The northern continent, here is the perennial world of ice and snow.

The Kingdom of Prague, a huge town, is no longer as prosperous as it once was.

The townspeople fled to the snowy cliffs in the distance.

In despair, they watched as their homes turned into a sea of fire and hugged and wept bitterly.

In the ruins of the town, the dirty young Gray struggled to hold up.

Looking around, he pushed the shoulder of a white-haired teenager below and shouted:

“Hey! Leo, wake up, Leo! ”

But the unconscious Leo did not move at all.

Gray took a pulse, and thankfully, this guy is still alive….

He looked up at the sea of fire in the distance.

A huge monster wearing a steel helmet and wrapped in large chains stood majestically.

It is waddling and crawling, destroying everywhere, roaring loudly, and venting endless malice!

That is Deliola who killed his own parents, countless undead demons under his claws…

In front of it, without even a face, he was thrown by a tail for more than ten meters!

What have you learned over the past year!?

Biting his lower lip, Gray’s eyes burst into tears that quickly filled his eyes.

However, however…

The short-haired woman who taught herself ice magic.

But he was fighting with the demon desperately.

And she’s still on the edge!

Why, didn’t you kick me out of the division?

Obviously, you can’t beat it, so why don’t you run away? Ulu!

“Ice Shape Rose Garden!!”

With a squeal, Wu Lu’s right fist struck his left palm, and a gorgeous ice blue light bloomed.

From under her feet, circle after circle of dazzling magic rose up.

In an instant, within a mile radius, the temperature plummeted.

Around the ruins of the building, crawling with countless thorns.

Massive blue and white ice roses bloom!

The spell was within reach, and Deliola was frozen!

“Whew, huh, damn, it’s really nerve-wracking, I didn’t expect this demon to be so strong…”

Breathing heavily, Ulu bit his lip wearily.

Her magic is less than 1/3.

Deliola was only temporarily controlled.

I can’t kill this undead demon myself!

What to do, without killing Deliola will not dispel the darkness in Gray’s heart.

Can it only be sealed with “absolute ice”?

Honestly, Ulu didn’t want to use that forbidden art of sacrificing life.

After all, his two apprentices were still young, and there was still a lot of truth that had not been taught to them.

If he left so irresponsibly, how could he be considered competent as a master?

Click, click, click, click——!

Suddenly, the ice crystal rose on Deliola quickly bloomed countless cracks and shattered!

At the same time, the demon’s blood basin was wide open.

From it, an incomparably hot flame ray was condensed and spat out with force!

His pupils shrank suddenly, and Ulu’s eyes reflected the demonic breath coming at high speed.

I wanted to dodge, but my tired body didn’t listen to it.

And the breathing range is too large, even if you barely dodge, you will lose a leg…

That moment was too short for Ulu’s brain to react.

All she remembered was that the fiery breath had drowned her.

In a trance, the scenery in front of you becomes a sea of fire from above.

At least hundreds of meters high!

The wind was blowing all around, and her jacket was hunting.

A childish greeting sounded:

“Hey, auntie, are you all right?”

At this time, Wu Lu was a little shocked to see the person who saved him.


No, no, it’s just that the faces are two or three points alike!

The young man in front of him had a much stronger face than Gray’s, and that was the masculinity brought about by years of cultivation.

Moreover, the young man’s pupils were brilliant golden, like the pupils of the king of the Dragon Clan!

Wu Lu really did not expect that he would be saved by a seven- or eight-year-old boy.

So just now I subconsciously thought that the other party was my own disciple, Gray.

Because they are both brunettes….

It’s just that this saving posture is really a bit embarrassing.

Levi carried Ulu’s jacket collar like a chicken…

It feels like the other person is the adult, and he is the rescued child!

Of course, that’s it, the problem is…

“What do you mean by calling me aunty!?”

Ulu asked angrily.

Eating your rice?

Or did you use your washbasin?

Call me a sister will die!?

The old woman didn’t even have 30 OK this year?

“When is it, and are you still struggling with the question of salutation?”

Li Wei looked disgusted and squinted his eyes at her.

Thanks to the fact that this woman is still a magician, she actually has the heart to complain when fighting?

“Oh, okay, you help me take those two disciples away, and I’ll deal with this monster!”

Picking up the back of his head, Ulu bit the corner of his lip and brushed his lips.

As a dying person, he will not see it like a child.

Although saved by Li Wei, Ulu does not think that the other side has the strength to fight.

After all, his age is too young!

And the kung fu of these few words, the two have fallen hundreds of meters.

However, there were still more than ten meters left before he landed, and Li Wei directly threw Wu Lu out and scolded:

“Get out! Your apprentice takes care of himself, this demon is my prey, you don’t even want to touch it! ”

He traveled thousands of miles to find a replacement sandbag for Kildas.

How could this woman be allowed to get to the top of the board!?

“Hey! Don’t you be impulsive, okay? ”

Damn, kids now, are they all so frizzy?

With a look of anxiety on his face, Ulu creates an ice slide to land.

He was about to rush up to stop Li Wei, but when he looked up, he saw a scene that he would never forget.

A young teenager threw a punch in the air and smashed it into the chest of a giant monster.

Like a warrior slaying a dragon with a sword.

The size of both sides is not proportional at all.

But Deliola was beaten by Li Wei’s dragon fist and flew hundreds of meters!

Then he flashed up, an upside-down gold hook, and kicked hard at Deliola at the waist.

“Get me out of town first!”

Li Wei scolded.

It’s like a soccer ball shot.

Deliola was kicked out a dozen kilometers away!


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets!!

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