When the list is announced.

Naturally, some people are happy and some people are sad.

“Are there only seven candidates this time?”

“Ah, the exam quota is not my share!”

“The proportion of girls is so high! Only two boys were shortlisted! ”

Leo wrapped his hands around his chest, lowered his head and closed his eyes slightly, and sighed with a look of disappointment


“Alas, this class of boys is not very good!”

Here, a squad of three Rabby.

“How come! Aren’t there any of us? ”

Jeter bit his lower lip.

“Obviously I have completed the task so desperately!”

Troy clasped his hands around his head and looked distressed.

“Well, there’s no way around it, let’s work together again next year!”

Sakura’s lips curled up in a helpless arc, and Rebbe folded her hands behind her, smiling and encouraging the two.

It is like the early spring sun, incomparably warm and refreshing.

Jeter and Troy, muttering in fascination:

“Rebbe… You are such an angel! ”

Shouting, the two of them pounced on it with tears in their eyes.

However, the petite Rebbe, who was a mistake, dodged it.

Then she came to Kana and encouraged:

“Congratulations, Kana, you’ve been selected for the S-level exam list!”

Kana, who looked down at the gods, only then woke up:

“Uh, huh, thank you…”

Absent-mindedly raised a shallow smile.

She bowed her head and shook her fist, making up her mind:

After a year of hard work, finally, I finally qualified for the exam!

As long as you can advance to become an S-level magician.

I will be able to confess the truth to him!

However, behind the excitement, there is also a deep wandering.

Kana looked at Elusa and Mirage, the two strongest female magicians with demon tails.

I can’t help but worry about my abilities.

And the fear of failing an exam!

You know, even as strong as Elusa and Mirage.

In last year’s S-Class Sorcerer Exam.

Still lost both of them!

And with their own strength, can they pass the customs?

Kana felt that she had to go to divination once…

Here, Alyssa’s right hand squeezed the armor glove hard, firmly across the waist.

This year’s qualification has also been successfully obtained.

This time, we must not make the same mistakes as last year!

As long as you can pass the exam, you can become an S-class magician like him!

And it’s the Demon Tail Guild, the youngest S-class female magician!

Not far away, Elfman, dressed in a suit.

Slowly lower the suitcase you are carrying.

Then, he smiled shyly:

“Sister, congratulations, you have obtained the S-class magician exam again!”

Hearing this, Mirage, who had his hands wrapped around his plump breasts, couldn’t help but sneer coldly:

“Ahem! It’s just a qualification, and when I officially become an S-Class Sorcerer, it’s not too late for you to congratulate me! ”

As she spoke, she squinted her eyes at Alyssa next door.

It was her fateful enemy!

Feeling something, Alyssa also looked over.

Looking at the young man, the corners of her mouth picked up a confident smile and put down the bold words:

“I will definitely win this S-class magician!”

Mirage couldn’t help but sneer and refute it:

“Huh! That’s my line, and it’s going to beat you to the punch! ”

The corners of her mouth smacked with mockery, and she proudly raised her white jade chin.

“Then see the difference on the battlefield!”


The two stared at each other-for-tat.

The smell of gunpowder in the air is getting stronger and stronger, and it is a little bit.

The surrounding bystanders retreated more than ten meters, leaving a large vacuum area …

At this time, there was a sudden loud cry from the crowd:

“Why, Grandpa! Why not my name! ”

Naz clenched his fists and took a big stride forward, his fangs sharp.

Nearby, Gray slapped his backhand and slammed his head down, sounding for himself:

“Naz this idiot is also counted, Leo has been selected, why didn’t I make it!”

Naz grabbed Gray’s wrist and raised his head in anger:

“What are you talking about this stripper pervert!?”

Gray pushed his chest away and scolded:

“Roll the calves first, I don’t have time to argue with you now!”


Suddenly, two stacks of five fist-thick complaint letters slammed into each other.

The two were caught off guard and were directly smashed to the ground, unconscious, with countless stars around their heads.

At the bar, Makarov angrily rebuked:

“You two are kind enough to say!

The most received complaint letters in the guild are the two of you!

Give me good reflection, and next year I will think about whether to take you into account! ”

“I went, hahaha, it’s the first time I’ve seen so many letters of complaint!”

“Is that just for consideration? It’s miserable! Gray, Naz, haha. ”

“Alas, who told them to wreak havoc all day long?”


This episode is over for a while.

Here, Marcus, who was selected, was also a bit of a surprise.

Satisfied in my heart, my efforts in the past year have not been in vain!

At the same time, several other people came to celebrate him.

“Congratulations, Marcus!”

Jeter patted him on the shoulder.

“It’s not as hard as your own efforts, it seems that we still need to refuel.”

Troy said with some frustration.

“Do you want me to celebrate with a dance for you?”

Bigeita asked with her bare hands.

“Huh… Thanks, no! ”

Smiling, Marcus refused.

At this time, Wo Lian pinched his sword fingers with both hands, pressed his temples, and said with a serious face:

“You’re worried about whether you’ll be hanged by Elusa and Mirage, aren’t you?”

“Depend! Don’t use mind reading on me! ”

At the same time, there are also people in the girls’ camp who are angry and jealous.

“Abaguerine just joined the guild, and she was shortlisted within a year?”

“Well, that cold woman can really fight!”

Mickey, dressed in a striped animal dress, gritted her teeth in resentment:

“She also counts, why is Leqi’s little on the list, but I was not selected!”

She angrily pointed to a spectacled girl with light purple shawl and long hair, and shouted loudly.

It is rumored that the other girls in her squad have also blamed:

“Yeah, why didn’t Mickey make the shortlist!”

“You woman won’t play any despicable tricks!”

Leqi, who wears rimless glasses, is isolated by a group of girls.

She lowered her head, bit her lower lip, and put her hands on her chest:

“Because of my selection, you have suffered a lot… Ahh ”

At the end of the conversation, Leqi condemned herself with a look of intoxication.


In an instant, the girls’ anger tables all exploded:

“What a sin!”

“Little special self-exaltation!”

“You definitely used despicable means, right?”


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets

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