Lin Yun knew that the two of them were just bickering and said with a smile, "Stop arguing!"

He suddenly looked serious, "Father Wu, you'd better close this church. I always feel that This church is not clean!”

“closure? When Father Wu heard this, he immediately shook his head, "It can't be closed!" I finally reopened it, how could I close it?

Lin Yun said solemnly: "But there is a devil at work in this church. " If you don't leave, I'm afraid you will all die!

Father Wu shook his head hastily: "Impossible! " impossible! Aren’t all the devils already destroyed by us? Lin

Yun smiled slightly and said, "Father Wu, this church has been abandoned for twenty years." I want to know where the last priest went? "

Father Wu was stunned for a moment, then slowly shook his head.。

“I didn’t know either, but the previous priest disappeared for no reason! Perhaps he has gone AWOL and has rebelled against the Lord, or perhaps he has ascended to heaven……”

Lin Yun smiled and said, "But what if he turns into a zombie?"

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.。

“impossible! The last priest turned into a devil. How is this possible? "

Although Lin Yun knew the plot of the original work, he couldn't tell these things.。

“But what if he is?”

“The church is a sacred place, and ordinary evil spirits cannot enter at all! But that Taoist brother just now was obviously killed by a powerful devil! If the previous priest was killed by the devil, would he also become a devil? It's normal to do evil things in church again……”

Father Wu was stunned and suddenly felt that his words seemed to make sense.

The believers also looked at him in horror。

“So for your safety, I suggest you get out of here!

Uncle Jiu said: "Father Wu, I suggest you listen to Brother Lin! " It's better to take them and leave quickly. If they are really killed, it will be troublesome! "

Although he was dissatisfied with Father Wu for reopening the church, he couldn't bear to see so many of them die.

Seeing that Father Wu was still hesitating, he said, "What Brother Lin said is true. He has never been wrong. Everything he says will come true. If you still insist on staying here, definitely……”

Father Wu pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Thank you Brother Lin and Taoist Yimei for your kindness! I believe the Lord has His own arrangements!"

Lin Yun and Uncle Jiu walked out of the church, and Uncle Jiu asked: "Doctor Lin, will the devil really come back again?"

Lin Yun nodded: "I'm sure!"

Seeing his certainty, Uncle Jiu knew that this matter was true, but there was nothing he could do about it.

It was already late at night.

On the streets of Jiuquan Town, the evening breeze blew slowly.

A melodious bell sounded.

From far to near, I saw a long row of more than 20 zombies wearing Qing Dynasty costumes. Each zombie had a zombie amulet affixed to its head. They were jumping and slowly walking through the town.。

“The corpses are driven away in Xiangxi, but the living people are shunned! "

A Taoist priest in gray clothes with short hair kept shouting。

“The corpses are driven away in Xiangxi, but the living people are shunned! "

Every few steps he took, he rang the bell and shouted.

On an embroidered building.

Annie was wearing a pink nightgown, opened the window, and looked curiously.

The group of zombies jumped up and down, just walking to her Downstairs.

Suddenly, a jumping zombie stopped suddenly, reached out and pushed aside the yellow clothes in front of his eyes. He looked towards her.

His eyes were shining, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. evil thoughts。

“Beauty! "A voice murmured from his mouth.

Although his voice was very small, Annie still heard it.

The zombie was stunned for a moment, and found that the zombies had fallen far away. He hurriedly jumped after him. While jumping, he also While looking upstairs to Annie's house,

Annie's eyes suddenly shrank.

She didn't know anything about these things before. But now that she has been in contact with Lin Yun and has learned some Xuanmen secrets, she feels that something is wrong with the situation. Annie

hurriedly got dressed, hurried downstairs, and rushed to Lin Yun and Jingjing's home.

When she arrived at Jingjing's home, she patted the door several times.

The door opened, but it was Jingjing and Xiaoyue.。

“Annie, why are you back? "

She was chatting with Xiaoyue and Jingjing here just now. She didn't go back until very late.

Annie glanced at Xiaoyue and said, "Xiaoyue, why haven't you left yet?”

“I'm planning to go back now. Why are you back? "

Annie hurriedly closed the door and

glanced at the room to the west. "Lin Yun is still practicing? "

The two nodded. Lin Yun has been practicing for a day, and he hasn't seen him just now.

Annie whispered to the two of them: "Xiaoyue, you have been following Uncle Jiu for a long time, you should know a lot about Taoism, right?”

“When I went back just now and was preparing to rest, a lot of zombies came outside, twenty or thirty of them! Aren't zombies crazy and bloodthirsty? Is there no other consciousness?”

“But among those zombies just now, there was actually a zombie who smiled at me and said she was beautiful……”

Xiaoyue was stunned and immediately understood: "It's fake!”


“right! Or, only that person is fake! Deliberately mixed in with the zombies!”

“Either that or those zombies are fake!”

“Where did they go?”

“It seems to be going to the church! Xiaoyue rolled her eyes, "

No one will pretend to be a zombie!" Unless they have some ulterior secret! Annie, let's go check it out! "

Anne was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay! ”

ps: The first update, please subscribe and subscribe!

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