“They? Two? Bick captured the words.

“Well, the other one is just an ordinary female classmate, and the two of them have a good relationship.” Sun Wulian explained.

“And then what? Say the point. Bik asked.

You hurry up and say the main point, I’m still waiting for cultivation.

“This classmate said that his ability to dodge is a relatively special skill, called Freedom Extreme Intention.” Sun Wu said.

“Never heard of… It doesn’t matter what the name is. Bik shook his head.

“I haven’t heard it either.” Dandy nodded, brushing the presence.

“That’s what this classmate of mine explained.” Sun Wuyi said with a smile, “For example, if someone attacks Uncle Bik, Uncle Bik will know the location of the attack through his eyes or sensing ability, and then pass it on to the brain, and after the brain responds, let the body attack or dodge accordingly.” ”

“Yes, that’s right.” Bik nodded.

“But my classmate said that if every part of the human body can judge on its own, and dodge all attacks, instead of going through the instructions of the brain and then making corresponding actions, will it go further in speed?” Sun Wulian said.

The essence in Bick’s eyes flickered.

It makes sense.

This will indeed increase the speed to the extreme.

Sometimes the brain reacts, but the body can’t keep up with the rhythm.

“Brother Goku, is this classmate of yours an octopus?” Dandy asked suddenly.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

“Why do you ask? Dandy. Sun Wulian was a little speechless.

“I’ve heard that every antennae of an octopus has a nervous system, and whenever an attack is made on a tentacle, the antennae automatically responds instead of being judged by the brain.” Dandy sighed, “So I said that this classmate of yours should not have evolved from the octopus family, right?” ”

Sun Wulian suddenly felt that what Dandy said made sense.

“Not to mention, there really is such a race on Earth.” Bik nodded slightly.

Bic was the previous god and had a deeper understanding of the races of the earth.

Moreover, according to the memory of the gods, there really was a history of octopuses on earth that evolved into human form.

However, this kind of human survival is relatively small.

By now, it is almost endangered.

The reason is that it is so delicious.

It is said that this human will appear in its original form at night and change back to the appearance of an octopus.

Then, most will be eaten.

The taste is so fragrant.

“So, this classmate of yours may be a survivor of the octopus clan.” Bik smiled.

Sun Wulian was also a little speechless.

Salro’s classmate turned out to be an octopus.

What a strange race.

Biddy Li didn’t know about it, right?

Well, it should not be known.

It’s just a bit of a pity…

Bidelli is so beautiful, will she like an octopus?

Supposedly not.

If only it were night…

The two were dating, such as eating hot pot or something, and then, Sallo’s classmate suddenly turned into an octopus.

Well, can Biddy Li eat it directly…

Sun Wulian wiped his sweat.

This scene is too hot for the eyes.

“Cough cough… That’s not the point…” Sun Wuyi scratched his head.

“Not the point yet? What exactly are you trying to say? Bick narrowed his eyes.

Half a day of talking is not the point.

Dandy and I both gave you the identity of this classmate.

You actually said that this is not the point!

“The point is that this classmate said that he was very self-conscious, so that Goku Tian heard it, and Goku Tian is seriously cultivating these two days…” Sun Goku said the key point with a distressed face, and told Bik about Gotten’s cultivation method.

Both Bik and Dandy were speechless.

Cold sweat slipped down their faces.

Gokuten, you’re too messed up.

How can you still bury your head in the earth to cultivate?

You’re not afraid to choke yourself to death?

“This is indeed a problem!” Bick’s expression also became solemn, “So, I will go home with you, and I will persuade your brother.” ”

“Yes, Uncle Bick!” Sun Wulian nodded excitedly.

Sun Wulian believed that if Uncle Bit came forward, Wutian would definitely obey.

“Yikes! Shout! ”

Sun Wuyi and Bi Ke also stopped talking, and immediately turned into two white flames of light and flew quickly in the direction of Baozi Mountain.

“Huh? What’s going on? Wu Tian’s breath suddenly disappeared. Sun Wulian’s face changed color.

Bick frowned even more.

The breath was completely gone.

There are only two possibilities!

One possibility is that the breath is completely hidden.

Another possibility is death.

“The breath of the Heavenly Beings has never disappeared, and it will remain a little bit.” Sun Wuyi said in a deep voice.

“Goku, don’t worry about it first, maybe Goku is because of a sudden understanding of something, you can reduce your breath to the lowest level.” Bik advised, “If he really had any accidents, he would have exploded with a powerful aura beforehand.” ”

After Sun Wuyan heard Bik’s words, he was slightly relieved.

Yeah, how could Goku suddenly be in danger?

If you really encounter danger, you will immediately erupt into a powerful aura.

