Chu family.

Chu Chu is meditating in the room and practicing Qigong.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed an undetectable fluctuation in the air, and then an extremely small white dot flew into his mind. It gradually grew larger and turned into an illusory human figure. It was Chu Tong.

Chu Chu closed her eyes, the expression on her face remained unchanged, and communicated with her consciously, "How was it?"

Chu Tong shook her head, with an apologetic look on her face, "Chu Chu, I'm very sorry! I failed!"

Chu Chu was slightly stunned, but she didn't expect it. Chu Tong's skill was still defeated, "Forget it, it's not your fault! I didn't expect his magic power to be so strong!"

Suddenly her face turned cold, "Humph, it seems I have to take action personally!"

Chu Tong said: "But... But Lin Yun promised that he would not tell the news that he got the jade pendant.……”

Chu Chu was stunned for a moment, then her face became even colder, and she sneered, "Humph, believe outsiders? It's better to believe in yourself!" Chu Tong saw that she looked a little crazy, hesitated, and finally said: "Chu Chu, Lin Yun promised to help us Deal with the cat demon!"

Chu Chu was stunned, and then her face darkened: "What? You actually told outsiders about me?"

Her voice suddenly became sharper, and her tone became even more urgent, "You told everything about me Are you out?" His eyes were blood red and full of fierce light.

Chu Tong hurriedly shook his head: "Even if I have no brains, I still know what to say and what not to say. I didn't miss a word of those things."

She knew that Chu Chu's embarrassing past was a huge shame, absolutely Can't mention it to anyone.

If this kind of thing were to happen to me, if outsiders knew about it, I would be afraid that I would collapse and commit suicide. I would rather die by myself than let outsiders know.

She knew that Chu Chu had become extremely sensitive and had low self-esteem and did not trust anyone. If she told the truth, things might get worse.

Chu Tong said: "I picked out everything about you. Back then, the old guy wanted to force eighteen cat girls and thus build a grudge with the cat tribe. We were deceived into the lair of the Nine-Life Cat Demon. The Nine-Life Cat Demon I found out that you are the daughter of a demon, so I let you go.

But because he wanted to use all the people of the Chu family to bury his descendants with him... he deceived him! Lin Yun believed it!"

Chu Chu seemed to be slightly relieved. Then he asked doubtfully: "But why did he agree to us?"

Chu Tong said: "Lin Yun seemed to have spied a piece of the jade pendant.……”

“What did you say? Did he crack the secret? "Chu Chu almost jumped up and her breathing was a little rapid.

Seeing her losing her composure, Chu Tong knew that this jade pendant was really important to her.

He shook his head and smiled: "How to completely crack it? He just met by chance and found out a little secret, but there must be much more than what we have understood. Moreover...he also needs our cooperation. After all, we are the only ones who have entered the lair...that's why he agreed to join forces.……”

Chu Tong breathed a sigh of relief. It was too difficult to persuade Chu Chu. She could only tell the truth and lie, and she had to say everything.

What she said was reasonable and reasonable, and Chu Chu really couldn't fault it.

She was silent for a moment, and suddenly said coldly: "Why do you want to join forces with outsiders? I don't need it!"

Chu Tong chuckled: "Chu Chu, this is why you are wrong! There are some things that you still don't quite understand! In this world On the topic, it is never enough to fight alone! Sometimes, we use some external forces to achieve our goals by any means! This is a truth! When we achieve our goals and eradicate the cat demon, we don’t need Lin Yun, then we will……”

She stretched out her right hand and made a gesture on her neck, "Click.——”

Chu Chu looked at Chu Tong in shock. It wasn't that she couldn't think of these methods, but she didn't trust anyone and didn't bother to take advantage of others.

After a night of practice, Lin Yun had perfected the Tongtian Ru to 60%. He was very happy and opened the door refreshed.

As soon as he opened the door, a green figure swayed, walked quickly to him, and bowed to him: "Master!"

Lin Yun frowned slightly: "You call me Master?”

“yes! My master said that I can take Brother Lin as my teacher! However, I will still call you Brother Lin from now on! Calling Master makes you old. I hope Brother Lin can teach me some spells. I will never disturb Brother Lin's practice. Moreover, if you need anything, just ask me to do it.……”

Lin Yun was stunned, "What is Uncle Jiu doing?"

He was having a headache when Jingjing came out from behind him。

“Sister Jingjing! "Xiaoyue looked at her, hurriedly stepped forward to grab her hand, and said happily: "I become my disciple, Brother Lin! I can stay with you every day from now on!

Of course Jingjing knew that she was not interested in drinking, so she clapped her hand and said with a smile, "Okay. " This is a good thing. Save me from being bored by myself. Someone happens to be chatting with me now……”

Xiaoyue said: "Brother Lin, Sister Jingjing, have you eaten? My cooking skills are good, I will cook it for you.……”

Jingjing smiled and said: "No need. I've already made it. Have you eaten? If not, let's eat together!"

Xiaoyue hurriedly hit the snake on the stick and had a breakfast.

After the meal, Lin Yun gave her some pointers on some practicing spells, "It's okay, just practice by yourself! Only by working hard can you make progress! I'm going to practice!" Xiaoyue nodded, and after practicing dozens of times, she stopped

. Practiced. At this time, I went to find Jingjing, who said: "Xiaoyue, if you are okay, come with me to the cloth store!”

“OK! OK! "Xiaoyue was very happy. Although she had good qualifications, they were all useless in practice.

The two of them went out.

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