Back on the mountain, when everyone dispersed, the autumn wind was cold.

Laxus leaned against the tree, wrapped his hands around his chest, and asked with squinting eyes

“Old man, why bring back that little ghost?”

In his eyes, on one side was Miraj, who was covered in scales, and many members of the guild who had returned to the guild for treatment.

On the other side is Li Wei, who is alone with a lot of money, who is completely out of place!

Two steps up, the diminutive Makarov, with his hands behind his back.

His cloudy eyes looked seriously at Levi:

“This child has an exceptionally powerful potential, and if you let it go, you may be attracted to the Dark Guild!”

It was because he saw the potential that Levi possessed that he would bring it back to the guild.

As long as it is properly guided, Li Wei can definitely become a powerful force in the guardian guild.

Makarov is so convinced!

“Is it?”

Skimming his lips, Laxus grabbed his arms with ten fingers, and a wave of resentment rose in his heart.

In the eyes of others, he Laxus is Makarov’s grandson.

And his own grandfather valued an outsider so much!

It really made him feel bad.


Time flies, and the years fly by.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

During this time, the Magical Council’s complaints against the Goblin’s Tail Guild nearly tripled!

80% of them are for Levi!

In the guild, Makarov sat at the bar.

He slammed his fist on the table and gritted his teeth:

“Damn Levy, find me out there all day!”

Next to that hand, there was a thick pile of complaint documents, higher than his fist!

And that’s just a week’s worth of volume!

Originally, I thought that Li Wei could become a big help to the guild.

As a result, that little ghost with no emotional intelligence will do things better than Mirage!

Makarov was also counting on Levi to be the pillar of the guild.

But it turns out: he thought too much!

“Hahaha! If you knew that, why did you bring him back when you were the president? ”

Laughing, Kirdas, who was sitting in front of the bar, drank ‘tons and tons’.

He learned three months ago that there was a new pervert in the guild.

At that time, Kildas also had a fight with Levy.

The battle situation was enough to level a radius of more than ten kilometers!

Although Levi ultimately regretted it.

But Kildas knew.

Sooner or later, that boy will surpass himself!

For Levi, he has high expectations!

“That is to say, the responsibility of bringing Levi back is on you, the president!”

“If you’re in trouble, kick him out of the guild.”

“Makes sense!”

The rest of the guild roared.

“Absolutely not!!”

With a sudden sigh, Mirage gritted his teeth and said in a deep threatening voice

“I must not let go of that bastard until I slaughter him!” You know! ”

As she spoke, she stepped on the bench with one foot, her fists clenched, resting on the black silk knees, staring at the two men who had proposed with black lines.

In the past six months, Mirage has challenged Levi 13 times.

On average, twice a month, but with a total record!

Isn’t 13 times a year a little less?

No way, every time Levi her for days and couldn’t get out of bed!

Always embarrassed to bully the disabled, right?

Although the sacrifice of emotional intelligence, Levi is not so mournful….

“Knowing that, we just casually said, Mira sauce, don’t be angry…”

The two men waved their hands to comfort Mirage.

Although the people in the guild were all upset with Levi.

But it was impossible to throw him out of the guild with all his heart.

After all, the boy hadn’t done anything that was infuriating to the people.

The goblin’s tail is not yet that small!

At this time, the more he thought about it, the angrier Makarov became, his face full of anger, and he snorted coldly:

“Hmm, if that stinky boy comes back, I’m definitely going to scold him for being a bloody dog!”

In this regard, all the members of the guild raised their hands in agreement!

Although it will not drive Levi out of the guild.

But criticize education for him….

The crowd can only say:

Grow up, please be sure to increase your efforts!


Suddenly, the door was kicked open.

As everyone watched, Li Wei’s young figure appeared at the door.

“Yo, I’m back!”

Li Wei, who was shouldering a large bag of luggage, waved at the crowd.

Speak of the devil!

In the guild lobby, it suddenly boiled over.

“Oh! Levi, your boy is finally back! ”

“It’s true that every time I go out, I have to do something earth-shattering!”

“Is the S-class mission completed?” Not good to do, right? Ha ha. ”


Everyone greeted Levi.

In the past six months, he has also integrated into the atmosphere of the guild.

Although the emotional intelligence is not enough, in other places, this arrogant little ghost is quite reliable.

The guild even let him go out twice to rescue his companions, all in the same day!

It was also because of this that the crowd changed their minds about Li Wei.

“Well, S-class missions aren’t too difficult.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Wei looked calm.

He had no parents in both lives.

Although at first I looked down on this guild.

But for the Demon Tail Guild with a hint of family-like warmth.

Li Wei still has a lost attachment.

“I don’t know what kind of monster you’ll become if you grow up a few more years.”

One shook his head and sighed.

You know, Li Wei joined the guild for three months, and began to take on S-class tasks!

And he’s only eight years old!

As long as they grow up as scheduled and do not die prematurely, the Holy Ten Demon Guides must have a seat for Li Wei!

Even above the Holy Ten, it is not impossible!

However, suddenly one person sighed and sang down:

“Alas, no matter how he grows up, he will be very unlucky next!”

Li Wei frowned: “What do you mean?” ”

At this moment, a bunch of fist-thick complaint documents smashed in the face!


PS: A flower is also love, every day to punch the card without dog belt, ask for flowers to ask for data ~~

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