Although it is sealed in the boulder, a pair of green rays of light still shine through, exuding a compelling light.

Uncle Jiu took a breath. Although this cat demon was sealed, his magic power was still much stronger than his.

Lin Yun snorted coldly: "You are imprisoned now, why are you so arrogant?"

He came closer and saw a few small seal characters on the lower right corner of the crystal stone, "Yuan Tiangang sealed the Nine-Life Cat Demon”

“Yuan Tiangang? Everyone looked at each other in shock, "

It was Taoist Yuan who sealed this evildoer!" "

Yuan Tiangang is a famous figure in Taoism, and everyone can't help but look fascinated.

The Nine-Life Cat Demon snorted: "Huh, what kind of skill does that old man have in sneaking up on me while I'm practicing?

Lin Yun said coldly: "Are you very powerful? " I will destroy you first now! "

Suddenly I heard a shaking sound from the mountains, and countless black shadows rushed over all over the mountains and plains.

I saw countless huge cat demons, standing on their feet, rushing towards them quickly.

It was so dark that there were tens of thousands of them. There are hundreds of thousands of them.

A pair of eyes with shining green light look unusually weird and ferocious in the darkness.

The leader is a three-meter-tall giant civet cat demon with the magic power of Wuxiang Celestial Master, and the same magic power as him There were at least six or seven cat demons.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

All the cat demons crawled on the ground together and respectfully said to the nine-life cat demon: "Greetings to the king! "

The leader of the cat demon said: "Your Majesty, how should we deal with these humans who broke into the forbidden area without permission?”

“Bring them all to me to pay homage!”

“Especially that white-faced boy! He has the strongest magic power! As long as I absorb his cultivation, I can escape!”


The cat demon stood up and waved his hand, "Catch these intruders and offer them to the king! "”

“Then I will kill you first! Lin

Yun moved his right hand, and a talisman hit the sealing stone like a meteor.

Suddenly, four cat demons with Sanxiang Tianshi's magic jumped in front of the stone, and the talisman fell on them. The

four cat demons were miserable. With a cry, bursts of white smoke rose from the body, and it withered instantly, turning into an ordinary kitten. However, it had already become a mummy. The

cat demons were stunned for a moment, and the leader cat demon howled, and the demons jumped and attacked. Several people came forward.

Chu Chu waved his hands, and the ten fingers of his hands turned into sharp claws that were more than one meter long, like steel knives. With a wave of both hands, he had chopped seven or eight cat demons into pieces.

Xiaoyue Baidu flashed past and had already torn six of them into pieces. A cat demon.

Xiaoyue took a step back, just as she and Chu Chu were back to back. They looked at each other in a very tacit understanding, nodded slightly, and fought towards the attacking cat demon.

Chu Chu silently recited a spell, and suddenly there were cracks in his body, and he flew Countless ghost butterflies emerged and flew towards the cat demon.

Passing through the bodies of dozens of cat demons, those cat demons instantly turned into mummies.。

“Demon-killing Talisman! "Uncle Jiu waved his hand, and the six talismans flew to the group of cat demons with powerful magic power. The six cat demons turned into ashes one after another. Father Wu made a cross with both hands, raised a silver

cross, stepped forward, and the cross emitted With a holy light, more than a dozen cat demons were instantly wiped out.

Seeing how powerful everyone was, these cat demons couldn't help but froze for a moment. They took a few steps back and looked at everyone. Suddenly all the cat demons rushed up again.

The leader was The cat demon who was cultivated as Wuxiang Tianshi screamed and rushed towards Lin Yun with dozens of cat demons.。

“Demonic Talisman! Lin

Yun drew several lines in the air with his hands. In an instant, two talismans shining with green light came over. The

two rays of light enveloped hundreds of cat demons. Those cat demons suddenly had bursts of white all over their bodies. The smoke and screams continued, turning into skeletons.

The cat demons looked at this scene, and suddenly they bared their teeth and claws. A black and white tabby cat howled into the sky, and led two to three hundred cat demons to rush towards him.。

“Demonic Talisman!”

“Demonic Talisman!”

“Demonic Talisman! "

Lin Yun shouted in his heart, gesticulating with his hands, and in an instant, he drew six or seven talismans. Flashing like lightning, he quickly flew to the front and

enveloped the cat demons one after another.

Those cat demons were miserable. The screams turned into ashes in an instant.

The remaining cat demons couldn't help but stop, looked at Lin Yun in fear, and kept backing away.

Uncle Ninth and others gathered around Lin Yun and laughed: "Doctor Lin, Your magic power is still great! This one talisman of yours is worth hundreds of my talismans! It is several times more powerful than our hundreds of talismans!”

“I can't even catch up with my little brother's cultivation! admire! admire!

Father Wu said: "Brother Lin Dao has super powerful magic! "”

“In the West, you can definitely become a first-level exorcist! Even if the red archbishop sees him, he must be respectful!”

“Promising young man! What a promising young man! "

Although Chu Chu remained silent, she looked at Lin Yun with sparkling eyes. She couldn't help but turn her gaze again. The

nine-life cat demon in the seal stone was dumbfounded.

Suddenly he roared. The whole seal stone suddenly gave out a burst of energy. Due to the strong attraction, the cat demons involuntarily flew towards the sealing stone.

One by one, the cat demons were seen clinging to the sealing stone, and all their mana, energy and blood were absorbed in an instant.

And The remaining cat demons were still flying towards the sealing stone. One by one, they turned into mummies. The

remaining cat demons ran away when they saw this.

But at this time, a stronger wind swept over, and the cat demons that were only The remaining cat demons were sucked to the sealing stone and turned into skeletons in an instant.

Lin Yun and others looked at the sealing stone and saw the dense cat demon bones and skeletons on the ground. They couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and stood upside down with cold hair all over their bodies.

At this time, another powerful mana suddenly emitted from the sealing stone, rolling towards everyone in a whirlpool. Everyone hurriedly used their mana to resist, but they were swallowed by the whirlpool and rolled onto the sealing stone. Uncle Jiu, Chu Chu and others only felt a strong wave of magic

. Mana was emitted from the seal. All the mana and blood in his body was almost leaking out. Everyone was shocked. They hurriedly


to use mana to resist, but as soon as their hands touched the sealing stone, mana continued to leak out.。

“Five thunder talismans! "

Lin Yun shouted loudly, and a talisman was formed instantly. A talisman flew out, and dozens of thunder and lightning flashed in the air. "Crack", several sounds, and lightning struck the stone.。

“With a bang, the sealing stone exploded instantly._To

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