun Wutian pondered.

“Dangerous? What danger? Tranx smiled, “Goshin, you’re not kidding… Brother Goku, what danger can he have? 7 years ago he was the most powerful Saiyan… Even now, his strength is not weak. ”

“I don’t know, but I think I have this strange feeling.” Sun Wutian shook his head, and then said with a serious look, “Tranx, if your brother is in danger later, we will rush up immediately.” ”

“Well, I think you’re a little worried, but I’ll pay attention.” Tranx nodded.

In the ring.

The golden flames around Sun Wuyi’s body flickered.

“I don’t understand why, but I became a Super Saiyan as you would like.” Sun Wuyi looked at Jebit and said, “And since you want to change, I will change you into a super Saiyan who transcends the ordinary realm, what do you think?” ”

“What? Beyond the ordinary? Jebit was stunned.


Sun Wulian shouted, and the endless energy in his body surged out.


Sun Wuyi’s hair turned golden at this moment.

The color of the pupils also becomes turquoise.

Around the body, there are arcs of electricity, arcs of electricity, and jumps that do not stop.

Anyway, I can’t go to school anymore, and if I want to change, I will become the strongest state.

Jebit was slightly surprised.

What a powerful energy.

How can human beings have such powerful energy?

Not far away, Yamu and Boobich were also immediately stunned.

After seeing Sun Wuyi’s transformation, all the audience present were stunned.

For a moment, the scene was silent.

“Super Saiyans… Is this the Super Saiyan? Biddy Li was also surprised to see Sun Wuyi’s transformation.

Saro looked at him calmly.

Sun Wukong and the others were dignified.

What exactly does the Lord of the Realm God want to do?

I really don’t understand.

“Hey, look, this and this…” Sbubbic held the detector with surprise on his face.

Yamu hurriedly looked over.

I saw that the hands on the detector had already turned to the position at 7 o’clock.

“What amazing energy, this guy, is a lot more terrifying than we thought.” Yamu said in a deep voice.

In the ring.

“Now I’ve become a Super Saiyan, and I’m a Super Saiyan who has surpassed Super Saiyans.” Sun Wuyi smiled and looked at Jabit on the other side and said.

“Hmmm… Whoops…”

At the same time, the arc of electricity on Sun Wuyi’s body was constantly winding, and a sound of electric current was emitted.

Jebbit’s face was a little heavy.

His energy was too powerful.

I really can’t imagine that there will be human beings in this world who have cultivated their energy to this extent.

“Ahem! Nothing remarkable, when the boy defeated Sharu, his strength was more than that. Vegeta watched coldly and said lightly, “Peace dulls his body, and lack of exercise makes his movements slower.” ”

“No, this is already energy beyond imagination…” The King of the Realm shook his head, not at all agreeing with Vegeta’s statement.

If your energy is stronger, how can I control him?

“I don’t know if I can stop his powerful energy?” The King of the Realm muttered a word.

“Block?” Sun Wukong was stunned on the side.

Biddy Li didn’t speak either.

In the audience.

“Ahh… Yes yes yes…” Eliza stuttered as she spoke.

“It’s the Golden Warrior!” Shap was also sweating on his face.

“Impossible, Goku is actually a golden warrior.” The glasses man smiled bitterly.

We have such powerful people hidden around us.

He’s still our classmate.

“Now that I think about it, I remember when I said Golden Warrior, Sun Wuyi’s expression was a little wrong.” The glasses man laughed.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?” Eliza said.

“How did I know he was going to be the Golden Warrior?” The glasses man has a bitter face.

“His hair color… I remembered that there were several similar guys who appeared while fighting Sharu. ”

“Yes, very similar.”

Many viewers are also talking about it.

In the ring.

“What’s wrong? Let’s start fighting now, right? Sun Wulian looked at Jebit and said.

Jebette: “…”

I didn’t say I was going to fight you.

“Before I fight you, there’s one thing I want to ask you.” Sun Wulian said suddenly.

Jebit was stunned and nodded slightly.

“Do you know Saro?” Sun Wulian asked.

“Saro? Who is it? Jabit’s face was confused.

“That’s it.” Sun Wuyi smiled, “It doesn’t matter anymore, come on!” ”

I didn’t know!

Jabbit didn’t move.

I’m not going!

