Taoist Dragon Slayer did not stop him.

The three of them left the yard.

Lin Yun turned around and stared at the two of them: "Nonsense! What are you two doing here?"

Annie's face turned slightly red, she lowered her head and remained silent. Somehow, she didn't want to argue with Lin Yun. Even hearing him scold her made her secretly happy.

Xiaoyue chuckled, holding his arm and acting coquettishly: "Brother Lin, why are you so fierce! Let's see what's so weird? Those zombies are all fake! How dare you peek at your Annie, I I'm trying to fight for your injustice!"

As soon as she said these words, Annie's face turned red as blood.

Lin Yun also looked a little confused, "What are you talking nonsense about?"

Xiaoyue pursed her lips and smiled and said no more.

Lin Yun snorted lightly. As soon as he finished practicing, Jingjing told the whereabouts of the two of them. As soon as he heard this, he immediately understood the origin of these fake zombies and hurried over.

The three of them went back slowly. Annie's house was relatively close, so they took Annie home first. Then he walked towards Uncle Jiu's house again.

When I arrived at Uncle Jiu's house, I knocked on the door. Axing came to open the door and said, "Mr. Lin, Xiaoyue!"

As soon as Xiaoyue entered the door, she said to Uncle Jiu: "Master, Annie and I just went to the abandoned house behind the church. Here, we went to look for some zombies. Master, guess what we found..."

She suddenly found a short-haired Taoist sitting opposite Uncle Jiu, who was Taoist Dragon Slayer.

Taoist Dragon Slayer glared at her and Lin Yun fiercely. He couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect to meet them here.

Uncle Jiu introduced the two people: "Little brother, Xiaoyue, let me introduce to you, this is one of my junior brothers, Taoist Dragon Slayer!”

“This is my good friend Lin Yun, and this is my apprentice, Xiaoyue! "

Taoist Dragon Slayer looked at the two of them with a non-smiling smile.。

“It turned out to be a good friend and disciple of my senior brother! "

Uncle Jiu nodded. Suddenly he asked: "Xiaoyue, what did you discover just now?

Xiaoyue glanced at Lin Yun, who smiled and said, "I discovered a huge secret! " "

He sneered at Taoist Tu Long.

Taoist Tu Long stared at him fiercely and sneered: "This little friend is not very old! But it seems that Taoism should be very high! Uncle Jiu clearly saw that something was wrong, "

Yes!" Brother Lin is talented and not just a rising star! Even among our older generation of monks, he is one of the best! There are probably no more than five people who can truly surpass him!

Taoist Master Tu Long sneered: "Young man is promising, this is a good thing! " But don’t meddle!”

“What words should be said and what words should not be said! It’s time to make a clear distinction! Otherwise, even if you are a genius, you will die without knowing how!

Lin Yun sneered, "I think Taoist Master Yong has taken the trouble! "”

“It's just that the Taoist priest did some good deeds, did some serious things, and accumulated some merit! That's the most important thing! If you have bad intentions, you may do many unjust things and you will be killed!

Taoist Tu Long was furious and slapped the table: "What did you say? "

Xiaoyue interrupted, "Those zombies of yours are all fake living people. Who knows what you are going to do? " "

Uncle Jiu was startled. He stood up

suddenly. Taoist Tulong was furious and rushed towards Xiaoyue.

Lin Yun dodged and stood in front of Xiaoyue. He punched hard.

With a bang, Taoist Tulong His body swayed and

he took three steps back. With a cold light flashing in his eyes, he took a step forward and attacked Lin Yun again.。

“The sealing talisman! "

Lin Yun's right hand moved in the air, and a talisman floated out and landed on Taoist Tulong's shoulder.

Taoist Tulong suddenly felt that the energy and blood in his body's meridians were stagnant.

He was horrified.。

“Divine Fist Talisman! "

Another talisman flew out from under Lin Yun's hand and just stuck to Taoist Dragon Slayer's body. He felt as if he was attacked by a huge force.。

“With a bang, the door broke open, and Taoist Dragon Slayer was violently thrown outside.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Taoist Dragon Slayer's mouth. He stretched out his hand to wipe it, looked at Lin Yun fiercely, got up and turned around to leave.。

“Lin Jiu, you and outsiders bully me, okay! It’s okay not to want such a senior brother! snort! We’ll see! "

Lin Yun snorted coldly. He didn't kill him because of Uncle Jiu's face.。

“Uncle Jiu, is he also your junior brother? "

Jiu Shu said: "He is a registered disciple of my second uncle. He only studied in Maoshan for three years and did not become a formal disciple. Later, I couldn't bear the hardship, and I couldn't bear the glory and wealth in the world of mortals. Just go down the mountain!”

“Although we are brothers and sisters, we are not very familiar with each other at all! Uncle Second Master didn’t regard him as his disciple! "

Lin Yun snorted: "This man's heart is evil and his face is full of evil! I'm afraid I will die a violent death! "

Lin Yun said goodbye to Uncle Jiu and Xiaoyue and returned home.

Taoist Tu Long came to the mayor's house.

David sat on the sofa. The mayor was eating, a mouthful of rice, a bite of garlic, and a mouthful of garlic.

Taoist Tu Long A look of disgust on his face. Sitting far away。

“Mayor, I also brought you the goods. Did you settle the settlement with me?……”

David said: "Taoist Master, don't worry! This is not the first time we have dealt with each other. I haven't found a buyer yet. You can wait a little longer."……”

Taoist Dragon Slayer said angrily: "Those twenty or thirty of mine are all fake and can easily be discovered.……”

“Didn't I ask you to park in the yard behind the church? It's been abandoned there for a long time, no one goes there……”

“No one goes? A guy named Lin Yun, Xiaoyue, and Annie have all been there just now! They have all discovered that those are fake zombies!”

“Before they discover our true purpose, I want to take the money and leave as soon as possible! If it takes a long time, I'm afraid it will show its flaws.……”

The mayor and his son David frowned, "Annie is here too? Lin Ajiu and Lin Yun are too busy. They are everywhere."……”

ps: Third update, please subscribe and order all of them!

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