Li Wei’s indifferent attitude made Xue Nai disheartened.

A pair of pink fists clenched, she lowered her head and bit her lower lip.

Boiling tears, sliding down the childish face, converged on the chin, and ticked to the ground.

Xue Nai sobbed Yao’s nose and cried bitterly and pleaded:

“Whew! It’s true…… Not really, no! Let me stay in… Stay by your side? Woohoo…”

Walk the sea of people yourself and ask around for information.

It even almost fell into the hands of human traffickers several times.

It took more than a year to find him.

However, what ushered in, however, was such a cold answer…

Seeing her weeping bitterly, everyone was also heartbroken.

“Snow sauce, how pitiful…”

“Hey! Li Wei, what a good thing to say to comfort people! ”

“Okay, don’t count on him, where is this guy reliable?”

Some girls have already cast disgusted glances.

The boy who makes a girl cry is the worst bastard!

Look at the situation on this side.

Rebi pursed her lower lip and grabbed the collar on her chest.

Miraj, on the other side, held his cheek with one hand and did not look over his face.

For the character of this guy Li Wei, she has long been used to it.

A hundred times more excessive, the has done it!

Kana, who was holding a large barrel of beer, paused slightly to drink at a certain speed.

Her face was flushed, and her eyes were squinting with attention.

Eventually, it was Alyssa who came over and gave a reminder:

“Li Wei, take a good look at people.”

The corners of his mouth were crooked, and Levi sighed and asked:

“Why do you have to worship me as a teacher?”

How to make it as if I am a big villain.

I am not a living bodhisattva who responds to every need!

You have to get stronger, shave your hair and go into the empty door!

Bald head is the strongest combat power do-you-know (you know)?

On the other side, Xue Nai heard the words and hurriedly wiped the tears from his eyes.

She looked up at Li Wei and said with a serious face:

“Do you remember the Tower of Paradise five years ago?”

Levi: “??? ”

How does this sound so familiar?

Emperor, do you remember the summer rain lotus on the shore of Daming Lake 18 years ago?

Rub, I wasn’t even ten years old at that time, how could I give birth to a girl as big as you!?

Do you still come to touch porcelain?

Levi felt his head blow up a bit and couldn’t help but hold his forehead:

“It seems that there is such a thing, and then what?”

Sipping his thin lips, Xue Naibei gently opened his teeth and explained.

That year, she was captured with her sister in the Tower of Paradise.

However, he was detained separately, so he never saw each other.

Later, Levi arrived and liberated the eight towers of paradise.

Yukino is saved and begins to search for her sister.

But the sea of people was vast, and the slaves of the eight towers of paradise fled separately.

Finding your sister is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack!

After three or four years of searching, there is still no clue.

Xue Nai did not know whether his sister had died of exhaustion in the Tower of Paradise.

Or after escaping, somewhere on the mainland, he is also looking for himself.

Just continue to search, I don’t know what year and month to find.

So she came up with an idea:

Let your name spread throughout the continent of Ishukar!

An extremely groundbreaking idea.

At that time, she slapped her head on the door and thought about it.

Xue Nai didn’t know if he could do it.

Thinking about it, a figure of a person came to her mind: Li Wei!

This is a peer with the ability to create wind!

If you can have the same strength as him.

Become the Holy Ten Demon Guides of the Famous Earthquake Continent.

Maybe she can let her sister hear her name.

So, in order to get stronger!

In order to pass on his name to the ear of the most important person!

She embarks on a journey to find Levi.

When he finished listening to the story of Xuenai, the fierce men of the Demon Tail Guild burst into tears.

“Snow sauce, I didn’t expect your past to be so tragic!”

“Yeah, why didn’t you tell us before?”

“Let’s help you find your sister!”

“Count me in!”

“Me too!”


One after another, the crowd raised their hands to help Xue Nai find her sister.

Xue Nai pursed her thin lips, somewhat moved, and bowed to the crowd:

“Thank you, but no need, I’ll find it myself!”

