The sun is shining, and the vast blue sea is shining.

A small magic yacht, riding the wind and waves, speeding at high speed.

In the yacht’s driver’s seat, one right hand swings the steering wheel.

The wrist is tied with a magic pumping chain, which continuously delivers magic to the power furnace.

“Ha ha——!”

Levi, leaning back, held his chin with his left hand, his eyelids shrugged, and he yawned.

The immutable scenery is always tiresome.

He had been driving on the surface of the sea for three hours.

A year has passed, and Li Wei’s face has faded a little childish, and there is a touch of fortitude and handsomeness.

Those flowing golden pupils remained unchanged.

It’s just a lot deeper, and some kind of unknown is brewing.

The black bangs of the middle part are still hanging on the cheeks, fluttering in the wind.

But the hair on the back was already up to the shoulders, so it had to be tied into a single ponytail.

It’s not that Levi doesn’t want to cut, it’s that the cut keeps!

As the strength of the body becomes stronger.

Even if it is just a hair, it has extremely strong toughness and defense!

Forced cutting is also possible, but it is too time-consuming and it is better to tie it up.

As for the growth rate of nails, it has become much slower.

And in high-intensity combat, there will be a trace of wear, but don’t worry too much.

“Damn, those assholes in the council are really going to make people call.”

Li Wei, who was extremely bored, complained to himself.

In order to improve his strength faster, he has been looking for various strong enemies to fight this year.

It is also because of this that he never suppressed his own power and caused a lot of destruction.

So the councillors put pressure on Makarov.

Let yourself help them get a Dark Sorcerer’s Guild.

It is said that this guild began its activities a year ago.

The aim is to build a magic tower that can resurrect the dead.

Such inhumanity is naturally not tolerated by the hypocrites of the Council.

So they threw the dirty work of destroying this dark guild to themselves.

Killing people with a knife is really a good calculation!

“It seems that we still have to find an opportunity to tear down the council.”

Li Wei was furious and itched his teeth and planned.

Wait until your strength is strong enough, direct long-range sniping.

Across the whole continent, throw one mountain after another and disguise it as a meteorite.

Then you will never find yourself in the head!

Before long, a mechanical obelisk gradually rose at sea level.

This is a sign that the two are gradually approaching.

Li Wei’s boring eyes finally floated with a hint of interest.

Tower of Paradise? I hope it doesn’t disappoint me.

With the strength of the more powerful.

Levi was already uninterested in many of his weak enemies.

After all, the abuse of vegetables is really not interesting!

Except, of course, for the abuse of Mirage….


Meanwhile, inside the Tower of Paradise.

Deep in the prison where countless slave laborers were held.

A red-haired juvenile Elusa with two small hands on her thighs.

She very obediently knelt before an old man and asked doubtfully

“Magic? Grandpa Rob, what is magic? ”

Opposite her, the old man with the white sideburns raised an index finger and patiently explained:

“In fact, all magic is triggered by the ‘heart’ of belief.

Divination, belief, and wish-making are all types of magic, for example.

It is a miracle that can only be felt by believing and triggering! ”

Listening to Rob’s depiction, Alyssa had a series of fantastic pictures in her mind, and her face was full of fascination:

“Miracle? Magic is such an amazing thing. ”

She grabbed the broom next to her and jumped and laughed

“I will also become a magician in the future, and then soar freely in the sky on a broom!”

Looking at the innocent smile of the little girl, Rob nodded in relief:

“It can certainly be done, as long as you are so convinced.”

Encouraged, Elusa, her thin lips flicked, the corners of her mouth evoked a pure smile:

“When the time comes, I’ll take Grandpa with you to fly!”

Rob’s eyes bent into crescents, and he smiled kindly:

“Oh, good!”

Suddenly, an incomprehensible scolding sounded:

“Okay, the dream of flying heaven ends here, now give me a job out!”

The squad leader of the Dark Guild pushed open the door and clapped his hands to call on the slaves.

One laborer after another stood up wearily, lined up, and walked outside with desperate eyes.

When it was Elusa’s turn to walk out of the prison, the squad leader at the door stopped her.

His big, gloved hands tugged at Elusa’s long dark hair.

Leaning down in front of her, he said in a deep threatening voice:

“If you even see the sun tomorrow, you will have fewer magical dreams.”

Your value is to give your life to build this Tower of Paradise, understand? ”

With a hint of fear on her face, Alyssa bit her lower lip and nodded weakly.

“Just know, get to work!”

With that, the squad leader directly patted Elusa’s little head and urged.

Soon, Elusa followed the group, her nose twitching twice, her eyes sour.

The mind of a child is so fragile.

Even a fierce look can make them cry.

At this moment, a large rough hand rubbed her little head, and Rob whispered comfortingly:

“Ignore that kind of guy, believe that someone will definitely come to our rescue!”

Qing Ling’s eyes lifted, and Alyssa pursed her thin lips and nodded seriously:

“Well, I see, Grandpa Rob!”

You must believe that someone will save you.

Only by believing can you trigger magic and cause miracles!

Subsequently, the people were driven to the construction site to work.

On the high overseer’s platform, the squad leader holds a long whip and wraps his hands around his chest.

He looked down at Alyssa, who was working hard in the crowd, and quipped:

“Well, this little devil’s face is really good, and I really want to turn her around.”

Nearby, the vice captain shrugged his shoulders:

“Raise it for two more years, it’s not cool to play so small, right?”

The squad leader nodded seriously:

“That said, tomorrow transfer her to do the chores, it’s not fun to thin her into a bamboo pole.”

“Hahaha, well, I’ll arrange it!”

Laughing twice, the vice captain turned and left.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance, and the flames soared into the sky!

“Hey, what’s going on!?”

The vice-captain scolds downwards.

A member of the Dark Guild looked up and shouted back:

“There was an accident at the port, and it seems that the lackeys of the regular guild have killed them!”


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