I’m just here to grab your attention.

Not far away.

Yamu and Sbubich were also ready to sneak up on Sun Goku.

Yamu clutched the energy-absorbing device tightly.

The device is all white, as if it were a squashed teapot with a pointed thorn in its spout.

“Well, let’s go and take his energy away!” Yamu commanded, “In a moment you can hold him!” ”

“Yes, I understand.”


The two men quietly flew in the direction of Sun Wulian.

“Here it comes!” The King of the Realm said hurriedly.

Sun Wuyan also immediately sensed that something was not quite right with the situation behind him, and quickly turned his head to look at the back.

When he saw these two people, Sun Wuyi was slightly stunned and immediately prepared for battle.

“What do you want to do?” Sun Wulian drank, and his right hand clenched his fist.

I’ve become a Super Saiyan beyond the Super Saiyan.

Do you dare to sneak up on me?

Who gave you the guts?


Just as Sun Wuyan was just about to strike, the Realm King God suddenly stretched his hands forward.

Suddenly, an invisible divine force emerged and acted on Sun Wuyi’s body at once.

Sun Wuyi’s body was frozen at that time.


Sun Wulian was stunned.

How come I can’t move?


The next moment, Sbubich stepped forward and put his arm around Sun Wuyi.

The instrument in Yamu’s hand also pierced towards Sun Wuyi’s abdomen.

“Goten? What about you? Tranx was stunned, only to find that there was no one below him.

Goku Tian, this guy, I don’t know when he has run out.


Just as Yamu was holding the instrument and plunging it into Sun Wuyi’s abdomen.

A figure at the scene shook and grabbed the top of the instrument with his hand.

It was Sun Wutian, who was rushing to the scene.


Sun Wutian flew up and kicked Yamu away.

At this time, Sun Wuyan also immediately returned to his senses, and the energy in his body surged again.


Sun Wuyi was thrown one by one, and at that time, he threw the Sbubich who was holding behind him.

“Keep your mouth alive!” Jebbit said hurriedly.

Sun Wulian was just about to punch down when he heard Jabit’s voice come over.

Sun Wuyan quickly grabbed Sbubich and lifted him high.

“Say, what are you?” Sun Wuyi drank.

By the time he looked again, Boobich had fainted.

“Brother, is it all right?” Sun Wutian asked with concern.

“It’s all right, thanks to you, Gokuten, if it wasn’t for you, I would have accidentally been caught.” Sun Wuyi’s heart palpitated, but at the same time he was shocked and angry.

Someone is actually sneaking up on me!

In the players’ lounge.

King of the Realms: “…”

The Realm King God covered the door of his head and was speechless.

This thing is done…

What to do?

The Realm King God quickly glanced at Yamu in the distance.

Yamu’s injuries were not light.

Being kicked by Sun Wutian and not dying on the spot can also be regarded as his luck is better.

Look at Spook Beech…

More miserable.

Sun Wuyan became a Super Saiyan who surpassed the Super Saiyan.

Then, Sun Wulian gave him a back drop.

This fall, I’m afraid the internal organs are all misplaced, right?

If this continues, how to find the magician Buffidi?


The King of the Realm God had a headache.

The Realm King God never expected that the little ghost named Sun Wutian would suddenly appear.

“Now… What to do? Lord God of the Realm. Sun Wukong scratched his head, “I didn’t expect that Wutian would suddenly appear.” ”

“This… Both of them were already seriously injured, and my plan was disrupted…” The Realm King God had no good way to do it for a while.

“What the hell is going on?” Sun Wukong asked.

“It’s a long story, and now is not the time to explain.” The Realm King God said in a deep voice, “The most urgent thing now is to find a way to save them and then provide them with a little energy, and it is best to make them unaware of the things we have done… Do you have a way? Let’s think about it. All I can say is that this is a matter of the safety of the entire universe, and I will explain the specific things slowly later. ”

“Well, they’re delirious now, give them a simple treatment to make sure they don’t die.” Then inject a little energy into that strange instrument and throw them into a place where there is no one… When they woke up on their own, they took the instrument and left. Saro smiled slightly and continued.

The King of the Realm looked at Saro silently.

Seemingly, this method is not bad.

“Okay, that’s it.” The Realm King God quickly nodded in agreement.

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