"It would be great if we could find the rest of the ghosts released by King Chu Jiang's men and let them run away and create more trouble for him! It's a pity that I don't know that those ghosts are there Where?"

Lin Yun thought secretly in his heart, turned around and walked back。

“Hello, where are you going? "Xiaoli hurriedly stood in front of him.。

“I'm home. Go wherever you want! You finally got out of the trap and went to play by yourself. Now no ghosts can restrain you! "

Xiao Li's face fell, and she immediately put on a pitiful look, "Didn't you say you were going out to play with me? Why don't you keep your word? Now it has given up again! I, I, I...I'm so pitiful……”

As he spoke, he pretended to be aggrieved, as if he was about to cry.

Lin Yun couldn't help being speechless:

“What started as chaos and ended up giving up? Don't talk nonsense!”

“I never promised to play with you! "

He raised his feet and walked away.

Xiaoli smiled: "Mr. Lin, if you want to find me, just shout, 'Xiaoli, Xiaoli, you are a great beauty! 'I'll show up any minute!”

“I don't want to find you! "

Lin Yun walked straight back.

Xiaoli silently floated up, flew in the air, and followed him.。

“Why are you following me? "

Xiao Li smiled and said nothing.

Lin Yun ignored her, returned home, and began to meditate.

Xiao Li's figure floated, sitting on the beam, looking at him quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Li Li's figure suddenly flashed, flew outside, and disappeared.

The next night, Lin Yun was not practicing.

At this moment, Xiao Li's figure suddenly flashed, and Xiao Li flew in from the outside.。

“If you don't go out to play, what are you doing at my house?

Xiaoli smiled and said, "Those two Tingting and Jingjing of yours are so beautiful! "”

“I'll go out and play for a while. When I've had enough fun, I'll take a rest! "

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed, and four figures appeared in the house. It was Cha. As soon as the four

people saw Xiaoli, a ghost suddenly shouted: "You, a female ghost, still dare to wander around in the world, don't you? Follow me back to the underworld? "

He raised the hook and was about to attack Xiaoli.

Xiaoli screamed and hid behind Lin Yun.

Lin Yun grabbed his hook, swung it slightly and pushed it aside.

The four ghosts looked on. Lin Yun snorted coldly: "Boy, how dare you collude with them and knock us unconscious. Let those lonely ghosts escape. How do you want to solve this matter? Lin

Yun snorted coldly: "What do you want to do?" "

A ghost officer said: "It's very simple. I give you one day to catch all those ghosts! And you have to go to the underworld with us to atone for your sins. Your soul will be locked in the eighteen levels of hell and suffer until you can be freed and reincarnated for a million years!

Lin Yun snorted coldly: "Just you? "”

“Boy, what an arrogant tone! In this case, then you will go to hell with us now and suffer the pain of going up to the mountain of knives and going down to the sea of fire! "

The two ghosts flicked their wrists, and two soul-catching locks rolled towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun reached out and grabbed the two soul-catching locks in his hand, and with a backhand palm, "Pa”、“"Pa" hit the two ghosts in the face twice. The two ghosts staggered and took a few steps back.。

“It's the opposite, it's the opposite, good boy! He even dared to fight ghosts! Now not only you, but also all your relatives will be detained and sent to the eighteenth level of hell! "

The remaining two ghosts roared, raised two soul hooks, and grabbed Lin Yun's shoulder blades respectively.

Lin Yun's body suddenly surged with Yinsi's mana, and a mourning stick suddenly appeared in his hand.。

“boom”、“With two bangs, the two ghosts writhed on the ground and rolled more than three feet away before stopping. Their faces were violently distorted and deformed, and their souls were almost scattered. The two barely managed to survive

. He got up and took a few steps back.

The four of them stared at Lin Yun in horror: "You, you are Bai Wuchang!”

“Bai Wuchang? "Xiao Li was shocked and looked at Lin Yun in disbelief.

The four ghosts were stunned for a long time, and suddenly resumed their domineering momentum, "Humph, Bai Wuchang! You stopped us from catching the escaped ghosts, and you dared to beat us! Do you still want to kill us?”

“Although you are Bai Wuchang, we are His Highness the King of Chu Jiang and we are not afraid of you! Lin

Yun snorted coldly: "I don't need you to be afraid!" You don’t need to use the name of King Chu Jiang to suppress me! What evidence do you have to prove that I released those ghosts?”

“You didn't do your job well enough to let those ghosts escape, and you actually want to find someone else to be your scapegoat?”

“If you are not convinced, you can go to the Palace of Hell to file a complaint and let the Lords of Hell judge! If Lord Yan needs me to confront him, I will naturally go to the underworld! "

The four ghosts looked at each other with panic. Wencai and Qiu Sheng were the ones who let go of the ghosts directly. Even if they exposed this matter in front of King Qin Guang, King Qin Guang would not do anything to Lin Yun. And these ghosts

are King Chu Jiang has jurisdiction over the people in hell. Their escape was very detrimental to King Chu Jiang at first. The four of them were directly responsible. Then several kings of hell would unite to deal with King Chu Jiang. King Chu Jiang first went to capture the four of them. An operation.

The more the four ghosts thought about it, the more frightened they became, and suddenly they disappeared.

Xiaoli blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Yun. She said in surprise: "Master Lin, I never expected that you are Bai Wuchang!" What a surprise! "

She suddenly saluted Lin Yun Yingying, very respectfully, without any intention of being coquettish or joking._To

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