The towns of Prague are lit up with fire.

Wu Lu looked at the triumphant Li Wei with a look of disbelief.

The other party’s clothes, already torn by the battle, revealed a strong muscular body, eight-pack abs.

There were also some more wounds on the body, but it was an external wound after all.

Levi dragged Deliola to his horns, drawing a long and wide dirt road along the way.

The demon’s chest had been pierced.

The wound had burn marks, like Ace who had been pierced through the chest by a red dog.

That is proof of being pierced by the high temperature of a “meteorite”.

Although it still exudes an air of terror, it has no breath of life!

This boy really beat Daleola!

That super demon that can destroy a city-state in a day!

“Impossible! Ulu, did you hit almost as hard as he ran out and grabbed people’s heads? ”

Leo in disbelief, questioned loudly.

He absolutely did not admit that this little ghost who was about the same age as himself could single-handedly pick on Deliola!

Nearby, Gray, who witnessed the whole process, explained:

“Leo, it’s true, when Ulu and Deliola were fighting just now, they had always been at a disadvantage, and later they were saved by this person!”

Leo was knocked unconscious at the start.

Without witnessing the course of the battle, it is also natural to not be able to believe it.

Although Gray couldn’t believe it!

Sighing, Ulu crossed his waist with one hand and nodded helplessly:

“As Gray said, I was indeed saved by him.”

Although it was unbelievable, she chose to accept the reality.

The important thing is that Deliola has been killed and he doesn’t have to fight anymore.

But where did this kid come from?

Why is it so perverted?

In confusion, Wu Lu glanced at Li Wei, looking for evidence of the other party’s origins.

Suddenly, she saw a fiery red demon tail coat of arms printed on Li Wei’s right shoulder!

With a look of shock on his face, Ulu asked

“Hey, aren’t you from the guild of Kildas?”

Hearing this, Li Wei’s sword frowned slightly, and he looked at the past:

“Do you know Kildas?”

The two were also extremely surprised.

“Ulu, are you an acquaintance with them?”

Leo asked in surprise.

Seeing Li Wei admit it, Ulu was relieved, and sure enough!

She shook her head and smiled slightly

“Acquaintances are not counted.”

Having lost her daughter, she wandered around the north to save others.

While rescuing three children from a monster, he meets Kildas.

I thought the monster had been subdued, but it suddenly flew away.

At that time, Kildas only used one blow to defeat the raging monster!

After that, I told him my name to each other and parted ways.

If Levi was a guild member with Kildas.

It is not surprising that he has the strength to defeat Deliola.

“Now, aren’t you the son of Kildas?”

Zhu Li picked up a gentle chuckle, and Ulu guessed.

However, Levi showed a wordless expression and waved his hand:

“No, no, aunt, I don’t look like a person with parents, do I?”

When did Kildas become his old man?

This is absolutely intolerable, this must be debunked!

His title of ‘great aunt’.

Let the corners of Ulu’s eyes twitch constantly, gritting his teeth.

Indeed, this boy exudes an air of ‘orphan’ all over his body.

If you can have a two-piece set of parents, there will be a ghost!

However, Leo still said with a stubborn face:

“I still can’t believe it, Ulu, if you fight with him, you’re definitely better than him, right?”

Wu Lu is his belief, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first in the world of masters and craftsmen.

Now I know that someone can be more powerful than Ulu.

And it’s a little ghost!

This undoubtedly caused some of Leo’s faith to collapse.

After all, the master is a woman that only I can surpass!

“Whew, Leo, you spare me, I don’t want to fight again today.”

Breathing lightly, Ulu revealed a tired expression and pushed away.

After playing with Deliola for so long, she was already physically and mentally exhausted.

Moreover, Li Wei has also suffered some injuries, and his state is estimated to have declined a lot.

Won the battle, I have no glory.

Lost the fight….

Isn’t that even more humiliating!?

“If that’s the case, it’s up to me to challenge you!” Do you accept it? ”

When the master did not get out of the horse, Leo came up on his own and declared war with a determined face.

With a slight frown, Levi loosened the horns of Deliola.

He hooked his index finger at the white-haired boy and signaled that he could start fighting at any time.

After all, there are not many people who have taken the initiative to ask for beatings this year.

Since Leo was so badly beaten, he had to satisfy him!

“Yo sis, then you have to be careful!”

As a reminder, Leo crossed his hands directly.

As long as you can win the battle against the boy in front of you.

Then in terms of strength, that is:

> Levi > Deliola > Ulu!

That is, it is equivalent to transcending Ulu, the perfect logic chain!

So, Leo starts with the strongest magic: Iced-Shell (Absolutely Frozen)!

In an instant, round after round of gorgeous ice crystal magic arrays bloomed under his feet.

A large number of ice magic elements began to condense around, and a terrifying forbidden spell brewed and formed.

Targeted by that forbidden spell, Li Wei couldn’t help but frown.

Because from that magic, he smelled a hint of danger!

That’s a more dangerous feeling than Deliola!

The boy in front of him, who looked unremarkable, actually knew such powerful magic?

Originally slightly relaxed, he immediately raised his guard and began to think about countermeasures.

However, it was not yet possible for Levi to come up with a countermeasure.

With a click, Ulu froze Leo into an ice sculpture with his backhand.

Then he smashed it with one punch, grabbed him by the collar, and angrily rebuked:

“Eight Gags! Where did you learn this trick from!? ”

Stared at by Ulu’s eyes as if he were going to eat people, Leo’s eyes wandered up weakly, weakly:

“You have been unwilling to teach me powerful magic, so I peeked at the magic books in the library myself…”

Ulu angrily rebuked, “Didn’t you see the end!” This move is carried out at the cost of life!! ”

Hearing this, Leo looked stunned:

“Uh, wouldn’t you? You didn’t lie to me? ”

How could it be, if he had just launched it himself, wouldn’t he have been unable to surpass Ulu in this lifetime?

“Lie to you that I can be ten years younger!” Go back and copy that book a hundred times for me!” ”

With a roar, Ulu punched Leo the head and puffed up a large red bag.

Fortunately, I found it myself, otherwise this stupid fool whose brain entered the water would one day pit himself to death!


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets!

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