A moment later, Levi returned to Duel Valley.

Selene, who had been waiting for a long time, ticked his right hand at him and proudly said:

“Well, let you shoot first, lest people say that I bully the little devil!”


In an instant, Li Wei took a hundred meters.

Unceremoniously punch Selene in the face!

The latter was caught off guard, his face sunken in, his eyes bulging, and he flew out like a cannonball.




Three mountains in a row toppled, booming and collapsing, and the dust filled the sky!

On the rooftop, the crowd was stunned.

“Oh, such a powerful destructive force, it is really a terrible afterlife.”

The gentleman of the Holy Ten, Hayberian shook the milk in the cup, and a touch of interest floated on his face.

“Hmm, what’s the use of simply being destructive, magicians aren’t just built for destruction!”

Beside him, as short as Makarov’s, Saint Ten, Ulfheim hummed coldly behind his folded hands.

“But when it comes to destructive power, the destructive power of the god Selene is stronger than this.”

Volod sighed.

Crawford echoed this

“Yeah, he’s almost starting to fight back, right?”

As soon as the words fell, the land where Li Wei was located rumbled and collapsed madly!

The earth cracked, and countless stone edges sprung up like mushrooms, devouring him like crazy!

At the source of the earthquake, the black and white eyes of Selene’s pupils were exchanged.

He clapped his palms on the ground, the wounded face was vicious, gritted his teeth and shouted:

“Boy, taste the price of angering God!” The Earth Collapse of the Cave Dragon!!! ”



In an instant, countless blade rocks drowned Li Wei.

A sinkhole with a radius of several kilometers is formed!

Subsequently, Selene was still not satisfied, and his left hand condensed countless dragons, arrogantly drinking:

“The hot hell of the Purgatory Dragon!”


With one punch, the entire sinkhole turned into a volcanic furnace.

The high temperature of the flame, the solid rock, quickly heated to a temperature large enough to melt, a golden scorching heat!

“Neptune’s water array!!”

Immediately afterward, Selene let out another loud cry, and his right fist grabbed a huge sea tornado and smashed it violently!

When water and fire intertwine, the sea of fire is not extinguished.

Instead, countless streams of water are heated into steam and turned into a high-temperature steamer!

A living person can be scalded in an instant when contaminated!

Then, Selene stretched out his palms to the sides.

His arms rolled up countless winds, closed into the sky, and slammed down:

“The sky of the Storm Dragon falls!!!”

An unparalleled giant storm falling from the vast sky.

Stir up water, fire, earth, and gas to pieces!

Finally, Selene stood at the edge of the sinkhole and raised his right hand.

Countless golden lightning bolts burst from his hands, and he raised his chin and smiled:

“Then, at the end is the farewell, the worship of God… No, it’s dead! Hahahahaha…”

Look at the gravel rubble, the clothes are torn apart, and the body of the child is not in human form.

Selene scattered the thunder from his hand, wiped the blood from the bridge of his nose with his thumb, laughed and turned away.

On the roof here, Volod stomped on his crutches and gritted his teeth

“That Selene guy, he’s gone a little too far!”

In any case, the other party is just a child.

As a result, the guy directly came out with the four dragon slaying magic!

This is clearly to put Levi to death!

“If the two sides sign a life and death petition, they can’t complain.”

Ulfheim turned coldly and strode away.

The victory and defeat were divided, and Ulfheim was not in the mood to watch someone collect the body of a child.

“It can only be said that he was unlucky, and he died before he grew strong enough.”

Closing his eyes and shaking his head, Hayberian also turned away.

The genius who died prematurely, he saw a lot.

All of them are too arrogant and proud, and they have ruined themselves!

On the rooftop, nearly a thousand onlookers began to disperse.

“Ma sauce, Li Wei he…”

Rob couldn’t help but look at Makarov.

He was a little worried that the other person’s emotions were out of control.

After all, this was a member of his own guild who died on the spot!

Although usually these two people are not pleasing to each other.

But Makarov treats every member of the guild as if they were family!

“Don’t worry, it’s the right thing to do.”

With his hands folded to his chest, Makarov looked up at the crystal ball with a calm face.

If Levi really did that.

Then he won’t lose to this stinky boy!

Sure enough, when Rob turned his head to look.

On the steam-filled sinkhole, a young humanoid black shadow floated.

With a slight frown, Selene stopped and turned his head to look back.

I saw that Li Wei was covered in rags.

Flames and currents of water, steam, and wind blades left countless marks on his body.

But it has no charred and blanched skin and flesh at all.

Instead, it was like a suit of war on his body, highlighting his strong figure!

“Oh, still alive?”

With his hands around his chest, Selene proudly raised his chin and laughed.

Although it was a bit of a surprise to the other side’s defensive power, Li Wei’s embarrassment was unmistakable!

If you can beat him once, you can beat him a second time!

So Selene was very proud.

“Yeah, let you down.”

Speaking indifferently, Li Wei’s right hand reached to the back of his head.

Gently pluck your index finger to break the charred knot.

A black hair fluttered in the wind, he said lightly:

“I didn’t take it seriously just now, I treated you as an opponent like the old man, I’m sorry, I’ll pay attention to it next.”

At the end of the conversation, Levi looked up.

A pair of golden pupils reflected the figure of Selene.

An invisible karmic fire began to wrap the other party in a heavy way!

“Oh, seriously? Then I’d like to see what it’s like for you to be serious! Come!! ”

With a sneer, Selene lowered his hands and shouted arrogantly.

The more the prey struggles, the more excited he is to kill the other party!


Suddenly, a sharp pain crawled from his abdomen all over his body.

Selene was punched and flew through seven mountains in a row!

And there, the flashing Levi had been waiting for a long time.

He put one hand on Selene’s shoulder and stopped it.

Then kick each other to a height of thousands of meters!

Selene was too late to react.

Li Wei let out another snort, flashed above him, and slammed a hook fist into his chest!


Selene fell like a sandbag, at high speed.

And in the sky, Li Wei squeezed his left fist and smashed it hard!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

Serious punch Wind God’s rage, ten consecutive shots!

In an instant, countless gyro tornadoes crashed down.

Swallow up all the peaks of the mountains within a radius of tens of kilometers, including Selene!

The hurricane even blew a hundred kilometers away, on the roof of the House of Magic.

The people who had been preparing to leave turned back.

Heyberien was stunned:

“This, this terrible power, how did the child master it?”

Wolod was also shocked:

“How is it possible, such a huge wind power, even Selene can not do it!”

Crawford’s eyes widened equally:

“Is there a Dragon King-level Wind Elemental Dragon Crystal in his body!?”

Ulfheim exclaimed:

“Makarov, give us an explanation!”

Makarov, however, was very domineering:

“There is no explanation, this is Li Wei’s true strength, you fight, isn’t this also the same posture?”

The battle between the Ten Great Demon Guides has always been a collapse of heaven and earth!


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets….

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