The next day, the Demon Tail Guild.

Loud and noisy as always.

In the crowd.

Lucy sat at the front desk.

I have a glass of orange juice in my hand.

She sipped the straw and chatted with Mirage.

Yesterday’s hotel ended somewhat tragically.

Miraj took three away in one wave.

Naz is more focused.

For the next few days, he didn’t want to get out of bed…

Lisana was at home tending to her brother.

Without a partner, Lucy doesn’t plan to go to work anymore, so let’s have fun for a day.

And in the distance, some shaded corner.

A pair of concerned eyes, locked on her body.


Loki murmured in a low voice.

Under the pair of sunglasses, the eyes were slightly dark.

In fact, not long after Lucy joined the guild.

He’s always paying attention to the other person.

After all, its mother Layla.

With the Star Spirit King is an old acquaintance.

Also briefly served as Loki’s owner.

Protecting the host is the mission of every star spirit.

And he broke the iron law…

Look down at the increasingly illusory palm.

A bitter smile appeared on Loki’s face:

“I’m sorry, Layla…”

She could only accompany Lucy here.

He turned and left.

The figure in the shadows gradually dimmed until it disappeared…

And shortly after Loki left.

In the Demon Tail Guild.

Suddenly, a group of uninvited guests arrived.

It was a dozen pretty girls.

They all claimed to be Loki’s girlfriend.

And last night, he was unilaterally told to break up!

So today, they all came to Loki to ask for clarification.

In the guild, nature was made to the point of chicken flying and dog jumping.

Lucy was even more targeted by them, and chased and killed.

After all, objectively speaking, she is indeed cute and big-breasted.

If not like Levi.

Frequent littering.

Lucy is indeed a beauty…

It took her a while to get out of the chase.

And to Loki’s scumbag degree.

Another new understanding.

At the same time, more than a dozen boats have been pedaled, and they have not been knifed so far.

In a sense, he’s really good!

But why did Loki suddenly have all his hands on it?

Conscience discovery?

Terminally ill?

Lucy was a little strange, but nowhere to ask.

She kept remembering…

Until the time of the shower that night.

Lucy suddenly remembered Xue Nai’s words:

Don’t ask too much about this – as a Star Spirit Magician! 】

“Star Spirit Sorcerer? Is it said…”

Those agile eyes were full of surprise.

She hurriedly washed herself.

Change into civilian clothes and leave the bathroom.

Coming to the living room, Lucy turned out a cross-silver key and suddenly waved:

“Open, Southern Cross Gate, Kulokus!”

A magic array of azure stars, banging and blooming.

When the white smoke cleared, an old man with a cross head was revealed.

“Grandpa Kulo, please help me investigate:

What had happened between Loki and the Star Spirit Sorcerer! ”

Lucy pleaded with a serious face.

As an encyclopedia of the astral spirit world.

All the information of the Star Spirit Magician is recorded here in Kurokus.

Ah, I should have thought of it a long time ago!

Why didn’t I think about it?

Culokus also began retrieving upon receiving the request.

“Purr ~ ~ ~ ~ ”

He hung his head, and a large snot bubble came out of his nose, as if he were sleeping…

But the spirit has long been immersed and roamed in the vast database.


Suddenly, the nasal bubbles burst.

He suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Lucy:

“Since privacy is involved, I can’t reveal much about Lord Loki.

The only thing I can tell you is that he was in contact with Miss Karen Lilika! ”

Lucy was stunned:

“Karen Lilika? What else? ”

Kurokus shook his head:

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing to say on that… Purr ~~~”

This time he was really asleep.

“Hey, wake me up!”

Lucy was stunned.

She hurriedly woke up Culokus.

But as soon as I woke up.

The body of Kurokus.

With a snap, it shattered into a starry sky…

No doubt it’s a runaway!

Lucy bit her thumb and nails, a headache on her face.

Eventually she decided to go out.

Then it was discovered that the entire guild was looking for Loki!

Because in the evening.

A letter was suddenly received at the reception.

It is Loki’s farewell letter from the demon’s tail.

This kind of parting is naturally not accepted by everyone.

Not to mention that he still has so many love debts…

A bunch of dicks from the Demon Tail Guild.

They all volunteered to help the girls find Loki.

This Shuluo Field must not let him escape!


At the same moment.

The northwest coast of Margunolia.

Walk through a lush forest.

You will see a raging sea whirlpool, more than 100 meters in diameter.

A towering cliff.

Extends from the shore to the center of the whirlpool.

At the tip of the cliff, stands a beautiful stone monument that is as high as a person.

The upper part of the stele is an erected ring of stars.

At the top of the star ring, hangs a bronze bell the size of a human head.

Gently shake in the night wind.

Ring a ring of soul-calming bells.

Loki stood in front of the stone monument.

Fingers caressing the name of the tomb owner.

He sighed softly:

“I didn’t expect that it would be you who accompanied me to the last moment of my life…”

With that, Loki looked back, helpless.

But there is a little bit of happiness and sentimentality…

Behind him, Levi sat on a large barrel.

He held a cold beer in his hand and savored it.

“I just want to see how the Star Spirit hangs up!”

Li Wei skimmed his lips and threw out another glass of cold beer.

Catch the full barrel wine glass with both hands.

Loki smiled bitterly:

“You’re still so bad at it!”

Li Wei drank the cold beer and asked:

“Did you just find out today?”

The bitter smile on Loki’s face was even worse.

Then he thanked Xuenai.

He also knelt down on one knee and made a promise:

If there is an afterlife, you must marry the other person!

Xue Nai squinted his eyes and said hehe…

The limit is coming, and it is still so flowery.

Leo was not so decadent!

After that, Loki and Levi drink nostalgia.

Spent the middle of the night.

His figure became more and more illusory.

And that’s when it happened.

Lucy follows the forest path.

Found the cliffs here.

“Loki, Levy, Snowy… You’re all here!? ”

She looked at the three with some surprise.

Loki was more stunned than she was:

“Lucy, how did you find this place?”

Lucy shook her head:

“Because I’m a Star Spirit Sorcerer, Star Spirit Loki…

No, your real identity is Leo of the Lion Palace, right? ”

She looked fixedly at Loki.

“…… Oh, did you find out? ”

After a moment of silence, Loki smiled bitterly with his index finger on his cheek.

“I should have found out earlier.”

Lucy shook her head and pointed to the stone tablet behind Loki:

“That should be Karen’s tomb, right?”

Between you and her… What the hell is going on? ”

Li Wei, who was drinking cold beer, opened his mouth coldly:

“It’s just a Bichi, why do you inquire so much?”

Lucy: “?? ”


What the heck?


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