"Lin Mo!"

Ying, who had just come down from the Jade Pavilion, saw Lin Mo standing by the Liyue Port with a smile on his face. She couldn't help but be delighted, and she didn't care about Paimeng at all, and ran towards Lin Mo.


Lin Mo smiled at Ying, then opened his arms. The girl threw herself into his arms and pressed her head against his face.

"What's wrong?"

"nothing……"Ying's voice trembled slightly,"I miss you a little, so I'm very excited now."

"Idiot." Lin Mo couldn't help but scolded with a smile,"It's not like I will suddenly disappear."


Ying clung to Lin Mo and hugged him tightly.

After experiencing the near-death experience in the Qun Yu Pavilion, she no longer wanted to escape the throbbing in her heart.

"Lin Mo"


"Wait a minute...are you free?"

She and Lin Mo slightly distanced each other, looking at Lin Mo with eyes as gentle as water, as if she had thousands of thoughts to share with him.

"Of course I have time"

"Well, that's a deal. I'll come to your house to find you later."

After getting Lin Mo's response, Ying smiled and buried her head in Lin Mo's chest again.

Then, inadvertently, her tears slowly wet Lin Mo's clothes.

"……Are you scared?"

"……A little bit."

Ying did not deny that she did feel scared when she was dying. It was during that time that she realized her inner self.

"Good girl."

Lin Mo just gently rubbed her head and waited quietly for her to calm down.

She tried very hard and almost died on the Jade Pavilion.

"Did Ningguang say anything?"

"Yes." Ying wiped away her tears and nodded,"After discussion, they said that they would expel all the executive officers in Liyue except you, and start a trade war with Zhidong... and you blocked the waves of Osel at that time, so they chose to treat you as a guest of honor in Liyue."

"Hmm... it's an expected result."

Come to think of it, it's impossible for Tartaglia to keep things quiet after making such a big fuss in Liyue this time. Not to mention that the Seven Stars would not agree, the people of Liyue would not agree either.

So, Zhongli must say goodbye to Tartaglia, this convenient wallet.

"Now, what do you have to do?"


Ying shook her head.

Because she had made great contributions in the fight against Osel, Ningguang made a decision that all her reasonable expenses in Liyue could be sent to Yujingtai and paid for by Tianquanxing.

In other words, Ying was now a person with a wallet.

After learning the result, Paimon was very happy and wanted to take Ying out for a big meal, but Ying...she forgot her friends for the beauty.

"Since you have nothing to do now, why don't you come with me to the Northland Bank?"


Ying didn't care where Lin Mo wanted to go, she just wanted to go with Lin Mo.

The two came to the North Country Bank in Liyue Harbor, pushed the door open, and saw Tartaglia, who was wrapped up like a dumpling.



"No, Stellius, why did you bring her here?"

Tartaglia was stunned. She had just finished a battle and finally saved her life, so why did she bring her here again?

"Don't worry, as long as you're not asking for trouble, she won't have time to beat you up."

Lin Mo smiled and shook his head, then came to the table nearby and sat down with Ying, one on each chair.

"Stellius, what should we do now?"

Dartalia came over

"We haven't got the Heart of the Rock God yet, so we won't be able to report back to the Queen."

"Are you sure, Mr. Last Seat?"

Rosaline, who hadn't been seen for a long time, walked out of the Northland Bank and took a look at Tartaglia, who was wrapped like a zongzi, and shook her head.

"He was beaten so badly.……

"No, what's going on?" Tartaglia was even more confused,"Have you already got the Heart of the Rock God?"


Lin Mo looked meaningfully at the door of Northland Bank

"Hmm...he's here."


The door opened, and Zhongli stepped into the Northland Bank. Tartaglia looked at him with surprise.

"Mr. Zhongli?"

"Let me explain."

Zhongli sighed.

"Actually, before I met you, I had a contract with Miss Rosalin, and releasing Osel this time was also part of the contract."

"Regardless of the final outcome of the contract, I have reached a deal with Rosaline, and the content of the deal is this."

As he spoke, Zhongli took out an item that looked like a chess piece and handed it to Rosaline.

Seeing this, Rosaline smiled and stretched out her hand towards the Heart of the Rock God.

Tartaglia: ???

He glanced at Zhongli, then at Rosaline, and finally set his sights on the Heart of God in the middle.

Tartaglia: Clown.JPGYing, who was watching the show, widened his eyes.

"Wait! Zhongli is the Geo God?!"


Lin Mo made a pot of tea and poured a cup for Ying.

"What do you think? Are you surprised? This old guy who seems to have nothing to do all day and just walks his bird and watches shows, he is the Rock God Morax, right?"


Suddenly I understand

"That’s why Zhongli is like the reincarnation of Lao Deng, knowing so many things. It turns out that he is really Lao Deng!"


But Ying doesn’t really care about this.

She already knows that she will meet Kong again, and she already knows Kong’s whereabouts. After knowing that he is safe,���The Seven Gods... Actually, this is just a by-product.

"However, the Heart of God should be very precious. Zhongli, you gave it away like this. Don't you feel bad?"

Out of curiosity, Ying still asked this question.

Zhongli shook his head.

"Everything in the world has its own price, and everyone's price is different. In this incident with Osel, I saw the possibilities of Liyue's future, so this Heart of God has reached a reasonable price in my mind."


Therefore, according to the contract, this Heart of God was handed over to Zhidong.

"Although I don't know what the Heart of God is, since it belongs to God, it should be very powerful... If he gave it away like this, should I say that he is worthy of being the God of Contract?"

"You can tell Paimon about Zhongli's identity when you go back, but don't tell anyone else. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Morax has already passed away."

Lin Mo reminded

"I see."

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