Lin Yun nodded, "Aren't you Chu Chu's twin sister?" He always felt that the relationship between Chu Tong and Chu Chu was very strange. Chu Tong had all Chu Chu's memories, "You are hers The second soul?"

Chu Tong looked at her in shock, but nodded after all.

This situation is called the second personality in later generations.

When Lin Yun used both hands just now, he had already detected。

“I am Chu Chu's substitute, or clone, which can be said to be the second soul. "

Jingjing's face was full of surprise. This was the first time she heard about this kind of thing.。

“In fact, Chuchu and I have always been together. I have been living in her soul since she became a fetus. I am always asleep, but I am always aware of everything in the outside world.

But I couldn't wake up on my own initiative.

It wasn't until three months ago that she suddenly encountered a life-or-death crisis. I didn't wake up until the critical moment.。”

“Not only did I come to life, I was literally ripped out of her soul.

Can freely transform into a complete human body. Of course, I can still freely attach to her soul at any time. This independent human body can also disappear at any time.。”

“Now in the Chu family, only Chu Chu knows my existence. The black cat she raised, the old cat demon lady beside her, and even the nine-life cat demon substitute in the backyard were unable to detect my existence.

Chu Tong paused and continued: "Chu Chu and Anni used to be good friends, but later they turned against each other. " At that time, Chu Chu was the eldest daughter of the Chu family, the apple of Old Mrs. Chu's eye, and the princess of the entire Chu family, receiving much honor and favor.

At that time, she and her eldest brother Chu Ying had a very good relationship.

Although Chu Ying was paralyzed from birth. But this made her feel doubly sad for her elder brother。”

“At that time, she was a little whimsical and thought that Miss Anne was a nice person. If she could marry her eldest brother, she would definitely not abuse him. So she took the liberty to propose marriage to Chu Chu on behalf of her eldest brother. Of course Miss Anne refused.

Chu Chu was very angry at the time. Afterwards, she calmed down, reflected on it, and felt that what she did was indeed inappropriate.

If it were him, he wouldn't be willing to marry a loser。”

“Chu Ying and Annie, on the other hand, had never communicated at all. Annie became very familiar with Chu Ying because she became good friends with Chu Chu and often went to Chu's house.

She also regarded Chu Ying as her eldest brother and felt even more compassion for him.

When Chu Ying saw that Annie was as beautiful as a flower, she actually became interested in marrying her. Before the Chu family came to propose marriage, Chu Chu took it upon herself to tell Annie.。”

“After being rejected by Anne, the Chu family still refused to give up. The old man of the Chu family actually used three matchmakers and nine appointments to openly propose marriage to Anne's house. Mrs. Wang and Anne refused on the spot.

This suddenly became a joke in the whole town.

Originally, after Annie refused last time, Chu Chu wanted to apologize and ease the relationship between the two.

But who knew that later on, the Chu family would lose face again. The Wang family and our Chu family openly fell out. Later, Annie went to study abroad. Chu Chu wanted to apologize, but it was completely delayed.……”

“After that, what great changes did Chu Chu go through? What made her become crazy now? "

Chu Tong was silent for a moment, feeling that it was not easy to talk about this matter, but it was of great importance and had to be said.。

“About ten years ago, one night, five very beautiful women came to Jiuquan Town with thirteen daughters. Those five girls were so beautiful that they were not like human beings, but like fairies descended from the earth. The thirteen girls were only seven or eight years old at the time, but all of them were beautiful.

The people in the town had never seen such a beautiful woman before, and the whole town was shocked!”

“At that time, the eighteen mother and daughter were very depressed and wanted to stay overnight in the town.

Mrs. Chu received them warmly. Even the well-informed old man Chu has never seen their stunning beauty.

He had a crooked idea and wanted to take five women as concubines.。”

“The five women didn't agree at all. They rejected him harshly on the spot and planned to leave with their thirteen daughters.

The old man Chu was so angry that he asked the overlord to force the most beautiful woman to do it first.

Unexpectedly, during the struggle, he accidentally strangled the woman to death. After the woman died, her body suddenly turned into a snow-white cat。”

“Old Mrs. Chu was frightened, but after all, he was well-informed and had heard of countless things about monsters and ghosts, so he didn't take it seriously and calmed down immediately. On second thought, he strangled the remaining four women and the thirteen little girls to death.

Sure enough, after they died, they all turned into white cats。”

!“After killing them all, Mr. Chu discovered that they were actually not weak at first, but they were seriously injured. There was a wound on their backs, and they were bleeding.

It can't be healed at all, so its magic power is extremely low, and even he can't resist it. He guessed that they came to stay overnight because they wanted to take refuge in the Chu family to recuperate, but he didn't expect that such an accident would happen.。”

“Old Mrs. Chu was a little panicked now. No one knew what he did at that time, not even the servants. He secretly dealt with them all hastily.

Then he found a Taoist priest to perform a ritual so that they could not cause trouble. The Taoist priest told fortunes again and concluded that these cat monsters were not very advanced in cultivation, so there would not be any unusually powerful monsters seeking revenge. Only then did Mr. Chu feel at ease.。”

“Ten consecutive years have passed, and sure enough, nothing strange has happened to the Chu family. Mrs. Chu has almost forgotten about it. ”_To

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