At this time, Xiaoyue shouted: "White Illusion!"

At the command, a white light flashed, and the White Illustration had already flown out of the space ring, and moved towards the three mantises extremely quickly. Jump over and say, "Hey!”、“Tsk”、“"Chila" three times, the three mantises were torn to pieces.

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but look at Xiaoyue in shock.

Unexpectedly, he had just accepted Lin Yun as his teacher, but in just one day, Lin Yun gave her such a powerful spell. weapon.

In comparison, his master seemed even more incompetent.

Ah Xing opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't close it for a long time. His face

was full of envy.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Xiaoyue's mouth, and she hugged her with both hands. In front of her body, the fingertips of her right hand were pointing at her chin. She had been wanting to show off the white doll since she got it. Now that she had attracted everyone's attention, she couldn't hide her pride.。

“Blood mantis! The lowest trick in the Five Elements Sacrifice Refining Technique! "Uncle Jiu's face became even colder, "It is indeed Mu Taoist's trick! There is no doubt that the person coming is a Mu Taoist from the Mu family! "

Although Jingjing still felt a little disgusted when she saw this scene, she was much better than before.

She looked at all this, her face was a little cold, and said: "Uncle Jiu, whether it is the blood mantis or the Five Elements Sacrifice Refining Technique, it is all Use our girls to refine it? So vicious?

Uncle Jiu's face was as gloomy as water, and he nodded, "Not bad! " Mu Taoist turned out to be a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain. He originally worshiped the old Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain and was a disciple of the Taoist priest on the mountain. Mu Taoist was extremely smart and hard-working. The old Celestial Master was quite pleased and felt that there was someone to inherit his mantle.。”

“However, Mu Taoist has an evil nature, and he secretly practiced Miao Jiang's evil arts, the Five Elements Sacrifice and Refining Technique, and integrated it with the authentic Taoist techniques of Longhu Mountain, making the evil magic even more powerful! Even more vicious!”

“After Taoist Master Shangshan knew the truth, he wanted to abolish Taoist Mu. However, Taoist Mu fought with his master and killed several elders. Even Taoist Master Shangshan was killed by evil magic. The Mu Taoist came out of the mountain.

After Mu Taoist came down from the mountain, he did not change his ways and continued to do evil. Moreover, he was not alone. He passed on his evil arts to several of his brothers. Almost everyone in the Mu family practiced evil arts.

Specially use those virgins, virgins, babies, fetuses, young boys and girls to be sacrificed. Killed countless lives。

“At that time, our Maoshan, Longhushan, Geshan, Qingchengmen, Quanzhen sect and other Taoist sects, and even Buddhist disciples also participated in the encirclement and suppression. I was only in my twenties at the time, and I was fortunate enough to participate in the elimination of most of the Mu family's villains

. But a few of the Mu Tao people were lost! They disappeared for a long time, but they suddenly reappeared! "

While talking, suddenly the five corpses heard "Pfft"”、“There was a cracking sound, and holes were opened one after another in the body, and countless palm-sized blood mantises came out and attacked everyone. When the

crowd watching in the distance saw this scene, they screamed in fear and ran away.

This At that time, the five female corpses suddenly turned over and crawled on the ground. On each corpse, protrusions suddenly appeared and kept beating. Suddenly, these female corpses grew red wings and several legs. Two sickles grew out of its shoulders, and its head completely transformed into that of a mantis, with a sharp and terrifying mouth and scarlet eyes glaring at everyone.。


Everyone gasped.

Uncle Jiu opened his eyes in disbelief: "This is... Back then, Mu Taoist had not yet mastered this kind of evil spell.……”

Before he finished speaking, five female corpses suddenly spread their wings and flew toward everyone.

Two serrated sickles were waved towards the crowd.

A female corpse flew above Xiaoyue's head, flapped its wings, bringing a burst of bloody smell, and two sickles came over.。

“White puppet! "Xiaoyue's face was pale. This monster was much scarier than the previous blood mantis. The

white puppet swayed and stood in front of Xiaoyue. Two scythes flew over and chopped on her body. Her clothes were cut with countless cuts, but Without harming her at all,

Bai Ou screamed, stretched out his hands, grabbed her scythe, and pulled her down. Using force with both hands, the female corpse was immediately broken into dozens of pieces. At this time, Uncle Jiu shouted

, Two yellow talismans flew out, one blocking the head of the female corpse that attacked him, and the other sticking to the corpse monster flying in front of Asing. The two corpses fell from the sky and fell to the ground, and their bodies suddenly burst into flames

. , burned clean in an instant.

Lin Yun punched a female corpse monster into powder.

A monster suddenly flew towards the crowd in the distance, and everyone ran away in fear. Lin Yun was about to hit a talisman, "Ruhua! "There was a scream from the crowd, and a figure quickly jumped up to a height of more than three meters, tearing the monster to pieces with both hands.

Ruhua then flew back to a woman, it was Annie.

Annie smiled at Lin Yun, and He didn't come forward.

Uncle Jiu's face became even more gloomy: "Mu Taoist has actually mastered this kind of evil technique! I'm afraid that there will be no peace in Jiuquan Town. The people who are going to be killed may not only be dozens, but hundreds or even thousands, or even the entire town! We must not sit still and wait for death! We must find him! "

Uncle Jiu played a soul-chasing talisman, sniffed the trace of Mu Taoist's remaining breath in the air, and found a location. Lin Yun took a look and found that it was roughly the same as he had guessed.。

“Walk! Doctor Lin, let's search separately! "Jiu Shu said.

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