[PS: Aaaah, so angry, the last chapter is actually awaiting review, and I will never post so many words of chapters again.] 】

Li Wei’s words echoed in the battlefield.

Thousands of royal troops were stunned.

After a moment of silence, bursts of laughter broke out:

“Hahaha, what is he talking about?”

“Is it okay to have a brain around all of us alone?”

“Look at that coat of arms, it’s from the Demon Tail Guild, when did they recruit such a comic?”

The crowd laughed out of their tears and couldn’t keep their mouths shut.

There are thousands of people on my side.

Can you second me today?

Can you alone kill us?

It’s really a second, will I eat the staff on the spot to show you!

“Forget it, ignore this crazy man, him!”

Suddenly, the squad leader narrowed his smile, wiped his tears, and raised his staff.

Immediately afterward, the surrounding armies also raised their magic staffs one after another, and the momentum was magnificent.

One by one, they condensed thousands of golden beams of light and shot them at the same time!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang

Bang bang bang bang bang bang

A massive beam of bullets instantly overwhelmed the cliffs.

The violent impact stirred up countless dusts.

Pieces of rubble on the cliff roll down…

Finally, the squad leader waved his staff, causing a fierce wind to blow away the dust.

However, under a rubble rubble, there was no body of a person!

Not even the clothes that were blown up!

Immediately, the squad leader became vigilant:

“Wait, what about people!?”

As soon as they saw that something was wrong, these well-trained soldiers raised their twelve points of vigilance.

They piled up in pairs, searching around for possible traces of the living.

Suddenly, a guard pointed to the sky and shouted:

“Hey! Check it out above! ”

In an instant, everyone brushed their heads in unison.

I saw dark clouds in the dim sky.

There are several black dots on it, which are gradually getting bigger.

It was Lucy, Karen, Levi and six others!

At the same time, they fell rapidly from a height of thousands of meters.

“What’s going on!?”

Hunting in a trench coat, Karen held her hands to the sides to maintain her balance, and couldn’t help but frown.

Is it teleportation magic?

Nearby, Ivan, who was also falling, wept and mourned, and crawled slowly:

“Now, Sister Karen… I’m afraid of heights, save me…”

Karen punched him in the face and said coldly:

“Lotus is big, you look for him!”

In an instant, Ivan was slammed into the arms of the muscular Han Lian.

However, the next second, Xiang also pleaded and pounced:

“Karen, I’m also afraid of heights, save me…”

Karen reflexively kicked him in the face!

Nosebleeds splashed, his eyes rolled white, and his face fell backwards bloodlessly…

Then Karen turned her head and looked at Lucy.

She knew each other, and both were the strongest female magicians in their respective guilds.

Because of their personalities, both parties don’t like each other.

But she was grateful that Lucy had come to save herself.

Only, who is that boy in the black hair trench coat?

I’ve never seen it myself.

But his right shoulder is imprinted with coat of arms!

Here, Lucy grabbed Levi’s shoulder and asked:

“Hey, Levi, what are you going to do?”

Because I experienced a teleportation.

So she wasn’t surprised at the change in sight before her.

At that moment.

Li Wei threw everyone thousands of meters into the air!

However, he did not take his own people away.

Instead, they let each of them fall.

So she was a little curious.

Here, Levi, who was grabbed by Lucy’s shoulder, gave her a blank look:

“Can you dodge away first, I’m afraid I’ll hammer you to death!”

There was a hint of disgust in his voice.

As soon as he set up a posture, the other party came to make trouble.

I really want to knock the other person unconscious!

Lucy looked guilty and reluctantly stammered:

“Got it…”

Then she swam to the other side with a dog planer.

When Lucy left more than ten meters, Li Wei’s left fist tightened and he threw a punch with force!

Ordinary punch Wind God’s Fury!

In an instant, a heavy air shell fell at great speed from an altitude of two or three thousand meters.

Around, soon set off a huge tornado vortex.

Like a furious wind dragon that breaks open a cage.

Roar and pounce!

Sharp wind pressure spread for several kilometers.

And it continues to expand!

Thousands of pairs of eyes below, crawling with consternation at the same time.

They watched a wind dragon hovering.

Roll a huge whirlpool and smash your head!

In the face of the vast sky, human beings are like tiny ants!

In an instant, thousands of soldiers were terrified.

They are like ants that have been poured boiling water, scattering and fleeing!

And in the sky, Li Wei grabbed the collars of everyone one by one and threw them backhand to the distant hillside!

In an instant, the five people turned into high-speed meteors and fell past.

On the hillside, Li Wei had been waiting for a long time, and raised his hands to pick it up.

Bump and bump…

Men left and women right, five people like steamers, stacked on Li Wei’s hands.

Then he threw his hands like a car unloading.

The five of them each fell down the soft grass.

Ivan rubbed the back of his head, bent over, and looked pained:

“Ah pain pain pain…”

Nearby, a muscular lotus lifted up the comatose sound and shouted:

“Hey! Ring, are you okay? ”

“No, it’s okay…”

With the sound of nosebleeds, his eyes rolled white, and countless stars coiled on his head.

Although he was kicked by Karen, he didn’t care.

Unfortunately, Karen kicked too fast and failed to capture the scenery under the skirt…

On the other side, Karen took a breath of cool air:

“Hiss ——, Lucy! What the hell are you doing? ”

She scolded and glared at Lucy.

This new man is also a little rude!

However, Lucy, on the other side, did not pay any attention to Karen.

She looked sheepishly at the valley below, her eyes filled with consternation.

Willow’s eyebrows twisted slightly, and Karen followed her line of sight and turned her head to look.

In an instant, a fierce wind swept in.

Karen’s pupils narrowed.

The clear eyes reflected a huge tornado, like a dragon roaring.

That tornado was so huge.

Already big enough to rival the scale of a typhoon!

It is surrounded by countless wind blades.

Throw thousands of soldiers into the air mercilessly!


A cry of death resounded throughout the heavenly dome.

And in an area around hundreds of kilometers.

You can see this huge and matchless typhoon, stirring up the Zhou Tian Yun Sea.

One by one, people looked up, stunned.

And somewhere in the west.

A blue behemoth named “Regin”.

The flying wings stopped and hovered in mid-air.

Regine turned back, and Elusa, riding on it, looked at the typhoon in the distance and couldn’t help but frown:

“There’s … The location of the valley!? ”

With her eagle-sharp eyesight, she could faintly see soldiers swept up by typhoons.

How, the Magician’s Guild in the valley had been almost encircled.

How could that guy from Huzz still make such a big move?

There is only one explanation: something went wrong!


With a shout, Elusa rode the high-speed Regine and hurried away.


Fei Lu reminds you: reading three things

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