That evening, Levi’s estate.

Because considering that ghosts may also attack.

Therefore, Xue Nai invited Lucy, who lived alone, to come to the manor for a while.

In the kitchen, two maids and Lucy make a dinner party together.

The water rushed, and Lucy, who washed the vegetables, couldn’t help but complain:

“I really didn’t expect the ghost people to be so bad!”

A great guild in the kingdom of Fiore, alongside the demon tail.

How could he do such a dirty thing.

Its nature is bad.

It’s no less than taking advantage of the quiet of the night.

Throw a cart of manure in front of someone’s house!

I was hesitant to join the ghost or join the demon tail.

Now that I think about it, if I join that kind of guild, I think I will be disgusted for a lifetime!

Nearby, Xue Nai, who was cutting vegetables, smiled helplessly:

“Well, think of something happy.

The president also said that there is no need to be angry for that kind of guy, it is not worth it. ”

Stammering, Lucy tasted a little:

“You and the president’s temper is really good…”

They were all provoked to this point, and they could still deal with it calmly.

If he had the ability, he would have rushed to the ghost’s base camp and beaten them hard – punching them in the face!

Xue Nai shook his head helplessly:

“I guess the president is also very unhappy, but after all, he has to consider the safety of the rest of the guild.”

Since 94 years ago, after the end of the Second Trade War.

The world realized how many casualties a battle between magicians would cause.

Makarov regarded the guild members as his own children.

Nature is not willing to let everyone take risks.

This is a war of the dead.

Others can be hot-headed.

But he can’t do it as president!

Turning her head to look at Xue Nai, Lucy furrowed her brows and said sadly:

“So, it’s really hard to be a president.”

In her opinion, this is all a hard job.

President is not a title that can make people complacent.

It is like a crown of pure gold.

At first, I only felt gorgeous and dazzling.

But the longer you wear it.

The more you can feel the heaviness.

Straight to the heaviness and pain of the brain!

Yuki squinted and smiled:

“Oh, so he can win everyone’s respect!”

As the leader of the Demon Tail Guild, he is the longest-serving president of the three generations.

It can be said that the present pomp of this guild is the glory of Makarov.

He paid silently, for decades as a day, ups and downs.

Almost every member of the group had returned to the guild after completing their missions.

I heard the little old man at the front desk, the careless sentence:

“Welcome back, is the mission still going well?”

It was ordinary and great, but Makarov didn’t get much in return.

Excluding the money from each issue and the purchase of “Weekly Magician”, his savings can only be regarded as a small rich.

Why did Makarov do this for the Demon Tail Guild?

Perhaps, there is no particular reason.

Just because, he likes this guild…

After listening to the president’s story, Lucy couldn’t help but feel respect.

Especially knowing the strength of the other side.

It was actually ranked among the Ten Great Divine Guides.

There are only ten super magicians in the entire continent of Ishukar!

She was even more shocked.

However, Lucy looked back and felt that something was wrong:

“Then again, isn’t Levi’s strength above the president?” Isn’t he the Holy Ten Demon Guides? ”

Ming’s eyes blinked, and Xue Nai replied:

“The people of the previous two years of the House of Representatives had invited the master, but he did not hesitate to refuse.”

With the corners of her mouth pulled, Lucy was speechless:

“Is he playing cool?”


Shaking his head, Xue Nai smiled helplessly.

The heart said that the lines he rejected were even cooler.

In that year, the House of Representatives invited Levi to take over as Saint Ten.

Here’s what he answered:

“You want me to be juxtaposed with that crap double ponytail of Selene?” Then this holy ten, it is not right! ”

The House hasn’t mentioned it since…

That night, after dinner, after a burst of entertainment.

With a satisfied smile, Lucy slept in the same bed as Xuenai.

And in the main base of the Ghost Dominator.

In the dark chamber, a crystal ball the size of a lion’s head emitted a glow.

Inside is a middle-aged man with a large back and blond hair.

Behind his folded hands, his rigid face tensed, and he rebuked in the tone of a superior person:

“Hey! Ghostly, hasn’t my daughter been captured yet? ”

Here, Joseph was dressed in a purple-black aristocratic dress with a pair of bat wings hanging from his back.

He had two hands and a stall, and his gloomy face squeezed out a hint of peace and happiness.

Then against the communication crystal ball, good sound:

“Ah, rest assured, Mr. Judd, the plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Please believe in the efficiency of the ghost, and it won’t be long before I can bring Ling Yuan back to you! ”

Jiude raised his chin haughtily and snorted disdainfully:

“Ahem! I hope so, if her wedding date is delayed, I want you ghosts to eat and walk! ”

This time the daughter’s business marriage.

Expand your own industrial territory.

is an essential presence!

If only the ghost people couldn’t bring Lucy home in time…

Since he can ask the ghost to catch his daughter, he can also ask someone else to destroy the ghost!

This is the power of money.

What magicians, guilds.

Not an inferior person who gives money?

Rubbing his hands together, Joseph narrowed a smile:

“Rest assured, absolutely, and wait for my good news!”

Soon, the other side ended the call with a look of displeasure.

The light of the crystal ball dimmed.

Releasing his hands, the smile on Joseph’s face gradually sank.

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he sneered:

“Well, you only have the spirit now, Mr. Upstart!”

After that, I will squeeze out your family’s property little by little, and there will not be a penny left!

I hope you can still maintain that pride until you starve to death on the streets and no one collects the body! ”

Joseph then strode out of the Chamber of Secrets.

He strolled to the lobby on the first floor.

There are still quite a few members of the ghost, drinking and fighting, a lot of noise.

There are even people who hug each other left and right, flirt with each other, and are confused.

The dim flames kept flickering.

The dimly lit lobby was noisy.

It’s like a thief’s paradise, and the demons are dancing!

The gloomy gaze swept around the lobby.

Eventually, Joseph’s gaze rested on a man.

He has long black hedgehog hair.

Like Levi, he wears a sleeveless black trench coat.

Reveals the ghost coat of arms on the sturdy right arm.

Gagirou was gulping down the iron and no one dared to bother him.

But with the exception of Joseph, he cried out:

“Gagiru, are you back?” Has the tinder been laid? ”

“Huh? Oh, of course! ”

Gajirou, stuffed with iron bars, reacted and glanced at Joseph.

He grunted and swallowed the iron bar, then wiped his mouth and smiled:

“But your method is too gentle.”

I think that if that’s the case, the nest is still out of the nest and has no eggs to fight with us.

So before leaving, I gave them another ‘gift’! ”

The thin eyebrows were slightly raised, and Joseph’s face showed a touch of pleasure:

“That’s a great deal! But you didn’t kill anyone, did you? ”

If you take the lead in killing people.

Then the House of Representatives should find trouble on its side.

Patting his strong chest, Gagiru said proudly:

“That’s nature, I do things, you rest assured!” Hey——! ”

He grinned and revealed a mouthful of large white teeth.

The smile is incredibly vicious!


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