At this time, a martial arts student on the stage did a somersault and saw two adults watching the show. He kept winking at the two people and told them to leave quickly.。

Wen Cai didn't understand what he meant and suddenly clapped his hands enthusiastically.。

The martial artist looked helpless and did not dare to remind him too blatantly. He could only continue to act hard.。

The air-conditioning in the room became more and more serious. Lin Yun turned around and took a look. At this time, there were already thousands of ghosts here, and these ghosts had already taken shape.。

At this time, a sudden burst of cold air passed by Lin Yun's side, and a female ghost appeared. Wearing a white gown, her appearance is delicate and refined.。

He turned around and looked around again. On the high platform behind all the ghosts, there were four ghost servants standing, holding magic weapons. They looked majestic and watched many ghosts.。

The female ghost smiled sweetly and said, "Sir, is this show exciting?”

Lin Yun nodded: "It's okay! Do you like watching it?”

The female ghost shook her head: "I don't like it very much! But, I like the atmosphere here, it's warm and steamy!”

“What is your surname?”

“My name is Lin Yun! And you?”

“My name is Wu Xiaoli! Just call me Xiaoli!”

Lin Yun nodded。

Wencai turned around inadvertently and said in surprise: "When did so many people come here? Why didn't I notice?”

He turned around and saw Lin Yun talking and laughing with a beautiful woman, and his eyes immediately widened. Lin Yun, this kid is really unrighteous. There really is a beautiful woman, and he actually hooked up with her.。

He walked up to him in a few steps and said, "Mr. Lin, there is indeed a beauty! Hello, beauty, my name is Wencai!”

“Hello, my name is Xiaoli!”

Xiaoli smiled at him. She couldn't help but get goosebumps all over her body because of her talented appearance.。

Outside the theater, two figures walked in quickly. It was Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng.。

“Master, Wen Cai came to hold a seat for you. This is also his filial piety!”

“What filial piety? Today is the Hungry Ghost Festival, the day to perform for ghosts! How many times have I told you! You always don’t remember and it doesn’t make me worry at all!”

The two of them came to the door of the hall as they talked.。

Qiu Sheng opened the door curtain and looked inside, "Master, you said it was a day for ghosts to perform. How could there be any ghosts? Mr. Lin is here too!”

“Mr. Lin?”

Uncle Jiu was stunned. He looked up and saw Lin Yun standing there.。

He couldn't help but frown: "Should Lin Yun not know what day it is? Why is he here?”

Qiu Sheng suddenly said: "Master, you may have remembered it wrong, today is not a day to perform for ghosts at all!”

“Mr. Lin must have his own intentions here! We don't have to worry about it! "Uncle Jiu glared at him fiercely.。

“Mr. Lin's magic power is so strong that even if he watches a show here for a whole night, he will not be harmed!”

“And you and Wen Cai don't have many skills. If you stay here for a long time and are contaminated by the ghost's breath, you may get seriously ill and need to rest for several months to recover. If it is heavy, it will die immediately!”

Qiu Sheng said dissatisfied: "Master, what you said is too scary, there are no ghosts in it at all!”

Uncle Jiu put two willow leaves stained with cow tears and stuck them on Qiu Sheng's eyes, and said angrily: "Look again now, are there any ghosts?”

Qiu Sheng looked inside and couldn't help but widen his eyes. He saw that the entire hall was densely packed with thousands of ghosts, watching a play. There were pale faces, some beyond recognition, very scary.。

Uncle Jiu took out a red rope, recited the incantation several times, and tied one end on his little finger.。

“When you go in, these ghosts will pretend they haven't seen anything, and don't say anything to them. Diai walked up to Wencai and pulled him. Then shake this red rope vigorously, I will pull you, and you can come out. If you encounter any trouble, just shake this red rope as hard as you can, and I can take you out!”

“Master, why don't you go in?”

“My yang energy and magic power are too strong. I'm afraid those ghosts will be dispersed as soon as I go in. I'm afraid I'll offend those ghosts and it won't be easy to explain!”

Qiu Sheng walked slowly into the hall with a red rope tied in one hand. He walks into the ghost, and two fat women block his way. Qiu Sheng forgot about it for a moment and suddenly said: "Auntie, please borrow it!”

The two ghosts, one on the left and one on the right, let him get out of the way.。

As soon as Qiu Sheng walked over, he was suddenly awakened by what Uncle Jiu said.。

When he turned around, he saw all the ghosts in the hall staring at him.。

Qiu Sheng couldn't help but be shocked。

Uncle Jiu outside the door looked at this scene and couldn't help but cover his face. I originally thought that Qiu Sheng was more stable than Wen Cai, but now it seems that the two of them are just the same.。

At this time, a ghost breathed out to Qiu Sheng, and Qiu Sheng felt his head was dizzy for a while. When he looked at these ghosts again, he became extremely friendly.。

Seeing that the situation was not good, Uncle Jiu hurriedly reached out and pulled the red rope。

Qiu Sheng saw that his right hand was being pulled by the red rope, and suddenly he untied the red rope.。

Uncle Jiu was angry and angry, but there was nothing he could do。

Qiu Sheng looked at Xiaoli next to Lin Yun, with a smile on his face. He pushed away the ghosts in front of him, strode over, and squeezed in beside Xiaoli.。

Wen Cai called out: "Qiu Sheng, are you here to see the show too?”

Qiu Sheng nodded and turned to look at Xiao Li: "I don't know what to call this young lady? She looks very unfamiliar! I know all the beauties in the town!”

Xiaoli smiled: "My name is Xiaoli, I come from another town! What do you call the young master?"”

Qiu Sheng felt dizzy when he saw her smiling face.。

“My name is Qiu Sheng!”

Xiaoli saw that he had a handsome appearance. Although he was not as handsome as Lin Yun, he was at least much more pleasing to the eye and more comfortable than a literary scholar.。

Qiu Sheng glanced at the stage and said, "Isn't this show very good?”

Xiaoli immediately responded: "Yes!”

Qiu Sheng said: "Don't watch this kind of ghost show! Xiaoli, let's go out and play. Okay?"”

Xiaoli was overjoyed, as she was getting what she wanted. She pretended to be pitiful and looked at the four ghosts standing behind her, "No! Our parents are very strict and don't let us run around casually!"”

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