Whoop whoop whoop———— whoop who

To the east of the kingdom, a huge typhoon rises.

It gradually raged and expanded, tearing the surrounding sand and trees one by one and stripping the ground.

With the tornado rising wind, it continues to roll up into the sky.

A chaotic giant tornado gradually spawns.

In the city of Adelas, the inhabitants have begun to riot.

“Hey, how come there is a typhoon in the east!?”

“What kind of monsters are fighting?”

“Don’t say it, let’s run!”

“Hurry into the basement to hide, and when it wreaks havoc, it’s too late!”


In the streets, people panicked.

They went their separate ways.

Such as an ant nest that has been poured boiling water.

In order to avoid the typhoon, run around to escape.

And in the high sky, the transcendent people who fly in the sky and patronize the drama are desperately stirring up their wings.

“How could that human be able to strike the wind with his bare hands!?”

“Who the hell is he?”

A transcendent man looked horrified.

Looking at Li Wei’s eyes, he had become extremely afraid.

“Don’t say it, get out of here, if we continue like this, we’ll be swept up in a typhoon!”

A dark blue transcendent, vigorously flitting his wings, tried to stay away.

At this time, another cherry female transcendent cried out:

“No, this tornado is too strong, I’m going to get caught up in it…”

Although the transcendent can soar the blue sky, it is too lightweight.

Once swept up in a tornado, there is absolutely no life or death!

Nearby, a male transcendent took her hand and led her away, scolding and grinning:

“Damn humans, when I go back, I will absolutely ask Her Majesty the Queen to surrender my sins to him!”

And just when the transcendents are taking care of themselves.

Levi raised his left hand and pressed down!

In an instant, Zhou Tian seemed to be pressed down by a huge hand.

A huge typhoon, like a rising flame, was extinguished with one hand!

That action is so understated.

It’s as if a typhoon never happened.

Attracted the transcendent ones, shocked!

And Li Wei didn’t care much.

If this typhoon is allowed to rage, it will soon affect the royal city.

So it was extinguished in advance.

Although there was not much mercy for the soldiers loyal to the king.

But to innocent people.

Li Wei also had no intention of killing.

At least not necessarily…

It’s just, in the mess below.

But there was no trace of the Dragon Knight at all.

Not even a piece of broken iron armor can be seen!

Suddenly, from above the heavenly dome, a series of rampant laughter rang out:

“Hahahahaha! Little devil, you don’t think that just this kind of attack can hit my Dragon Knight, right? ”

Frowning slightly, Li Wei looked up with a cold face.

At a distance from the ground, at least 40,000 meters above the stratosphere, the Dragon Knight looked down from above.

Involuntarily, Li Wei skimmed his lips with a look of displeasure:

“Well, you’re a grasshopper knight, right?” So can you jump? ”

A jump is tens of thousands of meters, not a grasshopper and what?

And Li Wei could probably guess why the other party would dodge this blow.

His own typhoon did hit him.

But just as the storm rolled up the surrounding sand and gravel trees, obscuring the view.

The dragon knight took advantage of the vacuum in the center of the tornado and escaped in one leap.

Therefore, I did not see the trajectory of the other party’s escape.

“Hmm, you can still scream twice!”

With a cold snort, Fast raised the giant sword in his right hand aloft.

If it was that typhoon just now, it would be the strongest blow of this little devil.

Then the victory or defeat has been revealed!

Then he commanded, as if by the spirit of speech:

“Dragon Knight, collect all the magic of heaven and earth!”

The sky, the forest, the earth, the floating islands…

The magic of thousands of kilometers around them was stripped and extracted.

Once again, Zhou Tian had countless purple-black magic exercises that quickly converged.

They surged into the giant sword.

Plated with a dazzling magic light, more and more dazzling!

The dim sky gradually became pitch black, as if the end had come.

And the home of the Transcendent, the floating island: Ekstaria.

It also became shaky because the magic was drawn…

In an instant, countless transcendents looked terrified:

“How come, our hometown!?”

“Damn, the magic of Axtalia is being sucked out by it!”

“Damn kings, damn humans, dare to betray the Transcendent!”

“The Queen will never let you go!”

A bunch of transcendents threw down their harsh words.

Then they scrambled to fly to their hometown and complain to the queen.

Below, Levi’s face also began to darken.

, give you the chance you don’t lie down, you have to force me to amplify the move, right!?

Forget it, don’t play, showdown, solve all the people and mechs in one go!

Immediately, Li Wei’s ten fingers suddenly grabbed the void above.

It’s like pulling a curtain, pull down hard!

In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed, and the whole sky was pulled by this one, and a lot of it fell!

Even the Dragon Knight on the stratosphere was pulled down a few kilometers by one stumbling!

Inside the cockpit, Fast couldn’t help but be stunned:

“Damn, what the hell is this trick!?”

However, the mech has already begun to fall towards Levi.

When the opportunity was immediately decided, the Dragon Knight took advantage of the castration, wielding a dazzling giant sword, cutting through the void and slashing down with force!

At the same moment, Li Wei’s left hand below grabbed the void forward.

Then tighten the rear and pull it full with full force!

Countless folds of space, converged on the fist of the left hand.

His right hand was aimed at the sky, and the dragon knight attacked at high speed.

And then…… Hit your left fist hard!

Space Shock ・Sandan Shattered Space!


Click, click, click————!!!!

In an instant, the whole expanse of the sky dome.

It’s like a huge piece of glass.

Shattered by one punch!

From where Levi threw his fists.

It’s like a white lotus in full bloom.

Suddenly flooded and bloomed, spreading thousands of kilometers of the week!


The whole huge space collapsed.

An unparalleled explosion erupted.

A huge earthquake swept through the entire royal city.

In the sky, the Dragon Knight was torn apart by countless spaces, shattering into a sea of broken iron.

One after another, the floating islands that had little magic left fell one after another.

The home of the Transcendent, Ekstaria also collapsed into massive pieces.

Countless transcendents have been overturned by the broken space and scattered in the sky.

Heaven and earth changed color, as if the whole world was collapsing.

In the void, only Li Wei floated proudly.

A black single ponytail that extends to the waist and swings like a dragon’s tail.

A pair of golden pupils that never go out, dazzling in the dark world!


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