Although the members of the guild have threatened to help themselves find it.

But it’s nothing more than three minutes of heat.

Everyone has their own things to do.

How can it be wasted on helping yourself find your sister?

She also didn’t want to trouble others and owe everyone such a big favor.

However, the members of the Demon Tail Guild rejected it one after another:


“Yeah, yeah, don’t be rude to us!”

“That’s right, we all volunteered to help you!”


Unable to resist, Xue Nai had to smile and prevaricate the past:

“Oh, okay, thank you.”

Here, after listening to Xue Nai’s thoughts.

Levi’s index finger brushed his cheek, a little egg pain.

In his mind, such a sentence suddenly appeared:

“Let this name penetrate the universe, and start today!”

The sense of déjà vu is super strong…

At this point, Alyssa asked him:

“How’s it going, Levi, would you like to help her?”

If Li Wei didn’t want to, she also decided to give Xue Nai a little help.

Here, Xue Nai also cast some hopeful eyes.

She pursed her lips, fixed on Li Wei, expecting his reply.


Breathing lightly, Li Wei tilted the corners of his mouth and said with a bored face:

“Again, I don’t like apprentices, if you want to stay by my side, be my maid!”

He is not a great good man.

The reason why he agreed to Xue Nai was nothing more than the same idea that the other party had the same idea as himself:

To get stronger, find what you cherish!

Yuki hesitated:

“This… You’re not kidding me, are you? ”

She was really afraid that the other party would say no.

“No, but I’m very demanding of the maid, and you’d better be mentally prepared!”

And you have to be expected, I may not be able to teach you much skill! ”

With that, Li Wei lifted up the barrel wine glass and gulped down the cold beer.

He did want a personal maid lately to help him carry his bags.

However, because the requirements are a bit tricky, I can’t find it.

Yuki nodded seriously:

“I have expectations, and I am mentally prepared, no matter how difficult the conditions can be accepted!”

Honestly, staying by Levi’s side was what she was looking for.

Xue Nai knew very well that with his own potential, it was unlikely that he would become a supreme magician.

So, if you can stay with Levi.

When his name spread across the continent.

The world knows Levi’s side.

There is also a maid named “Xueno Agulia”, which is enough!

A name passed down by word of mouth.

It’s also far better than starting a guild.

Go aimlessly looking.

More efficient!


In an instant, Li Wei took a sip and put down his glass.

Then he made an “I-Want-You” conscription pose, pointing at Xuenai:

“Very well, I’ll wait for your words.

My maid is required to work all year round, unpaid, on call, and at all times.

Give you a one-month probationary period and can’t adapt to quitting your job on your own.

And if I’m not satisfied, you immediately leave unconditionally! ”

Snow immediately stood up and saluted like a soldier:

“Yes, master!”

As soon as the sword eyebrow was raised, Li Wei couldn’t help but smirk.

Sigh, that’s so good!

You need such talents around you!

Let’s give her “-500” impression score plus 20 points!

Here, the guild congregation is frying pan:

“Hey, what a joke!”

“Xue Nai Sauce, don’t promise him, this is a condition for losing power and humiliating the country!”

“That is to say, Li Wei, why don’t you set a minimum wage?”

Levi scoffed:

“Yikes! Who just said that ‘beautiful women pay tuition fees’?

I’m already conscientious about confiscating money, right?

And that’s what she asked for! ”

Face the egg looks good, cry a wave, buy a miserable.

Do you have to be the head of the wrong, good food and drink for you?

Please, this is not a Mary Sue romance novel!

To learn art from a teacher is to have a look like learning art from a teacher!

Crowd: “…”

“Okay, come with me first.”

With that, Li Wei lowered Erlang’s leg, stood up, and walked straight to the guild gate.


Seriously, Snow trotted to the corner.

Grabbing her suitcase with one hand, she hurried toward Levi.

Despite the persuasion of everyone, Xue Nai did not waver.

In the end, the figures of the two disappeared together in the corner of the guild gate…


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets….

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