Mu San didn't expect that she would suddenly attack without even saying a word.。

In a hurry, he raised his right hand and quickly punched out several yellow talismans. Pounce towards Baidu。

Bai Ou used both hands to tear several yellow talismans to pieces. The offensive did not weaken at all and rushed straight towards Mu San.。

Mu San had no way to hide, so he had to throw out two punches, and Bai Ou's fists met with each other. With a loud bang, Mu San flew backwards more than ten meters away. Bai Ou took three steps back and stood next to Xiao Yue. around。

When Mu Taoist and Mu Er saw she was the only one, they didn't take it to heart at all, "Lao San, leave it to you!”

“Brother, please rest assured!”

Mu San took a step forward and punched Xiao Yue and Bai Ou back fiercely.。

Mu Taoist, Mu Er, and the three-faced female corpses brought the corpses and approached Chu Chu again. The top priority now is to catch her。

Chu Chu took two steps back slightly, shaky and leaning against a tree. The energy and blood in her whole body has been almost drained now, and she really has no strength left.。

I'm afraid it's very difficult to lift a finger。

The living corpses of the Chu family stared at her blankly, motionless. Her mana has dropped to an extremely low level and she can no longer control these corpses.。

And when she had no more mana left, she completely lost control of these living corpses.。

The first thing these living corpses will do is to bite her to pieces。

“Miss Chu, I didn’t expect you to be the daughter of a demon! What a rare spiritual treasure in the world!”

“You take the initiative to deliver it to your door, otherwise, I will never know! I have always wondered, why do you practice so fast? Is it even comparable to my thirty years of skill? I see!”

“As long as I get your demon blood! Not only can my magic power and cultivation level be improved to a higher level! Moreover, the three-faced female corpse can also cultivate to a deeper state!”

“I can also use your demon's blood to refine various magic weapons. Even the lowest-level magic weapon can be turned into a medium-level treasure with the addition of your demon's blood!”

“Even if you can't refine a top-notch weapon, you can at least refine some mid-grade magic weapons! As long as you have these mediocre magic weapons, you can run rampant in this spiritually exhausted world!”

“Miss Chu, don’t worry, I won’t hurt you in the slightest!”

“After all, your demon's blood is no worse than the flat peach and ginseng fruit from ancient times. I won't destroy it easily!”

“I will provide for you well, and your demon blood will be endless! Ha ha……”

Mu Taoist said and laughed.。

Although during his trip to Jiuquan Town, he had made some small progress in the Five Elements Array, and the three-faced female corpse had advanced, he had gained quite a bit.。

But now, the biggest gain is the discovery of the identity of Chu Chu, the daughter of the Heavenly Demon.。

This is an unexpected and huge gain. Even ten thousand three-faced female corpses cannot compare.。

Mu Taoist was very proud. The left palm slowly stretched out and enveloped Chu Chu. The spiritual power locked her in all directions. Chu Chu couldn't escape at all。

At this time, Chu Chu had no strength at all.。

There is no way to escape, even taking a step is extremely difficult。

Mu Taoren had a ferocious smile on his face, and he was about to grab Chu Chu with his left hand.。

At this time, suddenly a yellow talisman flew towards Mu Taoist quickly.。

Mu Taoist noticed the powerful magic power on the talisman and did not dare to take it directly. He took a few steps back and dodged aside.。

The yellow talisman hit the two corpses. The two female corpses instantly turned into powder。

At this time, Lin Yun's figure slowly appeared。

“It's you! Lin Yun! "Mu Taoist and Mu Er's eyes narrowed, and their expressions became gloomy.。

Chu Chu turned her head and looked at Lin Yun, and couldn't help being slightly startled. Then her face darkened. She didn't expect to meet Lin Yun here. He won't let himself go。

“Lin Yun, you want to meddle in other people's business! "Mudao people are smiling but not smiling."。

“The devil's crooked ways will be found and punished by everyone! Lin Yun snorted coldly.。

“What about her? She also used evil magic! "Mu Taoren sneered, staring at Chu Chu。

“I’ll eliminate you first! Let’s talk about her matters later!”

Mu Taoren said coldly: "You are also here for her demon blood, right?”

There were three female corpses, their heads kept spinning, and three pairs of eyes staring at Lin Yun.。

Mu Taoren waved his hand, and the female corpses roared and gathered around Lin Yun.。

“Sleepy Immortal Talisman!”

Lin Yun thought silently in his heart。

With his right hand, he made continuous strokes in the air, and a simple, transparent talisman was quickly outlined. Exudes powerful magic。

Suddenly, he flew towards the corpses. Helping the trapped people first, the figure of the "Trapped Immortal Talisman" suddenly elongated, covering all the corpses.。

Those corpses suddenly froze, and their bodies stood motionless.。

Mu Taoist and Mu Er couldn't help but be stunned.。

“Sleepy Immortal Talisman! "The two of them recognized each other at a glance.。

They both come from the authentic Taoist sect, Longhu Mountain, so naturally they are very familiar with talismans.。

But with Lin Yun's hand, he can draw talisman out of thin air almost instantly without using talisman paper or time. It's really unbelievable.。

Neither Maoshan nor Longhushan had ever heard of this kind of magic. There was a trace of fire in their eyes.。

“The "Trapped Immortal Talisman" can only trap for more than ten seconds, and those corpses are trapped and motionless.。

Lin Yun casually punched the energy barrier of the "Trapped Immortal Talisman"。

There was only a slight "click" sound, and the six or seven corpses were suddenly torn apart and scattered on the ground.。

Mu Dao and Mu Er were both surprised and jealous when this hand was exposed.。

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