As soon as these words came out, the whole table looked at Lucy.

Opposite her, Li Wei, holding a wine glass, raised his sword eyebrows.

He glanced up and down at Lucy, and said with a strange face:

“You want to join the Demon Tail?”

Bumper ——!

Standing up with her hands clapping on the table, Lucy nodded seriously:

“Hmm! I’ve always admired you, can you let me join? ”

As she spoke, her bright eyes shone with incomparable longing, sparkling and flashing.

Although incomparably worshipping the Demon Tail Guild.

But Lucy has been struggling to join, but there is no way out.

And the tail of the goblin, the good villain is also the first guild of the kingdom.

If you want to join, there must be an extremely rigorous interview, right?

So, Lucy is also ready to face the challenge!

“Grunt grunt g Whew——! ”

After taking a sip, Li Wei let out a long breath of cold wine.

With a bang, he put down his glass.

Then he put up two index fingers in his left hand, and Li Wei said coldly:

“Two things to remind you:

First, as we all know, the Demon Tail Guild is in Margunolia, why don’t you apply for it yourself?

Second, joining the guild requires the approval of the president, and it has nothing to do with me!

There is no such common sense, are you a wilderness village girl or a deep bridesmaid? ”

The mouth says that he likes the demon tail and wants to join the demon tail.

But not even such a simple homework… You fake fan!

Hearing this, Lucy’s face was flushed, and she kept sweating in a cold sweat.

She bowed her head in shame, poked her index fingers at each other, and sighed:

“Me me me … Am I not thinking, acquaintances lead the way, easy to do things…”

By this time, the waiter had served a new steak.

Levi took it with one hand and forked a whole steak with a fork.

Then shoved it into your mouth, slurred:

“Do you know me well?”

Eating a meal together is considered acquaintance?

Then I am afraid that I have countless acquaintances!

I haven’t killed them all these years.

Honestly, I really don’t want to go!

Lucy: “…”

She had no fuck to say, and could only put her red and smoking face deep into her chest, extremely ashamed.

Here, Naz has a fork in his hand and stuffs his mouth full of pasta.

He couldn’t help but look up, speaking incoherently:

“Louis, you’re such a fool!”

I don’t even know this kind of common sense, what is it that is not stupid?

At the side, Harpy, who was nibbling on the raw fish, raised his hand and said:

“Naz, this situation is called a big chest and no brain!”

With a grunt and swallowing the pasta, Naz suddenly said:

“Oh! Her breasts are really big! ”

Syllable! Syllable!

Suddenly, Lucy grabbed a piece of pizza in each hand.

Smashed on one man, one cat, two faces.

She glared angrily and gritted her teeth:

“It’s not your turn to tease the two of you to talk about me!” And my name is Lucy! ”

At this time, Xue Nai next to her smiled lightly and said gently:

“Don’t worry, Lucy, as long as you don’t do anything bad, the big family of demon tails is willing to accept anyone.”

Looking at the other’s beautiful and immaculate smile, Lucy murmured sheepishly:

“Miss Snow Nai… Are you an angel!? ”


Xue Nai squinted and smiled, not commenting.

Afterwards, the crowd had enough to eat and drink and prepared to set out on their way.

That’s when Lucy realized that Levi was surrounded by hundreds of plates!

She couldn’t help but be surprised:

“How on earth did you eat so much?”

This must be hundreds of kilograms of grain, kilograms!

Most of them are meat!

How did his stomach hold so much food?

The sword eyebrow was slightly raised, and Li Wei asked rhetorically:


Lucy Chick nodded like rice.

Nearby, Yukino put up an index finger and explained with a smile:

“The physique of people cannot be generalized, and the owner once ate ten roasted whole cattle in one breath in a fit of extreme anger!”

Lucy: “…”

What a hungry anger this must be?


The next morning, the sun was shining.

Four people and one cat return to Margunolia.

Busy streets.

A huge and luxurious guild stands tall.

Bumper ——!

Naz kicked open the door and roared with fangs:

“I’m back!!”

Inside, the lobby is bustling with hundreds of people.

As soon as they saw Naz return, many people looked over and celebrated:

“Oh——! Welcome back! ”

Suddenly, Jeter exclaimed:

“Hey, how did Levi come back!?”

Troy was also startled:

“Sleeper, it’s really him!”

Hearing this, the others looked over one after another, all with a look of horror.

Li Wei lit up his left fist and said with a straight face:

“Do you have any comments?”

Suddenly, the crowd was startled and waved their hands one after another:

“No, no, who dares to have an opinion!”

Soon, Jeter shifted the subject:

“By the way, the snow sauce is also back, welcome!”

Troy borrows a donkey from a slope:

“I heard that you packed up a gang of slave traders in Port Harugion, what a shame!”

Hearing this, Xue Nai laughed:

“Oh, it’s okay…”

At this time, a man with couts turned his head and said:

“Speaking of which, Naz, you also went to Harugion…”

Suddenly, Naz didn’t get angry, kicked it up, and roared:

“You bastard is kind enough to say!”


In an instant, the man with the toothless teeth was kicked by Naz.

He knocked over several tables in succession, and a crowd of people turned over on horseback!

Lucy was shocked:

“That, Naz, why?”

She had thought Levi was violent enough.

But I didn’t expect it.

Nazbby he is still violent!?

With a cold snort, Naz yelled at the toothless man:

“This bastard gave me fake fire dragon intelligence!”

Hearing this, the man with the toothless tried to climb out of the pile of people.

He raised his hands high and retorted angrily:

“How do I know! Just tell you the gossip you’ve heard!

You ran away without saying a word, blame me? ”

Naz Boom:

“What do you say, you want to fight!?”

As he spoke, he angrily rushed up and punched the other side.

Here, Harpy raised his hand and shouted:

“Naz, you’ve already started a fight with him…”

Soon, hearing that Naz had returned, Gray rushed up as well.

Elfman followed, joining the battlefield.

But he was beaten by Naz and Gray together!

It was as if a domino had been toppled, and the flames of war quickly burned through the entire guild.

Hundreds of people mingled together – literally!

The guild quickly became a mess.

Lucy at the door, stunned, was too frightened to speak.

Although he finally came to the long-awaited Demon Tail Guild.

But Lucy always felt.

The gap between idols and reality.

It’s a bit too big!


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