The next morning, the sun was shining.

Mountains stretching on wild trails.

A simple carriage, climbing up without hurry.

Inside the car, Lucy plunged into Xue’s arms:

“Thank you, Snow Sauce——!!”

She was so moved that she was still holding a 200,000 J task list.

Originally, early this morning.

Lucy hurried to the Demon Tail Guild to pick out tasks to earn money.

However, although the photo was entrusted with “going to the palace of the Duke of Abar to steal books”.

But the first time a person does a task, he is naturally uneasy.

Mirage also advised her that it would be better to find a skilled hand to bring.

Just when Lucy was distressed.

Shanshan was late for Xuenai, and after understanding the situation, he gladly agreed to her.

Lucy was so moved that she didn’t know what to say.

If you’re a guy, be sure to be my boyfriend!

Hearing this, Xue Nai smiled:

“Oh, you’re welcome, I happen to be free today.”

Looking up, Lucy looked puzzled:

“Really? Speaking of which, you’re Levi’s personal maid, right? Did he approve of your rest? ”

Generally such a personal maid, should be all year round!

A shallow smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Xue Nai nodded:

“Well, the host has been recuperating for a while recently, so he gave me a few days off.”

Of course, there is also a vacation assignment included…

Lucy couldn’t help but frown:

“Recuperation? Was his body injured? ”

Yukino shook her head:

“No, it’s just mentally too tired.”

“Is it…”


Three hours later, the town of Hilozme.

The two girls came to the client’s house.

When she learned that the entrusted amount had actually become 2 million J, Lucy couldn’t help but exclaim.

When she left, she still looked in disbelief.

You know, that’s two years of rent!

But after some self-enlightenment.

Lucy reluctantly accepted.

After all, no one will feel too much money!

“But then again, Xuenai, how are we going to steal that book?”

As she spoke, she glanced at Xue Nai, who was walking side by side.

Hearing this, Xue Nai looked at the order in his hand:

“Maybe I can pretend to be a maid to apply for an infiltration, but unfortunately I am silver-haired…”

The index finger of her right hand carried the silver-white bangs on her cheek.

Then his eyes closed slightly, and Yukino pursed Sakura’s lips, a helpless face.

Seeing this, Lucy hesitated:

“This… Why don’t you let me come, I’m blonde! ”

She pressed her plump chest with one hand and said with a serious face.

Let the master get everything done.

Instead, he seemed incompetent.

Moreover, Lucy is also very confident in her appearance!

One look at her patting her chest and standing up.

Xue Nai immediately raised an eyebrow and smiled:

“Really? That’s great, without further ado, let’s change into maid clothes! ”

As she spoke, she pulled out her carry-on luggage.

Soon, he took out a set of black and white maid clothes, very professional and skilled.

Lucy couldn’t help but be shocked:

“Uh… Snow sauce, you are already ready? ”

This line of cloud flowing operation.

Always let her feel that the other party is prepared.

Snow is not deliberately set up to wait for themselves to drill, right?

However, Xue Nai explained very naturally:

“Of course, the master said: everything must be prepared!

You should also keep this in mind when you perform tasks in the future.

This will save your life at a critical moment! ”

Seeing her teachings, Lucy could only listen.

Then obediently change into a black and white maid outfit…


The mansion of the Duke of Aibar.

In front of the alloy steel gate.

Lucy put her hands against her mouth and leaned forward.

She rushed into the manor and shouted in a soft voice:

“Hello! I came here to see the news of the recruitment of the maid, is anyone here? ”


Suddenly, the floor behind Lucy shattered.

In the darkness, a huge black shadow soared into the sky, and then suddenly landed behind Lucy.

Suddenly, she was startled and suddenly turned back to look up.

A cloud of dust cleared, and a huge black shadow enveloped Lucy.

Stronger than an elephant, Baluge, who resembles a mother orangutan, looks down at her.

Balu Ge crossed her hands and asked condescendingly:

“You’re here to apply for a maid?”

Lucy trembled, “Ah! Be! ”

Hearing this, Balu Ge turned her head, and the urn shouted angrily:

“Master, here is a woman who said she was coming to apply!”

