“You… What the hell are you? “Zygona was horrified.

Did one of them just die?

These ensembles can see that the companion who just happened is really dead.

Not even a soul remained.

The Galactic God is also too scary.

When did such a god be born in the galaxy?

“What am I?” Wait until the last one is left. Saro smiled.

Numerous ensembles: “…”

“Let’s go together!”

These zygotes all let out a fierce roar and rushed in the direction of Saro.

“Bang bang bang!”

Saro used his fingers to empty little by little.

Suddenly, these rushing ensembles of Zamas were poked and exploded on the spot.

Just in the blink of an eye, of the 10 combined Zamas present, only 1 remained.

This one fits without attacking.

“You’re the only one left.” Saro smiled.

At this moment, the body became extremely calm, and looked at Saro with a dead face.

“How? Your face is full of reluctance, is there any question you want to ask me? Salo asked with a smile.

“You… You can never be an ordinary galactic god! As far as I know, a small galactic god could never be so powerful! Zygona shouted.

“Oh? Is that right? Saro smiled.

“You are at least the god above the God of Destruction!” Fit into the loud voice.

Saro looked at the Zygona with some surprise.

This guy is pretty smart.

Sun Wukong They have been entangled with my identity for a long time.

At least until now, Sun Wukong or the King of the Realm God, even Beerus did not know my true identity.

But now, this little combination of Za actually guessed that eight or nine were not far from ten.

He could tell that my position was still very high.

“You’re pretty smart.” Saro’s smile appeared.

“Tell me, what the hell are you?” Fit into the cold channel.

“I said, I’ll tell you when you’re the last one left.” Saro smiled, “But unfortunately, you won’t know.” ”

“This is the last me!” Zygona said immediately.

“What is Saro talking about?” Isn’t this guy the last Zamas? Sun Wukong was stunned and immediately asked.

“Hmm, there’s nothing to say about that, Saro said no, certainly not the last.” Vegeta snorted and immediately looked around for other figures.

“Over there! I sensed that there were several breaths over there. Sun Wutian was the first to sense that in a position in the distance, a lot of breath appeared.

“What? What’s going on? Why are there so many Zamas? And they are all combined forms. Vegeta’s face changed color.

The king gods Sheehan and Gervas were also stunned.

What’s going on?

“Hum, you’re right, I’m really not the last Zamas.” The fit gave a sly smile and beckoned around.


Suddenly, thousands of combinations appeared on the scene.

It’s dense, like a wasp.

In the sky, on the earth, in the ruins of the city, and on abandoned buildings, there are all kinds of people.

It’s simply everywhere.

The faces of Sun Wukong and the others became extremely ugly.

“Hey, how much has it increased?” These guys…” Sun Wukong lost his voice.

“You guys don’t want to run away today!” Wherever you go I will chase you. Zygote Zahaha laughed.

“You say chase the past? Impossible things, the time and space ring can not be moved to the past at will. The king of the realm, Sheehan, shouted.

“Who said I was using a space-time ring?” Hetong Tatsu smiled lightly, “Didn’t this guy just say that I used the time machine of the twelfth universe… What are you doing while he’s talking? ”

“Uh… I’m distracted, sorry. Sheehan scratched his head.

“They all said that you were the stupidest king god in the whole universe, but I didn’t expect it to be like this when I saw it today.” Zygote sneered.

Sheehan: “…”

You special!

You still have a set of contempt for people.

“Oops… I remembered that the human beings of the twelfth universe existed in time machines, and I told him this. Kvas wiped his sweat, “Did this guy remember that too?” ”

“Yes, it is true, it was you Kvas who told me about the existence of the time machine, and the king god of the twelfth universe is really carefully keeping it, which is a very unexpected gain.” Hetong Za chuckled, “With this thing, the Human Zero Plan can also be implemented in the past.” ”


One of them fell from the sky and landed on Saro and the others.

“That god named Saro, although you are powerful, I don’t believe you can kill so many of us!” By the way, by the way, we now have 1238 people. A smile appeared, “Moreover, this number will continue to increase, is it how fast you can kill us?” Or are we increasing faster? ”

Saro looked calm as water.

Vegeta clenched her fists tightly.

“What do you say?” Sheehan’s face became unusually ugly.

“That is to say… Even if we go back, he will hunt us down.” Sun Wukong frowned.

“That’s really troublesome.” Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“Sun Wukong, you’re right, you are still dead-hearted, how good it is to be killed by me here.” When he said this, he was already in the form of a siege that surrounded Saro and the others present.

At this time, Tranx also woke up slowly.

However, as soon as Tranx woke up, he saw at a glance the combination of the front and back and left and right.

Tranx’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Am I not mistaken?

How come I slept and there were so many ensembles of Zamas?

Is there any reason left?

“Saro, what to do?” Do you have a way? Sun Wukong asked with some distress.

“It’s a bit much.” Saro let out a sigh, and the double stick in his hand suddenly appeared.


The flames of light on the double stick burst out, covering the bodies of Sun Wukong, Vegeta and Tranx and Goten, who were present.

Suddenly, the physical strength of these 4 people immediately returned to their peak state, and the injuries on their bodies completely disappeared.

“Huh? Is this a therapeutic procedure? Sun Wukong was surprised to feel the huge energy in his body.

“Fight, brothers.” Saro greeted.

Vegeta: “…”


You said that…

Well, there’s really nothing wrong with that.

“Hmm, how many can you kill at this critical moment?” Vegeta smiled, and the blue flames on her body bloomed, turning into Super Saiyan blue.


Son Goku also turned Super Saiyan blue.


