Because of Qiu Sheng's recklessness, Uncle Jiu could only agree to Shi Jian's request.。

His two apprentices may not know what coffin fungus is, but how could he not know it?。

This will definitely be another life-threatening adventure。

After Uncle Jiu led his two apprentices out of Shi Jian's residence, he quickly cursed at Qiu Sheng.。

“Your master, I have really raised you to be such a good apprentice. You can freely agree to your uncle’s wishes regarding the coffin fungus.。”

When Uncle Jiu said this, his face was obviously unhappy.。

The two eyes are as wide as a bull's eye。

“Do you think your master didn't live long enough?”

“Do you want your master to go down early to accompany your master?”

Listening to Uncle Jiu's scolding, Qiu Sheng looked aggrieved.。

“It’s not you yourself, Master. I saw you were silent for a long time just now. I was wondering if you had Alzheimer’s disease.。”

“Why don't I help you agree immediately? Anyway, you are fellow juniors and senior uncle, can you still be punished?。”

Qiu Sheng said to Uncle Jiu with a playful smile.。

What he said didn't make Uncle Jiu angry to death.。

“Bastard boy, you have Alzheimer's disease。”

Uncle Jiu took off his shoes and whipped them towards Qiu Sheng.。

This shoehorn is accurate and stable。

He slapped Qiu Sheng hard, and the latter screamed, then stumbled and fell to the ground.。

Uncle Jiu doesn’t want to embarrass his apprentice too much.。

He knew that his apprentice was also talking unintentionally, and he was used to joking with him.。

And Qiu Sheng didn’t know the details about the coffin fungus.。

This cannot be completely blamed on his two apprentices.。

In the final analysis, his senior brother Shi Jian is still to blame.。

If it weren't for his senior brother Shi Jian, he would have given birth to such a rebellious son as Shi Shaojian。

I believe that his two apprentices will not interact with Shi Shaojian。

Then there would be no such thing as tonight。

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu felt quite complicated.。

They are born from the same roots, why rush each other?。

Are we really going to end up fighting each other?。

That's all, that's all。

Even if it’s coffin fungus, junior brother must help you do it。

I hope this can resolve the dispute between the two brothers.。

Uncle Jiu sighed in his heart, and then he took his two apprentices towards Lin Yun's home.。

This made Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai very confused.。

“Master, master, master, why are you going to Divine Doctor Lin?”

At this time, Wen Cai was a little confused and asked his master Jiu Shu。

Before Uncle Jiu could speak, Qiu Sheng took the lead and explained to Wen Cai.。

“Needless to say, I think it must be Master’s recent kidney deficiency.。”

When he said this, Qiu Sheng showed his trademark mean smile again.。

“Master, you must have gone to Dr. Lin to prescribe some prescription for replenishing your body. After all, Master is getting older and it’s time for some replenishment.。”

Qiu Sheng said to Wen Cai strangely, although what he said was extremely exaggerated.。

But looking at Wen Cai’s silly expression, he seems to have already believed it.。

At this time, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other and smiled, and then looked at their master Jiu Shu with an inexplicable smile.。

“You two brats, wait until I beat you to death。”

Uncle Jiu was so angry with these two scoundrels that he laughed and cried.。

He took off his shoes and then chased Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.。

“Ouch, run quickly, Wen Cai。”

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