Suddenly, from the black hole, another black shadow rushed out:

“Bo yo yo yo yo ~ ~ is it calling my generation?”

He suddenly landed next to Baruge, pinched his nose hair, and looked satisfied.

The diminutive Aibal, his eyes swept around, and finally locked on Lucy.

He pinched his chin, looked at the gaze, and wandered around her:

“Let me see…”

After looking up and down for half a minute.

Abal turned around and waved his hand in disgust:

“No, go back, ugly!”


A sharp arrow piercing the atrium of the heart.

Lucy, who could not bear it, shouted in shame and anger:


I obviously look so pretty!

Why is the trick of seduction difficult to make anywhere?

So is the shop owner.

Li Wei is so.

Even the old man in front of him was like that!

Lucy was not reconciled.

It’s not me who’s at fault, it’s this twisted world!

Hearing this, Abal snorted coldly:

“Listen, a great man like me, only such a beautiful woman deserves it!”

As he spoke, he threw his hands to the rear.

Suddenly, out of it again, four crooked maids of the jujube.

One after another, they hugged Abar and whispered:

“Oh yes ~ the host really is ~!”

“The mouth is so sweet~!”

“The host was so cool!”

“Ugly bastards, go back!”


Abal enjoyed the maid’s service with a relaxed face.


Another sharp arrow penetrated the atrium.

Lucy’s right hand covered her left breast.

A painful expression on his face about cardiac arrest.

In the world, there is no woman who is a hundred times uglier than herself, calling herself ugly, which is more chest tight.

If there is, it must be four!

This stinky old man is ugly.

Why is the aesthetic so strange!?

At this time, Balooge made up another knife:

“Hear that? Ugly bastards hurry back to it! ”

Suddenly, Lucy covered herself even harder.

She gritted her teeth: “Correct, it’s five!”

Just then, in the bushes opposite.

Xue Nai, dressed in a blue and white maid suit, Yingying walked out.

Lucy seemed to have seen a savior.

She staggered twice and pounced.

Both hands clenched Yukino’s left hand.

Lucy’s face was crying without tears:

“Snow sauce, what to do…”

His own seduction plan failed, and he could only rely on the other party.

Sipping Sakura’s lips, Yukino sighed:

“You can only use ‘Combat:B’!”

Lucy looked puzzled:

“‘Combat:B’? What is that? ”

Before the words could be heard, I saw that Xue Nai was pulling it towards his waist.

Holding a golden key in the three fingers of her right hand, she waved it forward and drank:

“Open, the door of Libra, Leibra!”

The golden light shone and the magic array burst forth.

Suddenly, a brown-skinned masked woman jumped out of it.

Seeing this, Abal pinched the upturned nose hair again, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes:

“Bo yo yo ~ is it actually a star spirit magician?” Baruquet…”


Suddenly, he hadn’t finished speaking.

An unrivalled force of gravity.

In an instant, Abar, along with his five maids, was crushed to the ground at the same time.

Abal was lying on the ground in large letters.

The gravity of gravity overwhelmed him.

A pair of eyeballs crawled with blood, protruding wildly.

His mouth opened like a stranded fat-headed fish:

“This! This strand… This force…”

Look at Abal still has the strength to speak.

Leibra immediately changed gravity laterally.

Knock him with five maids into the side garden!

Six people collided along the way, smashing more than a dozen large trees.

to lose gravity control.

With a thud, six people fell to the ground, unconscious.

Not long after, Barry Song dissipated into a burst of starlight…

Xue Nai turned his head back and explained to Lucy with a shallow smile:

“The so-called ‘combat: B’ means to beat (B)!”

Hearing this, Lucy was speechless:

“…… If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be nice to do it in the first place? ”

Why would he have to pretend to be a maid to apply?

However, Xue Nai shook his head and said in a serious tone:

“Don’t forget, this time to familiarize you with the task flow.”

If everything is up to you, what about Lucy?

Lucy couldn’t help but be stunned.

Is snow meant to exercise oneself?

Her heart could not help but be moved.

More trust in Yukino.

Subsequently, Xue Nai took Baruge’s Star Spirit Key.

Then the two daughters walked into the Ducal Palace of Aibar with a big wave…


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