Tranx was surrounded by golden light and became the second of the Super Saiyans.


However, Sun Wutian had a brilliant flame of light on his body, opening up the Ultimate Omen of Freedom.

The two realm kings and gods retreated to the back with Xiao Dan.

Immediately afterward, Sun Wukong and the other three looked at Sun Wutian together.

“Hey, Gokuten, what’s the change in you?” I just wanted to ask. Sun Wukong asked.

Vegeta immediately pricked up her ears.

I also want to know.

Boy, you hurry up.

“Well, that’s the ultimate intention.” Sun Wutian grinned.

“What? Is this the Freedom Polar Form? Sun Wukong was stunned and looked at Sun Wutian carefully again.

“Well, yes Dad.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“It’s amazing, Goten.” Sun Wukong is happy for his son.

“No! Let me let Vegeta be a pioneer! Vegeta felt heartbroken.

This is special!

I’m not as good as Kakarot.

My son is also far inferior to his son.

Not even the enlightened rice that hadn’t been cultivated for a long time.

I’ll still go to the fight!”

After Vegeta said this, she turned into a blue flame and rushed in the direction of the group.


One of them flew out and easily blocked Vegeta’s attack.


Then the fit punched Vegeta in the chest.


Vegeta spewed blood in her mouth.


The fit flew up again and kicked Vegeta upside down.

Vegeta landed on the ground, and the blue flame on her body trembled and dissipated.

Tranx: “…”

Dad, you’re too unbeaten.

Sun Wukong and Wu Tian were also speechless.

You, the vanguard, are a bit disturbing to the hearts and minds of the military.

It’s so easy to lose.

And it was defeated by a random ensemble.

“I’m on it too!” Sun Wukong also turned into a blue flame of light and rushed into the crowd of people who had joined the body.


Sun Wukong’s fist hit one of the combined bodies hard.


The fit burst open.

Of course, it was just a blow on the chest position.

Soon, the body of this composite scum was restored to its original form.

“Dad, I’m here too!”

Sun Wutian shouted and quickly joined the battle.

“Bang bang bang!”

Sun Wutian was like a wolf entering a flock, and in the midst of these combinations, it was like entering a no-man’s land, and the place where he passed quickly fell into a piece.

These combinations could not hit Sun Wutian at all.

However, if they were touched by Sun Wutian, they would be easily knocked to the ground.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

Tranx: “…”

Compared with Wu Tian, this is not a little bit worse.

This gap is also too big.

“It’s awesome!” The King of the Realms, Sheehan, was completely stunned.

Although I felt that Sun Wutian was also very powerful before, but now after so many combinations appeared, it could more reflect Sun Wutian’s true strength.

“This little guy is really not simple.” Kvas was also sighing.

“Hahaha, useless! No matter how much you hurt, we can recover! Those who had been knocked down by Sun Wutian also let out a roar of anger and laughed wildly.

Sun Wutian: “…”

Sun Wutian also discovered this problem.

It seems that their own injuries are not enough to kill them all.

It’s still hard to kill them.

It seems that my attack can only deal simple damage to them, and it can’t kill them with one hit, like Brother Saro.

The battle continues.

Three minutes later.

“It seems that your cultivation is still far from enough, it has been such a long time, and no one has been killed.” Saro sighed.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Sun Wutian: “…”

Vegeta had already fallen to the ground.

Not to mention Tranx.

Of the 4 Tranx, who was the worst of the four, he had almost lost the ability to fight.

Vegeta was similar, and could no longer turn super Saiyan blue.

Sun Wukong is still better, barely able to stick to the battle.

Sun Wutian still had the advantage, but if he wanted to kill the Fusion Za, the difficulty coefficient was indeed somewhat high.

The four men looked at Saro together.

“Or I’ll come.” Saro said, quickly rushed into the team of the fit, punched and kicked, and kicked these fits into the air.


On the double stick in Saro’s hand, an arc of electricity suddenly flashed.

This arc seems to have a chain reaction, directly acting on these combinations in the sky.

“Hmmm… Whoops…”

These combinations in the sky are all shivering for a while.


Suddenly, these ensembles turned into a ball of quicksand, and they suddenly collapsed.

Yes, it was really dead.

Equivalent to being erased.

Regeneration or something, that is impossible.

You don’t even have a soul, let alone an immortal body.


The rest of the ensembles were stunned one by one, and looked at Saro with a look of resentment.

“Well, the 135 that were just wiped out was only one-tenth of it.” Saro sighed.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

Tranx: “…”

Destroyed 135 ensembles at once, you still sigh?

How do you mean it, it seems not very satisfied?

“Come again!” Salo said, another punch and kick, one kicking the nearby body into the air.


An arc of electricity flashed by, and a chain of lightning bolts appeared.


The unity in the sky shattered.

“This time less … How come there are only 86? Saro’s head grew big for a while, and he greeted those combinations, “Don’t run, you are so scattered, it will be more difficult for me to spawn monsters.” ”

“This abominable bastard! Did he play us like a game? ”

“No, we are not his opponents at all, so let’s get out.”

“Stay in the green mountains, don’t be afraid of no firewood.”

“That’s right, let’s get out of this place, who the hell is this guy?”

One by one, the Unity Za was filled with righteous indignation.

However, soon, these combinations present immediately discussed a countermeasure.

That is to evacuate quickly.

If he continues to fight like this, I am afraid that everyone will be killed by him.

I didn’t see this guy kill so many of our companions, and I didn’t see him beating and panting.

Obviously, not to mention more than 1,000 combinations, even 10,000 estimates may not be his opponents.

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