Karlroom was off the sea, and the sky was dark.

The undulating sea.

A large white yacht rides the wind and waves.

On the deck, Snow puts his hand on his forehead and looks into the distance:

“Naz, does the smell of guys be on the tower in front?”

As far as the maiden’s eyes could see, there was a huge obelisk with strange light.

Snow will not admit it, it is the R system, she has been in the Demon Tower for a year!

Next to the side of the ship, a blue-faced Naz nodded:

“Well, the taste is getting more and more … Vomit! Intense, should be in… Vomit! Right inside… Vomiting——! ”

He spat out a large gulp of acid because there was really nothing left to throw up.

Leo wrapped his hands around his chest and twisted his sword eyebrows:

“Hey, Naz, pay attention, the fish in the sea are all sour to death by you!”

Around the yacht, a white belly of sea fish gradually floated.

No wonder the Dragon Slayer could eat anything.

In short, it is very sour, and the corrosion of stomach acid is comparable to Aqua regia!

A pale Naz, puffing his cheeks, retorted:

“Talent, talent is not… Me, right? Gag-”

At this point, Snow explains for Naz:

“Not Naz, the Tower of Paradise is the Tower of Death that absorbs the magic of the living.

All beings who are close to it will gradually be sucked out of their life force and even their souls. ”

As she spoke, she also pointed ahead.

Leo frowned.

As the yacht gradually approaches the Tower of Paradise.

The sea is no longer just dead fish.

And dead birds, dead people… And Fiore’s warships!

“Is this someone from the House of Representatives?”

Leo’s face grew solemn.

Because he saw the dead men in the clothes of the Jurchen Law Enforcement Team!

“I’m afraid that’s right.”

Yukino nodded.

Yesterday morning, after learning that most of the members of the Demon Tail had been taken captive.

She had reported this to the Senate.

Now it seems that their efficiency is still quite fast.

It’s just a pity that all of them came to send people’s heads…

At this point, Jubia asked:

“So are we just breaking in?” Or wait for Levi to come back first? ”

She was somewhat worried, with the strength of the current four-person group.

If you break into the Tower of Paradise, will you be captured by the enemy as well?

Of course, he and others solved this incident.

I can definitely accept the praise of Lord Li Wei.

But if you get caught and cause him trouble, it will definitely reduce the favorability!

That was something that Jubia could never accept.

Xue Nai hesitated:

“This, he said was coming, should…”

Before he could finish speaking, a monstrous white wave suddenly rose from the sea in the west.

It’s like a giant whale soaring over the sea.

Waves erupting tens of meters high.

Suddenly, the whale’s head swirled in a whirlpool.

Like a wind dragon spreading its snow-white wings.

Huge vacuum holes are generated.

A black dot in the center turns into a streamer.

It’s like a meteorite smashing at high speed!

With a thud, Levi fell off the deck and stood up slowly.

But the power of inertia is enormous.

Still makes the whole yacht shake violently, crazy/crazy bumps.

The cracks in the deck are even more cracked like flowers blooming.

Slightly twisting his eyebrows, Li Wei raised his hand with a false press, as if the air had been stagnant.

Zhou Tian’s space suddenly sank a lot.

The violently shaking yacht, like the leaves pinched in the wind and rain, instantly froze.

Li Wei’s golden pupils glanced at the deck indifferently.

The other four were stunned at first, and soon they were surprised.

“Big brother, here you are!”

“Lord Levi, you’re back~~~!!”

Jubia pounced on her, her eyes glowing with peach hearts, a look of a fool.


Levi smashed her into a splash with his backhand.

Leo was startled and his eyes widened:


He rushed over, and Li Wei passed by him and came to Xue Nai:

“Where is this?”

The latter pointed to the obelisk and pursed his lips:

“The Tower of Paradise is in front of you, but I don’t know anything about the situation inside the tower at the moment, so we have to find out everyone’s safety first.”

Li Wei turned his head and looked obliquely at the Tower of Paradise, and couldn’t help but furrow his eyebrows.

Which king made this thing?

Here, Jubia turned into a pool of water, constantly flowing.

She went around Leo, hugged Levi’s right foot, and said with concern:

“Lord Li Wei, how dirty are you doing, do you want me to wash it for you?”

As he spoke, Jubia kept rubbing his chest against Levi’s feet, incomparably humble.

And the washing she refers to is naturally that she has turned herself into a ball of dew, allowing Li Wei to lie down and bathe…

Levi glanced at her coldly:

“I’m just playing crazy, and you don’t get nervous, I don’t like licking dogs!”

Although his body/body will not be injured, he fights every day.

Naturally, the body was stained with many traces of war.

It is dirty, not so-called decent.

Suddenly, Jubia was shocked:

“Ah, yes, very sorry!”

She stood up with a thud, clenching her fists in her hands.

Returning to the posture of a lady, with a panicked expression, afraid of being hated by Li Wei.

At this time, Yukino skillfully handed him a towel and a new set of clothes.

Levi grabbed the towel and wiped a few blast/blast marks on his upper body.

Then he put on a black trench coat and moved his body/body a little, making a crackling sound.

Here, Leo came over with some disappointment and asked:

“Big brother, what’s next?”

Li Wei raised an eyebrow, and then looked in the direction of the Tower of Paradise.

A group of guards in black uniforms.

Riding a crimson dragon.

Like a dense swarm of bees surrounded!

“These are supposed to be demon tails, right?”

A creep asked.

A vice captain next to him nodded:

“That’s right, Naz the Fire Dragon, Zero Dilio, and Dragon Pupil Lee… Fire!!! ”

He screamed violently, and the others reacted quickly.

Successive pieces of magic wands were held high, and magic arrays of different colors burst out in the sky.

At the same time, those crimson dragons also opened their mouths and condensed the breath of the flame dragon…

The magic element of the whole sky is high.

Turn into a dense network of firepower!


Breathing lightly, Li Wei squeezed his right fist and slammed out!

Apocrypha Blaster!


A raging wind swept up with a roar.

It’s like a giant wind eagle chirping.

Everywhere you go, all the fireballs, lasers, and hailstones are swept in!

Wind and fire are mixed with light.

Become a violent giant fire phoenix.

With the power of covering the sky.

Devour all the guards and dragons!


There was a scream, countless scorched black human figures that were scorching with fire, and all of them sank into the sea.

Levi shook his hand and answered Leo:

“There is no plan for my battlefield, erase it with absolute power!”


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