In a dense forest valley.

Elusa tears her heart and lungs out.

In the vast sky, it reverberates for a long time.

The Heavenly Dome Vortex she had created slowly rotated.

The dark clouds rolled and thundered with lightning and crackling.

The flickering thunder light reflected the faces of Lucy and Karen.

The faces of the crowd were expressionless, watching indifferently as Alyssa was executed.

This murderous witch does not deserve a trace of mercy and mercy!

Eventually, Alyssa’s wail gradually lowered, turning into a gasp for blood.

Her face was pale, her pupils were dilated, and she kept spitting out bruises:

“Vomiting… Cough, vomit—”

The girl in the trance of consciousness still wants to struggle to get up.

But Levi stepped on her lower abdomen.

His eyes were cold, and a fist slammed into her face!



The dust rolled and a suffocating wail followed.

With her eyes rolled white, Alyssa tilted her head and passed out completely.

Subsequently, Li Wei kicked it out of the huge pit.


She flew high like a sandbag.

Finally bumped a few times and rolled in front of Lucy’s men.


One step ahead, Levi flashed to a large rock and sat down.

A foot on Elusa’s shoulder made her rolling body stop.

He held the severed tip of the Holy Gun in his hand.

Stab hard next to Elusa’s ear, on the soft ground.

Subsequently, Li Wei wrapped his hands around his chest.

He looked at Lucy with a straight face and said:

“Now, she has one breath left, whether to kill or not, you decide for yourself.”

Then Li Wei moved his steps and cocked Erlang’s legs.

The execution of Alyssa was a victim’s business, and he didn’t bother to do anything about it.



In the sky, the thunder became more and more deafening, as if countless unjust souls were roaring.

Several people looked at each other and hesitated for a while.

Finally, Lucy, who had clenched her fists, bit her lower lip and pulled out the broken gun.

With tears in her eyes, she said with a determined face:

“Just let me come!”

Willow eyebrows were raised, and Karen wrapped her hands around her chest, her face was cold, and she had no opinion.

A muscular lotus looked at this scene quietly with a calm face.

But the tight fists showed that his heart was not at peace.

Ivan, on the other hand, did not want to see such a scene.

Nearby, the sound of just wiping off a nosebleed took him into his arms.

The ringing right hand pressed Ivan’s head and protected the child.

Then he looked up and watched Lucy move his feet to Elusa’s side.

It was necessary for him to record this scene to the end.

For the sake of the deceased compatriots!

Lucy held the broken gun, exchanged her hands, and turned the tip upside down.

She aimed at Alyssa’s throat.

Tearful pupils.

Reflecting the other party’s miserable white face

It’s not even close.

Just stab it.

You will be able to avenge the death of your companions.

Just a little!

Just stab yourself hard!

Lucy pursed her lips, lifted her head, and closed her eyes.

In my mind, there are flashes of past scenes or quarrels, or cups, and everyone laughs and laughs.

The familiar smiling faces shattered one by one into bubbles.

There is no going back…

So at least send this witch to meet them!

Suddenly opening her eyes, Lucy made up her mind.

Her pupils flashed a fierce determination and stabbed hard!

Blood stained the blades of countless undead souls.

Cut through the void, with a mournful hiss.

Cold bite into Elusa’s throat!

Hum —

Suddenly, when the tip of the gun approached Elusa’s throat, a centimeter or two away, it suddenly stopped!

There was a flash of surprise in everyone’s eyes, and Qi Brush looked at Lucy.

She bit her lower lip deadly, her eyebrows furrowed, and her face hesitated.

Two lines of hot tears slid down his face.

After a moment of silence, Lucy’s throat choked and she spoke bitterly:

“Me, I can’t do it…”

Obviously, as long as one shot is stabbed, everything can be solved.

But she couldn’t, and the conscience in her heart kept shouting and stopped her.

If you kill Elusa, then what is the difference between yourself and her…

Lucy felt that the dead fellows.

Nor would you want to see yourself.

Become an executioner with blood on his hands.

Because, everyone is such a kind person…

What stopped her was the dead spirits who had passed away.

In the haze of tears, they handed them one by one and pressed their hands to kill them.

Everyone was smiling, sincere and kind eyes, staring at themselves fixedly…

Once again, I saw the familiar faces of everyone.

Lucy’s face was bitter, and she couldn’t help but whisper:


Subsequently, she could no longer suppress her emotions.

Crying bitterly in the sky, hot tears falling like a broken embankment…

Lucy softened, and fell to her knees.

The hand cut the gun out of his hand and rolled down the grass.

Snap! Snap! ……


A drop of bean-sized rain and dew fell from the dark clouds rolling in the sky.

Soon, the sky began to rain heavily, and thunder rumbled.

In the rain curtain, Li Wei, who was sitting on a large rock with Erlang’s legs crossed, supported his forehead with three fingers in his left hand.

The golden pupils that reflected the young girl crying bitterly in the sky became deeper and deeper.

A trace of unknown energy converges.

In the end, it was absorbed by a touch of darkness in the depths…

Just then, the broken gun on the ground was picked up again.

“Since you can’t move your hands, let me come!”

With a deep voice, Karen pressed Lucy’s shoulder and pulled the other person away.

Her face was cold, her eyes flashed a touch of bloodlust, and she leaned over and stabbed hard!

Lucy wants to forgive Elusa, but Karen won’t.

Forgiving this witch is God’s business, and he is only responsible for sending her to God!


Suddenly, the stabbed blade was stopped by a magic wand!

Gritting her teeth, Karen turned her head in some irritation.

In the eyes of everyone in disbelief.

The black-robed man, covered in bandages, pleaded:

“Please, don’t add any more sins to this!”

“Who are you!?”

Karen stared at him coldly and questioned.

He wants to avenge his deceased companions.

The black-robed man suddenly ran out to stop him.

She can almost treat the other party as an enemy directly!


Mistergang hesitated, thinking about how to introduce himself.

Snap Snap Snap Snap…

At this moment, Li Wei suddenly clapped his palms and signaled everyone to pay attention:

“Come, I’ll introduce you to you for free:

This shy man who was masked and did not dare to see people, his stage name was Mistergang.

His real name was Jalal and he was the son of King Adelas.

I have been working in my world to destroy Anima and fight against my father.

Is a true filial piety, with a good person! ”

At the end of the conversation, he gave a thumbs up with his left hand to praise Mistergang.

Mister Heights: “…”

I’m not, I don’t, don’t be fooled!


Fei Lu reminds you: reading three things

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