“Wrong!” Sun Wulian suddenly thought of something, his face changed again and again, and he said in a deep voice, “Uncle Bik! Have you forgotten? I was knocked unconscious by those two artificial men. If it was made by those two artificial people, they could have killed Goku unconsciously! ”

While saying this, Sun Wuyi’s body shook violently, and he almost turned into a Super Saiyan.

“Goku, don’t be impulsive.” Bik hurriedly advised, “Those two artificial people have no reason to kill people, last time they just knocked you unconscious, they didn’t kill you!” Then there is no reason to hurt your brother this time. ”

Sun Wulian did not speak, and his heart was worried about Wutian.

“In this way, we will look separately and there should be discovery.” Bicker proposed.

“Yes, Uncle Bick!” Sun Wuyi looked solemn.

“As soon as you find out what’s wrong with the situation, immediately raise your breath.” Bic Road.

Sun Wulian gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously.

The next moment, the two began to search for Sun Wutian’s figure in this mountainous area.

An hour passed quickly.

The two found nothing.

“Goten… Did something really go wrong? Sun Wulian’s face became more and more ugly.

It’s been an hour.

Even if Wu Tian could hide his breath, he wouldn’t be able to hide it for such a long time.

He always released his breath a little, even if it was a little gap.

As a result, after an hour, the breath of the Heavenly Enlightenment completely disappeared.

“Damn, how can this be?” Sun Wulian’s tears were about to flow down.

“Goku, don’t worry about it first, even if you take ten thousand steps back, Goku accidentally died… Don’t we still have Dragon Ball? Dragon Ball can resurrect Gokuten. Bik couldn’t bear to see Sun Wuyan so sad.

Sun Wulian’s eyes lit up.

Yeah, we still have Dragon Ball.

Goku never died, but could be resurrected.

The two muttered in the sky.

As everyone knows, at this time, Sun Wutian was lying on a towering tree below him.

Only to see Sun Wutian look calm, closing his eyes and recuperating, as if he had merged with this big tree.


At this time, Sun Wutian suddenly felt his stomach scream.

“Huh? Hungry… It seems that it is noon, it’s time to eat, right? Sun Wutian flew up from the tree.


Sun Wutian flew into the sky.

It turns out that flying is so simple.

Sun Wutian had just taken off into the sky when he suddenly sensed his brother and Uncle Bik appearing in the sky.

“Brother, Uncle Bick.” Sun Wutian waved at the two men.

Sun Goku and Bik are discussing finding the Dragon Ball.

When they saw Sun Wutian appear in the sky, the two people were stunned at that time.

“Is that Goten?” Sun WuXian was stunned, “I remember he can’t fly.” ”

“Strange, why can’t I feel his breath?” Bick’s eyes widened.

“What’s going on?” Sun Wulian also found that something was not quite right at this time.

Goku Heaven has all flown into the sky, can he still block the breath to the level of 0?

At least, I can’t do it.

Because, if you want to fly, you must release a certain amount of qi.

Even if it is only a little, there will be breath coming out.


Sun Wutian sped up from a distance and soon appeared beside Bik and Sun Wutian.

“Uncle Bick, it’s been a long time coming.” Sun Wutian smiled and waved at Bik.

Bik took a deep look at Sun Wutian.

It’s weird.

This state of enlightenment is too strange.

There was not a trace of breath fluctuation on the body.

But how did he get into the sky?

“Gokuten, you’re all right.” Sun Wutian went forward and hugged Sun Wutian.

“Brother… What are you talking about? Sun Wukong’s face was confused.

What can I do?

“Let’s go down and talk.” Bick pointed to a clearing below and flew down first.

Sun Wutian dragged Sun Wutian to follow.

“Is Uncle Bick here for dinner?” Sun Wutian really asked, “Huh? I remember Uncle Bik didn’t seem to eat, just drank water. ”

“Still no breath fluctuations.” Bik did not pay attention to Sun Wutian, but looked at Sun Wutian and said.

“Gokuten, what about your breath?” Why can’t I feel your breath? Sun Wuyi quickly asked, “I thought you were in trouble, and Uncle Bik and I were anxious to find you everywhere.” ”

“My breath?” Sun Wutian scratched his head, “I don’t know what’s going on, my breath seems to have changed somewhat… Well, it should be said that a shift has taken place. ”

“Transformation? What do you mean? Sun Wulian was stunned, and his face was puzzled.

“I don’t know.” Sun WuXian shook his head, “Maybe it’s an evolution.” ”

“Evolved to the point of having no breath?” Sun Wuyan was really speechless.

“Well, no.” Sun Wutian nodded, “It doesn’t matter, I will fly without breath.” ”

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