Demon Tail Guild.

The crowd was in full swing to clean up.

With the deepening of communication.

The members of the guild also gradually learned about Naz’s life.

“You said you were raised by dragons?”

The sweeping Elusa asked doubtfully.

Naz nodded repeatedly:

“Yes, Iguniru is a dragon of fire, as huge as a hill, able to spit out dragons and soar into the sky!”

He compares himself to the crowd.

It’s just that the teenager’s movements are very clumsy and childish.

Let Miraj, who was leaning on the pillar, couldn’t help but cover his mouth and chuckle:

“Flutter——, really fake?”

The girl’s eyes were smiling, and her eyes were full of doubt.

Naz was in a hurry:

“Of course it’s true! Then why don’t you stand aside and not clean! Aren’t you a member of the guild? ”

“I didn’t break it, and I just finished my nails, so don’t get oily!”

Mirage raised her chin proudly.

Looking down at the beautiful nails on his right hand, he was dismissive.

Hearing this, Naz turned around, crossed his hands at his waist, and looked disdainful:

“Hey, women are in trouble!”

Mirage immediately turned his face and became furious:

“What do you say!?”

She found out that this stinky boy had a virtue with Levi!

At this time, Makao suddenly said:

“Speaking of Naz, the Dragon Clan was extinct four hundred years ago, does it really still exist?”

“Yeah, could it be your delusion?”

“I’ve grown so old, I’ve never heard of dragons in the world.”


The crowd was skeptical.

Gritting his teeth, Naz clenched his fists in his chest and shouted at the crowd

“Of course it’s true! Iguniru is a real dragon! ”

Makao waved his hand and laughed

“Well, we’re not laughing at you, it’s just a little unbelievable.”

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you!”

Igunirus taught me the magic of the Fire Dragon!

Give me a good look at it…”

With that, Naz slammed his fists together and a brilliant array of flame magic was generated.

He made a fire-blowing gesture with both hands and shouted:

“Fire Dragon’s – roar!!”

The crowd was horrified:

“Hey! Is this new kid a fool too! ”

“Stop him!”

“It’s too late, lie down!”

From Naz’s mouth, the giant dragon blurted out.

Where the hot flames passed, the guild members fell down in fear.

And at the end of the path.

It’s the table where Levi and Rebby are!

Suddenly, a member of the lying down suddenly startled:

“Not bad! Come and stop the flames! ”

“Stop him, or the country will be destroyed!”

“Uh, like, no…”

Jeter, who was about to rush up to block the gun for Reby, stopped the pace of a 100-meter sprint.

Only to see Li Wei raise his left hand lightly.

Countless darkness spread from the palm of his hand.

Devour all the roaring flames.

In the end, it disappears into the invisible!

Naz couldn’t help but be stunned:

“My flames… Devoured? ”

At this time, more than a dozen Demon Tail members were immediately gathered around, staring at Naz with a worried face.

Elusa, the leader, holding a long sword, coldly threatened:

“Naz, do you know what kind of punishment a bear child who makes a big fuss at home will be punished?”

Her eyes were full of black lines, and she stared condescendingly at Naz.

“Give me a good memory!” That person is a being that must not be provoked! ”

Maka’o leaned down, glared at Naz fiercely, and sternly resigned the order.

“If he is angry, the whole continent will be dark, understand?”

Wakaba, who was biting his pipe, reprimanded him with great seriousness.

Naz, surrounded in a corner, weak, pitiful, and helpless, nodded his head

“I, I see…”

He was horrified.

It’s horrible….

Obviously, everyone was such a kind person just now.

How did it suddenly become so terrifying?

Suddenly, a shouting voice came:

“Hey, little devil over there, is the Iguniru you speak of really a dragon?”

The crowd turned sideways, and Naz looked up, looking through the gap in the crowd.

The dark-haired boy who had just devoured his own flames.

He was holding his cheek with one hand, and a pair of golden pupils cast a slightly interested look.

Naz pursed his lips, a little depressed.

You’re not much older than me, are you? Who is the little devil!

But he still went out of his way to admit it:

“Of course it’s true!”

“Really? So where is it now? ”

Upon hearing this, a touch of sadness rose on Naz’s childish face:

“Gone… On July 7, 777, Iguniru disappeared silently, and I searched for him for a long time, but I did not find him…”

At the end of the conversation, he bowed his head and bit his lower lip, a look of loss on his face.

Seeing that Naz looked depressed, Kana turned her head and glanced at Levi and asked

“Why are you asking so much?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Levi said boredly:

“Of course I’m looking for that dragon!”

If only the Dragon Clan, which had disappeared four hundred years ago, were still alive.

Then how could he go and do one!

Here, Naz suddenly looked up in surprise:

“Really!? Would you like to help me find Iguniru? ”

Levi nodded:

“Yeah, so if you have any information, share it!”

“Thank you! You are such a nice person! ”

Levi: “…”

【Ding! You get a “Good Guy Card” from Naz! 】


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets….

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