The years pass and the seasons change.

In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed.

“Woohoo hoo woo

A long train with black smoke rising from its front.

It was on the rails, whistling at high speed.

The final stop is in a port city: Harujón!

Sun-drenched, this bustling coastal city thrives.

The streets are bustling with traffic.

A blonde girl, indignantly walking away.

Her face was full of black lines and she gritted her teeth:

“Phew! If I am only 1000J cheaper, will my beauty only be worth 1000J? ”

Her cheeks bulged slightly, and Lucy buried herself angrily.

The miserly stinky old man of that magic shop is a lifetime of blackness!

I don’t blame this big lady for losing her temper.

After all, it has been almost a year since I ran away from home.

The savings on the body are not enough to make ends meet, and it will not be long before it bottoms out…

So Lucy has fallen to the point where even 1000J has to be hated for a long time.

Well, it is not because of his own beauty, not even an old man can charm him!

Suddenly, Lucy passed a high bridge.

Below, an ancient bell hanging high in a church is dangling.

Pleasant bells, melodious and reverberating.

The streets were crowded with people, and a large number of girls from all directions flocked to the church door en masse.

Around Takahashi, there was a sound of young girls talking excitedly.

“I heard there is a famous magician down there!”

“It’s Lord Fire Dragon!”

“Hurry up, maybe you can get an autograph!”

“Mm-hmm, hurry up, hurry up…”

One by one, young girls, you said a word to me, and ran down with a full face of excitement.

Suddenly, Lucy folded her hands and looked excited:

“Fire dragon? Is that the one who can manipulate fire magic that you can’t buy in the store? ”

That’s a rare big man!

For Lucy, who longs for the magician, the opportunity must not be missed!

She also hurried down the high bridge.

Squeezed through a group of peach-eyed girls.

Finally met the legendary magician.

He was dressed in a flowing robe.

Under a crisp purple hair, a cynical smile hangs out.

The man turned his head and looked at it.

Just a momentary glance.

Lucy felt her heart being taken away by the other side!

Flutter, flutter, flutter…

Her heart was racing, and her face was flushed with excitement.

Oh, my heart is beating so fast, what’s going on?

Because the other party is a famous magician, is it love at first sight?

Lucy, fascinated, walked up involuntarily.

Is it true that this person is his true destiny…


Suddenly, a large hand grabbed Lucy’s shoulder and pulled her behind her.

A familiar scene is staged again.

The two of them crossed paths, and Lucy looked at each other in amazement and subconsciously said:

“You are…”

The man was wearing a sleeveless black trench coat.

A black single ponytail that is long at the waist floats through the crowd like a dragon.

His right shoulder is imprinted with a fiery red demon tail coat of arms.

A pair of golden pupils that never die, reflecting Bora’s figure, are enlarging more and more.

Watching Li Wei squeeze out the crowd and stride towards himself.

Bora has a stall in her right hand, slightly sideways, and a proud smile on her face:

“Oh, teenager, you also came to me to sign…”


Before he could finish speaking, Levi rolled over and kicked in.

An upside-down golden hook kicked him to the ground!


In an instant, the earth cracked.

Take the face of Bolladi as the center of the circle.

Cobweb-like cracks, rapidly spreading in a radius of more than ten meters!

The ground was sunken by more than ten centimeters.

The girls around her were stunned.

Fierce winds and dust rushed into their open mouths.

Causing the girls to cough incessantly…

“Cough cough cough… What the hell is that guy!? ”

A young girl with a ponytail, coughing and spitting out dust, reprimanded.

“No matter where he came from, if he dared to hurt Lord Fire Dragon, he would never be able to forgive him!”

Another girl with short hair with short ears and an indignant face.

“That is, ah——! Check it out! How dare he sit on the Fire Dragon Lord! ”

Nearby, a freckled girl screamed and pointed at Li Weijiao.

“Unforgivable, make him pay the price!!”

Suddenly, a group of young girls around them were furious.

They rushed up with their teeth and claws, to clean up this guy who hurt Lord Fire Dragon!

Here, because of being patted on the shoulder by Li Wei.

Lucy’s heart shattered and she regained her sanity.

She couldn’t help but raise her hand and persuade the girls:

“Hey! You wait…”

Lucy hadn’t finished speaking.

Suddenly, in the center, there was a heart-rending cry:


Levi kicked hard and slammed Bora’s right hand into the dirt.

His hand bones broke into several knots, and the ghost cried wolf.

At the same time, the magic ring symbolizing the magic of “charm” is broken.

Surrounded by evil ghosts, hundreds of young girls pounced on them, their pupils broken, and they stopped in shock.

“Huh? What’s wrong with me? ”

A young girl looked around blankly.

Nearby, another teenage girl wondered:

“Seems to be to save the Fire Dragon Lord?”

The single ponytail girl reacted:

“No, even he was beaten to the ground, how can we save him?”

How could I make such a stupid mistake?

At this time, the girl with short hair in her ears stared at Bora:

“And this ‘Fire Dragon Lord’ doesn’t seem to look very good…”

Hearing this, a group of young girls looked at Bora.

The more they looked, the more they felt that this ugly man didn’t look like his own dish!

How could he stand up for such a man?

Here, Li Wei, who had stepped on the magic guide ring, cocked Erlang’s leg.

He grabbed Borah’s hair, lifted the other’s head, and said coldly:

“You are seduced by his magic, and the ring on his hand will make the opposite sex involuntarily like himself.”

Suddenly, the girls were stunned.

And Bora, who was grabbed by Levi and broke his neck, was extremely painful.

His tears, snot, and saliva trickled out.

Barely rolling his eyes, he looked at Li Wei.

Bora asked in a voice that was about to run out of breath:

“What the hell are you… Who? ”

Hearing this, Li Wei glanced at him coldly:

“Li Wei of the Demon Tail, who dares to pretend to be a member of my guild, you can’t have done your homework about me, right?”

The reason he was here was to take a shot at Bora.

One of the reasons is because this guy is cheating in the name of the demon tail!

Suddenly, the girls around them exclaimed.

“Levi the Demon Tail?”

A young girl’s face was full of disbelief:

“Lie, really?”

Nearby, the freckled girl pointed to Levi’s right shoulder:

“Look at the coat of arms on his right shoulder, it’s genuine!”

The girls were horrified:

“Is it really that legendary super magician!?”

A series of stunned eyes gathered on Li Wei.

The young man who was in the spotlight was reflected in Lucy’s eyes, and she was shocked.

Really, it’s genuine! The appearance of the other party is exactly the same as that of the “Weekly Magician” that he treasured!

The man in front of you.

It’s that legend.

An S-Class magician with “Dragon’s Pupil”!


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