Finally, after a dozen punches.

Already covered in wounds and blood, Alyssa and Miraj were already covered in blood.

Shake and stand up straight!

Their pupils were dilated, they were breathing heavily, and their chests were bouncing and heaving.

Both have to rely on each other to get up.

But no one will take the lead in falling!

Such a strong spirit made the people in the distant audience can’t help but feel sad.


Lisana Bay clenched her teeth and bit her lower lip.

Ethereal eyes glowed with tears.

His hands couldn’t help but clamp down on the harpy in his arms.

“Whew! Lisana, breathe, we can’t breathe…”

Harpy, who was pinched by the neck, raised a hand trembling and shouted in a voice that was about to lose his breath.

“President, don’t stop!”

Jeter proposed with an unbearable face.

“Yeah, Elusa and Miraj are so pathetic!”

Troy agreed.

Naz rushed up the cliff, his hands as horns, and shouted at the other side

“Hey! Levi, hurry up and decide a winner to come out! ”

Here, Li Wei rolled his eyes and couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

He also wants to decide a champion!

Originally, Li Wei wanted to solve it with one punch.

As a result, these two women, hard to put the overtime, played “is a woman will be 100 punches” …

Li Wei didn’t have the patience to play with them all the time.

Immediately, he strode up.

Hands pressed on Alyssa’s and Miraj’s heads.

Then touch it in the middle!


In an instant, the two girls’ heads collided.

Their eyes rolled white, and the consciousness they finally supported was lost.

Snuggle up to each other and fall to the ground.

In any case, in previous years, it was not without a record of total elimination.

Demon Tail still has only 4 S-Class Sorcerers.

This time, don’t qualify!

Finish the job!

Li Wei clocked in from work, and his head did not go back down the mountain….

Here, in the audience.


All staff petrochemical!

Originally, they were still sad about the perseverance of Elusa and Mirage.

As a result, Li Wei directly beat the two girls together!

Let’s get our feelings back!”


With a squeal, Lisana threw down the harpy with her backhand.

She tearfully jumped off the cliff.

Then it was covered with white light and quickly turned into a white crane.

Lisana flapped her wings.

Fly high speed towards the central volcano.

Sprinkle a drop of crystal tears along the way.

“Let’s go too!”

With a shout, Naz also learned to jump off the cliff as Lisana did.


Harpy unfurled a pair of white wings, rushed down and grabbed Naz’s back, and flew towards the volcano.

“Rebbe, you must be all right!”

Jeter looked worried, and put Troy on his back.

Then use the magic of ‘Divine Foot’ and run over the mountains like a cheetah.

The others also showed their magic and rushed to the central volcano.

Soon, the crowd came to a ruined mountainside.

One after another rescued one comatose candidate after another…

When the unconscious Alyssa opened her eyes, she was greeted by Naz and Harpy.

“Oh! Elusa is awake! ”

With his hands clenched in fists, a hearty smile rose on Naz’s face.

“Everyone, Elusa is the first to wake up!”

Harpy also announced to the crowd.

The others looked on, looked delighted, hugged and cheered.

At this time, Rob slowly walked up, leaned over and patted Alyssa’s shoulder, with a relieved face:

“You are the best quality of this group.”

Alyssa, who was covered in a heavy body, turned her head slightly.

When the pupils gradually focus, see the old man in front of you.

Only then did she speak in a tired and weak voice:

“Grandpa Rob… What happened to the exam? ”

Hearing this, Rob looked sorry and couldn’t say it:

“Uh, this…”

The others also turned their heads away and looked low.

Soon, Mirage also woke up.

When she learned the result, she couldn’t help but grit her teeth slightly.

Although she did not lose to Elusa, she did not qualify either!

There is no place to be happy at all!

Even the two most seriously injured test takers woke up.

Others were no exception, and soon woke up one after another.

When everyone wakes up.

After learning the news of the total annihilation of the army.

The atmosphere was low and everyone was incredibly lost.

This time, lose completely!

And here, Makarov was standing on the big rock on which Levi had just sat.

He turned his back on the crowd and was silent behind his folded hands, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Horse sauce?”

Rob walked up.

Prompt him, is it time to say something to comfort others?

“Hiss, exhale—”

Makarov took a long breath, then let out slowly.

He turned to the crowd, and said:

“In this exam, each of you performed well!”

The sound of full breath reverberated in the surrounding crowd.

The crowd watched, but there was not much thought to listen to the preaching.

Makarov still said to himself:

“Your concerted efforts have given me hope for the future of the Demon Tail Guild.

Even if this time fails, it is also a good opportunity to practice! ”

Speaking of this, he pointed to Leo and said with a serious face


Leo, in particular, though initially careless, barely passed.

But he dared to sacrifice, and together with Gray, he bound Levi and dedicated himself.

This lesson will turn into your motivation to forge ahead and go further on the path of magic!

I believe that the next exam, you will be able to exert more powerful power! ”

Praised by the president at length.

Leo sheepishly picked up the back of his head:

“Oh, thank you President…”

Indeed, this exam.

I have harvested something of my own.

Compared with the regrettable Alyssa, she is much luckier!

Makarov continued:

“I hope everyone can learn from Leo.

S-Class Sorcerer is nothing more than a title.

The important thing is the guild, and the partners! ”

At the end of the conversation, he clasped the five fingers of his right hand and held it up in front of him, as if he had grasped the bond called the guild.


“I see, sir.”

“Alas, no way, let’s fight again next year!”

The crowd echoed one after another, picking up some confidence.

Alyssa lowered her head and clenched her fist slightly, and a shallow smile appeared on the corner of her lips:

“Partner, really…”

I want to become stronger, but also to protect my companions.

An S-class title doesn’t really matter!

Here, Mirage gritted his teeth and skimmed his lips:


Lisana, whose cheeks were stained with tears, picked up a sweet shallow smile:

“Sister, don’t be discouraged, let’s continue to work hard next year!”

As she spoke, she clenched her fists in both hands and earnestly cheered her sister on.

“Yeah, yeah…”

Elfman echoed in unison.

However, Mirage turned his face away and said coldly:

“Don’t bother me first, I want to be quiet!”

Watch the crowd cheer up, smile and encourage each other.

Makarov is also an old man of great consolation:

“Then, this time the S-level magician promotion exam is over!” And then…”

After a pause, he took a long breath and said loudly:

“Elusa and Mirage, promoted to S-Class Sorcerer at the same time!”


In an instant, the atmosphere that was originally slightly warm went down silently, and the needle could be heard.

After more than ten seconds of silence, the crowd exclaimed:



PS: Ask for flowers and tickets….

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