The castle gates were blasted open.

Thousands of ghost members looked on.

The door had been blocked by hordes of demon tails.

One person gritted his teeth:

“Damn, where did these guys come from!” How dare you provoke on our turf? ”

They have always been a blessing in disguise.

Those who dare to rush to the door and smash the museum are still the first to meet!

Another pointed to their coat of arms and shouted:

“Look at their coat of arms, it’s the Demon Tail’s gang of!”

Bumper ——!

With his fists struck, Naz had a black line on his face and sharp teeth:

“Nest waste? I dare to say ah, or come to a fight to see, who is the nest waste! ”

He glared viciously at the members of these ghosts.

His eyes were filled with anger and madness.

“Ahem! I’m afraid you won’t make it! ”

A Mohican-haired youth rushed up.

Nearby, another companion shouted:

“Guys on it! Give the garbage of the demon tail a little color to see! ”

In response, thousands of ghost members rushed up.

Naz grinned:

“Hmm, good to be here! Fire Dragon’s—”

He clenched his right fist and pulled it back, condensing countless high-temperature flames.


Suddenly, a giant monster rushed in.

The monster punched hard and smashed a large number of ghost members into the sky!

The dusty, two-horned, stout demon pounded his chest like an orangutan:


Naz was a little dissatisfied and shouted:

“Hey, Elfman, how did you grab my sandbag?”

Hearing this, Elfman’s big scarlet eyes swept in, and the urn sounded:

“It’s all right, there’s a lot of sandbags here, aren’t there?”

Skimming his lips, Naz snorted coldly:

“That’s what it says!”

He jumped up high and slammed his fist down like a shooting star.

Once again, many ghost members were blown away, and the flames soared into the sky!

Maka’o took off his cigar and threw it on the ground and stepped on it:

“Is it to come up and receive the ‘Soul of the Beast King’ all over your body?”

Today’s young people are really messy! ”

The pipe in the mouth of Wakaba, the smoke quickly expanded:

“Those of us who are older can’t be looked down upon!”

And just when the two were pretending.

Others had already rushed in.

“Go on Al!”

Biskar took the lead in the charge, followed by Arzac.

“Lisana, be careful, don’t get too far away from me!”

Miraj, who had transformed into Satanic form, gave an order.

Then both hands condensed the dark magic ball and slammed it!

A burst of golden light.

Elusa transforms into the armor of the Yan Emperor.

She rushed into the battlefield with a dazzling ball of heavenly fire, swinging her sword like a valkyrie, and shouted:

“Where are Gagiru and the Four Elements!” Get Me Out! ”

The Demon Tail crowd is like a broken bamboo.

Soon the ghost’s camp was dispersed.

But as a guild with the same name as the Demon Tail.

The members of the Ghost Dominator are not easy to mess with either.

Soon they regrouped and cast their magic to fight back!

All kinds of magic arrays, one by one, exploded in mid-air and collided with each other.

The entire lobby of the ghost quickly became a battlefield filled with smoke!

In the shadows above, lurking a pair of snake-like sights.

With his hands around his chest, Gagiru stood on the beam and pillar, staring condescendingly.

He had a sneer on his face:

“Is it just the Goblin Queen and the Demon Mirage?”

Neither Levi nor Laxus went to war… We’re really being looked down upon! ”

Gagirou was eager for Levi to come to war.

As the strongest ghost and the strongest demon tail.

It has always been compared by the world, but it has never been distinguished.

Gagiru has always been angry about this!

The battle below continues.

Loki is surrounded by a bunch of little sisters.

“Hey, isn’t this Loki of the Demon Tail?”

A wild woman with wheat-colored skin swung a leather whip.

Eyes wandered around Loki.

“Looks really handsome as in the magazine, little brother, do you want to consider joining the ghost?”

Another girl sniffled.

“Yeah, if I maim your handsome face, I’m honestly a little embarrassed!” Oh well…”

With one hand crossed at the waist, the girl with short black ears and short hair laughed softly in a hoarse voice.

“I’m sorry, I’m a man you can never get!”

The index finger poked the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and Loki twisted the ring between his fingers and threw it hard:

“Ring Magic Whirlwind!”


In an instant, a tornado blew these girls into the sky.

When they fell, Loki took advantage of their lack of attention and caught them unconscious.

Compared to his gentlemanly style.

Kana’s way of fighting is much more grumpy!

“Summoning the fate of thunder! The explosion of the sun! Grim Reaper’s Icicle! The Emperor’s Wind Blade! ”

She threw out four cards in a row, knocked over dozens of ghost magicians, and did not forget to whip corpses.

Anyone who dares to hurt Rebbe, she will not let go of a single one!

Others fired one after another.

Leqi, Rachi, Makao, Wakaba…

Even Harpy has earned the achievement of “Kill Hard”!

Of course, the ones who kill the most are Alyssa and Miraj.

Because the two of them had been missing for a long time and began to compete, who had more enemies to overthrow!

Makarov, transformed into a giant, shrank and commanded:

“Elusa, Mirage, this is up to you.

Joseph should be at the very top, and I’ll go up and fix him!” ”

With that, he walked up the stairs and up the castle without turning his head.

Alyssa nodded toward Makarov’s back:

“Knowing Master, be careful!”

But there was some worry in her heart.

Neither Gagiru nor the Four Elements are there.

Can the president really beat Joseph?

However, say Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

As soon as he saw Makarov leave.

Gagirou jumped straight down into the turmoil, interrupting Elusa’s thinking.

The battle situation has escalated again…

And on the other side, Margunolia.

At the station, Levi strolled out with a large bag of cash on his back.

But on the way back to the guild, everyone around him looked at him with a very strange look.

With doubt, when he returned to the guild, he knew the reason instantly.

Li Wei looked up, and a pair of golden pupils reflected the battered guild.

The corners of his eyes twitched imperceptibly!

Which bastard did this good thing!?


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