The cross and the Five Emperors' Money Sword were intertwined. Suddenly, a huge mana surged from the two magic weapons, and a silver light burst out.。

Father Wu and Uncle Jiu both looked happy。

The two held up two magic weapons and attacked the Western zombie together.。

The white bolt shot toward the Western zombie quickly and fiercely.。

The Western zombie dodges and hides aside。

The white bolt hit the wall. With a bang, a big hole was made in the wall.。

The two men raised two more magic weapons and attacked the Western zombie together.。

The Western zombie jumped and dodged the light。

At this moment, suddenly, two little zombies jumped in from the back door.。

The Western zombie ran away, jumped in front of two zombies, grabbed one, and threw it over。

Uncle Jiu and Father Wu raised their magic weapons, Western zombies, and the first zombie was cut in half by the light.。

At this time, the second zombie had been thrown over, hitting the intersection of the two magic weapons.。

He was covered in the filthy black blood of zombies, which spattered on the two magic weapons. The cross and the Five Emperors Money Sword suddenly lost their light, and their huge power disappeared immediately.。

The Western zombie screamed, jumped forward, punched Father Wu and Uncle Jiu with each hand, and they flew six or seven meters away.。

“With a cry of "Wow", a big mouthful of blood spurted out.。

The Western zombie jumped in front of Uncle Jiu and raised its claws to grab him.。

“Wind Blade Talisman!”

At this moment, Lin Yun drew a wind blade talisman and flew towards him quickly.。

Dozens of light blades swiped over。

The zombie's body shook slightly, and countless light blades cut into him, and the light blades suddenly disappeared. The entire Wind Blade Talisman also disappeared.。

The zombie roared and suddenly rushed towards Lin Yun。

“Fire Crow Talisman!”

Lin Yun saw that the Wind Blade Talisman had no effect, and immediately drew his fingers in the air, and the Fire Crow Talisman flew out.。

Dozens of fire crows flew in mid-air, spitting out dozens of flames. The zombie suddenly rushed out of the flames and attacked Lin Yun.。

Lin Yun retreated and dodged his attack.。

“Ten layers of five thunder talismans!”

His right hand drew simple lines in the air, and ten Five Thunder Talismans appeared. Golden light suddenly shot out, and the ten Five Thunder Talismans were superimposed on each other.。

Countless bolts of lightning flashed across the sky, "click"”、“There was a "click" sound, and countless bolts of lightning struck the zombie.。

The zombie's hair was singed and his clothes were in tatters, but other than that, there was no damage.。

He was angered by Lin Yun, looked up to the sky and howled, jumped three meters, and fiercely grabbed Lin Yun in front of him.。

“Thunder in the Palm!”

A talisman came out and stuck to Lin Yun's palm.。

A faint thunder-shaped rune appeared in Lin Yun's palm.。

The thunder rune suddenly flew in the air, and lightning flashed and thunder rolled. Countless lightnings were flying throughout the church, and their power was dozens of times more powerful than before.。

“With a "click" sound, countless lightnings intertwined together, and a thunder exploded in everyone's ears. They felt that the entire church was about to collapse. The huge lightning suddenly struck the Western zombie。

The zombie made a "bang" sound and flew dozens of meters away. Sparks appeared all over his body. His clothes were almost burned. There were wounds on his body, and black blood was gurgling.。

But it didn't seem to be much harmed。

He let out a low roar and slowly pushed towards Lin Yun.。

Uncle Jiu, Father Wu, Chu Chu, Jingjing, Annie, Xiaoyue and others opened their eyes wide. The power of this zombie was too powerful. Lin Yun was helpless, so how could he fight?

Lin Yun couldn't help but was stunned. He originally thought that the thunder in his palm could easily eliminate him, but he didn't expect that it still did little harm to him. It seemed that his magic power was indeed very strong. Unfortunately, his qualifications had already reached the upper limit, otherwise Lin Yun would definitely Will conquer him。

“Corpse Transformation Talisman!”

Lin Yun shook his head slightly and drew another talisman, which was formed in an instant.。

As soon as the talisman came out, the surrounding air was filled with a strange aura of death. The whole talisman exudes evil aura。

The zombie talisman flew to the body of the Western zombie。

Western zombie suddenly stood still。

Suddenly, the muscles on his body began to melt, exuding a pungent stench, and pus continued to flow out.。

The Western zombie screamed in agony, but could not move at all.。

I saw more and more blood flowing from his body, and his bones were gradually exposed.。

Immediately afterwards, the white bones gradually melted away。

After a while, the Western zombie collapsed on the ground. His whole body had turned into water. Only his head was left soaked in blood. The head gradually melted away. Within a few minutes, it was completely dissolved.。

The Wind Blade Talisman, Fire Crow Talisman, Palm Thunder, and Corpse Transformation Talisman were suddenly realized by Lin Yun when he was practicing the Tongtian Lu during the day. He did not expect them to be extremely powerful.。

Everyone stared blankly at the blood on the ground with disbelief on their faces.。

Although everyone was shocked by the power of Western zombies, they were even more surprised by Lin Yun。

They both turned to look at him with incredible expressions on their faces.。

Even such a powerful Western zombie could not survive a few rounds in his hands.。

Especially Uncle Jiu. He has been practicing Maoshan Taoism for decades. Ever since he met Lin Yun, his eyes have been opened. He is overwhelmed with spells that he has never seen or heard of before. He feels that he has accomplished almost nothing after practicing for half his life.。

ps: Fifth update, please subscribe and order all of them! Thanks for the support!

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