For Li Wei as an examiner.

The crowd was pessimistic.

In a negative atmosphere, only Naz was extremely cheerful.

He found Elusa, touched his fists, and grinned with a mouthful of large white teeth:

“Nah! Elusa, team up with me and I’ll help you beat Levi! ”

The thought of being able to fight with Levi.

Naz was so excited!

“Huh? I’m sorry, but my favorite person is not you. ”

Immediately, Elusa separated from Mirage and wrapped her hands around her chest.

She looked at the man next to Naz and asked:

“Gray, can you be my partner?”

With an eyebrow raised, Gray punched his left palm with his right fist:

“Oh, good!”

He chuckled softly, his face eager to try.

Although this exam was Li Wei as an examiner.

But I’m not a pimp!

Opportunity to participate in the S-Class Sorcerer’s assessment.

Gray naturally won’t shirk!

However, Naz was not happy, with his hands held high and flames rising madly in his mouth

“Why! I can’t compare to this perverted stripper! ”

Turning sideways, Alyssa commented with a serious face:

“You’re too presumptuous to help me.

Moreover, Gray’s ice shape magic can cope with a variety of unexpected situations.

Doing things calmly enough, much more suitable than you! ”

Habi, who was flying in the air, covered his mouth with his hands and laughed:

“Poof, every sentence is right on the point, Naz.”

Naz glared at it, “No way! ”

Harby: “Hih! ”

Naz then looked at Miraj:

“Hey, Mirage, team up with me!”

Here, Mirage, who is packing his bags, has a stall in his right hand:

“Sorry, I trust my brother more!”

Elfman, who was pointed at by her, was holding the back of his head.

He flashed a shy smile at Naz:

“I’m sorry, Naz, huh.”


Naz gritted his teeth and looked at Leo again.

With a shallow smile, Leo shook his head

“I’m sorry, I’d rather have Maka’o be my partner.”

Makao, smoking a cigar, walked up and laughed twice:

“Haha, since you trust me so much, then I will reluctantly accompany you on a journey!”

Naz was furious:

“Why! Am I not even as good as Maka’o? ”

“The main thing is that you only know how to destroy, and Makao’s skill in manipulating flames is much better than yours!”

Leo explained.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

The only thing needed is a seasoned partner to make up for the shortcomings!

Although Maka’o is very powerful, he has a lot of tricks!

Naz then approached Kana.

But next to Rebbie, smiling and waving her hand at him, no doubt already in line!

As for Leqi’s partner, it is particularly groundbreaking.

It was just now, Mickey who fought with her to the death!

“Mickey, the covenant you made with me should never be betrayed, and I will never die to you!”

Lucky posed as a very middle two, singing with an intoxicated face.

Mickey in a leopard-print animal dress gritted her teeth:

“Believe it or not, I killed you second-best spectacled woman!”

I only attend it once.

Just accumulate experience for next year’s finalist exams!

Even if Luck does pass the exam.

She’ll kill the other person before then, too!

Although this possibility is not at all.

After all, that’s Levi!

In the end, only Marcus accepted Naz.

“Oh! Thank you, Marcus, I’m on fire!! Roar—”

With an excited face, Naz stepped on his horse, clenched his fists in both hands, and spewed fire into the sky.

“Oh, let’s cheer together…”

Marcus of the watermelon head laughed twice.

Honestly, he had lost hope for this exam.

So just pull the pig…

After all, this exam is full of strong people, and it is especially Li Wei who is the examiner!

It’s the most hellish S-level magician exam ever!

Finally, there is Abba Greene.

She had rarely interacted with guild members, and only Bigusrow was willing to partner with her.

“Gaha! Not long after you joined the Thor Gods, let me see my strength this time! ”

Wearing a knight’s helmet, Biguslo spat out his large tongue printed with the black demon tail coat of arms and said with a sly smile.

“3Q, isn’t Phillips there?”

Abba Greene with her elbow on the edge of the table said coldly.

“He went on an S-class mission with Laxus… Hey, don’t you trust my strength!? ”

Biguszro felt offended!

However, Abba Glenn ignored him, silently sucked on the hot milk, and asked again:

“Sounds like you’re all scared of that guy, that black hair and a single ponytail are strong?”

Hearing this, Bigusro’s face became solemn, and he put his hands on the railing and said in a deep voice:

“Very strong, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a ‘moving natural disaster’!”

“Is it?”

Eyebrows furrowed slightly, and Abba Greene turned her head.

Look at the boy who returned to his seat and slept lazily on the long table.

There was a hint of banter in her heart:

If this kind of guy is caught by his own trick, it must be fun, right?

Just thinking about it, the beautiful eyes under Aibagarin’s glasses flashed a petrified golden light…

A week goes by in the blink of an eye.

During the period, the seven finalists conducted special training with their respective partners and ran into tacit understanding.

It’s finally exam day.

The crowd gathered at the port of Haruguion.

The huge ship with the huge coat of arms of the demon tail set sail.

Each was excited.

Sailing towards the vast sea….


PS: Update from the early hours of the morning, ask for a wave of flowers and tickets….

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