The Demon Tail Guild, the crowd was immediately relieved.

Just now they really thought.

Levi is going to have a big fight with Laxus!

Many people have palpitations.

They all left the guild and changed their moods.

Like Alyssa, Naz, Elfman and the like.

They also calmed their faces and left one by one, trying to improve their strength.

After all, just now, Laxus and Levi were-for-tat, and the strength that erupted really stimulated their nerves.

As for Jet and Troy, they were still wrestling with each other.

Both were expecting to perform in front of Rebbie.

However, when Levi left.

Rebbe began to study the archaeological data in her hand again.

Not interested in ignoring these two guys at all!

This made Jeter and Troy want to cry without tears…

Subsequently, the Demon Tail lobby.

Some people with big hearts began to drink and punch again.

But in the guild, after all, it was deserted a lot…

Lucy came to the front desk and ordered a glass of ice orange.

She bit the straw and said with a puzzled face:

“Now, Mirage, who was that man named Laxus?” It seems that he is particularly incompatible with Li Wei! ”

Honestly, since joining the Demon Tail.

She was still seeing it for the first time.

Such a rude guy to Levi.

In the “Weekly Magician”, there is no introduction to the character of the demon tail.

And look at Laxus so dragged.

That guy wouldn’t be a well-behaved guy like Levi, right?

If it’s true…

How did the Demon Tail Guild survive to this day!?

Behind the bar, Mirage was holding a rag and wiping bottle after bottle of red wine.

Upon hearing Lucy’s inquiry, she turned her head and sighed:

“That’s a long story…”

Mirage then explained to Lucy.

Laxus was the grandson of the master.

When Li Wei had just joined the guild, he didn’t like him.

The two sides have rubbed several times and accumulated many contradictions.

It wasn’t until eight years ago that Levi defeated Makarov.

This powder keg finally broke out.

For the first time, Laxus declared war on Levy!

At that time, the two did not officially start fighting.

Instead, it is borrowed from the S-level magician promotion exam to compete.

The result, of course, was that exam, and the commotion was very tragic.

Li Wei, who did not know how to measure, fired the map cannon.

Beat all the test takers to the ground.

It was a closed exam.

Rao is listening to survivors dictate their experiences.

It also made the entire guild shudder.

Laxus, who had been taken care of by Li Wei, had been lying in bed for more than fifty days!

If it weren’t for the Polusika medical prowess.

Laxus is estimated to be left with a lifelong disability!

Since that battle, Levi has left a major psychological shadow on the entire Demon Tail Guild.

This is also the reason why the demon tail people are extremely afraid of him…

And Laxus, who is recovering from his injuries.

Then it begins to become withdrawn, away from the Demon Tail Guild.

He hated Li Wei and at the same time practiced without a life!

“It is estimated that he feels that now that he has the strength to resist Li Wei, he will challenge him again?”

Mirage guessed and put a bottle of high-grade red wine that had been wiped clean on a solid wood wine rack.

After listening to the secret of the demon tail, Lucy looked surprised.

No wonder Laxus mocked Levi like that!

In other words, I am afraid that I will also hate that guy.

But she didn’t dare to provoke that monster again.

He even dared to provoke Li Wei.

This man named Laxus is really head iron…

But then again.

Levi defeated Makarov eight years ago?

Doesn’t that mean that he was the strongest magician with a demon tail at that time?

How old was Levi at that time?

Nine years old?

Ten years old?

Oh, my God……

Mirage, however, shook his head:

“No, at that time, the master voluntarily conceded defeat.”

Levi’s original purpose of joining the guild.

It is to defeat Makarov and encounter more powerful enemies.

So as soon as the fight began, he fired with full fire and exploded 37 mountains in succession!

The battle between the two was in the north at Mount Huckebe.

The earthquake caused by it directly affected Magunolia, dozens of kilometers away!

In order to prevent the town from being destroyed, Makarov, who saw the bad situation, chose to concede.

Moreover, if you fight with Li Wei and lose both, it will not be good for the Demon Tail Guild.

As a president, you naturally need to be able to flex and stretch!

But Lucy was bitter:

“Isn’t it worse…”

This means that the president has been unable to suppress Levi.

Even the point of needing to compromise with him!

Moreover, the growth of infancy is not the same as the growth of adolescence and youth.

People in the golden growth period, the strength progress is obviously much faster!

Ten-year-old Li Wei was able to suppress the entire Demon Tail Guild.

How terrifying should his strength be now?

Speaking of which, the first time the snow came.

She had said that Levi was exercising some kind of ability.

What is that ability?

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and Lucy pondered bitterly.

For a moment, her mind was full of Li Wei’s shadow…

Mysterious men are always easier to arouse the curiosity of girls.

Lucy is also a novelist.

Obviously more associations.

People like Levi are full of mysteries.

Maybe he can be the protagonist of his novel?

No, no! Just the kind of man who has no emotional intelligence may be sprayed to death by the reader, right?

Shaking her head, Lucy decided to do some art processing!

Gradually, she immersed herself in her own fantasies.

Constantly beautify the image of the protagonist (Levi).

Only, when conceiving the plot.

Lucy always unconsciously sets the heroine as herself.

This will make her feel empathetic and express her emotions.

to be better at writing.

But at the same time she was incredibly shy.

Because in the setting, the heroine is a person who saves the protagonist.

It always feels a bit like a middle two said…

Do you want to set the heroine as Elusa?

Or Xuenai?

Or, someone else…

Just when she was thinking wildly.

In the distance, Mirage shouted:

“Now, Lucy, are you free now?”

Suddenly, Lucy woke up:

“Huh!? Free, what’s the matter? ”

She patted her cheeks, feeling shy/shy about being caught in bed.

Tilting his head, Mirage squinted and smiled:

“Can you help me sort out the materials in the library?”

Lucy promised:


She got up hurriedly and trotted over quickly.

It’s a door.

The two walked in together, and inside was a spiral staircase leading to the basement.

Along the way, Lucy followed Miraj’s steps down.

Her gaze looked at the other person’s body from time to time.

At the same time, vaguely observing, the beautiful face of the other party, Lucy has a thousand thoughts.

Maybe it’s better to set the heroine as Mirage?

After all, such a gentle girl.

As the person who saves the protagonist.

It should be deserved, right?

Just thinking, the second daughter has come to the huge library.

Inside there was a girl with short silver ears.

Two large white jade-like legs stood on a long ladder.

In her arms was a large pile of books.

Concentrate on putting it back on the bookshelf as well.

Mirage greeted her:


A familiar voice is heard.

Lisana immediately turned her head and smiled:

“Sister, are you here?”

This is… Uh, Lucy!? ”


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