“Among them, the one who was most unconvinced was the leader of the group of robbers.。”

“That is the biggest obstacle to our trip, the Zombie King。”

When Uncle Jiu said this, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai both looked at their master.。

Obviously this is the first time they have heard of the existence of the Zombie King.。

Looking at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, they looked curious about the baby.。

Uncle Jiu was too lazy to explain so much to them at this time.。

After all, his main purpose now is to communicate clearly with Lin Yun。

The matter of capturing the coffin bacteria would not have been so easy without Lin Yun.。

He ignored his two apprentices。

While Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai had some fake expressions of disappointment, Uncle Jiu continued to explain to Lin Yun about the Zombie King.。

“The corpse of the zombie king was trapped in the coffin. Over time, the resentment in his body continued to rise and became stuck in his throat.。”

“I can't get in, I can't get out,���The feces formed something like a fungus。”

“And this thing is the so-called coffin fungus.。”

After hearing Uncle Jiu's explanation, Lin Yun immediately smiled and said。

“That's very simple. We just need to go up, open the coffin and take out the bacteria.。”

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Uncle Jiu's face。

If he was really so easy to get, he wouldn't come to Lin Yun.。

“Yes, Master, Brother Lin’s magic power is so profound, it’s not a trivial matter to get a coffin fungus.。”

“All it takes is Brother Lin to step forward, open the coffin board, and take out the coffin fungi from the zombie king's throat.。”

Hearing what Lin Yun said, Qiu Sheng quickly started to flatter him.。

Qiu Sheng has always been a ghost.。

Of course Lin Yun knew what he was planning, and he just wanted him to be a pioneer and take out the coffin fungi.。

This way, their two little apprentices won’t get fucked.。

After hearing what Qiu Sheng said, Lin Yun changed his mind.。

He originally planned to collect the coffin fungi himself.。

After all, this can be regarded as a real experience of the feeling of watching the movie.。

But now, he decided not to do that。

This Qiu Sheng has always been very clever, and he always likes to have Xiaoli's ideas.。

Lin Yun decided to make him suffer a little today。

“Uncle Jiu, I think it is like this。”

At this moment, Lin Yun suddenly had an idea and said to Uncle Jiu。

“With you and me sitting here today, it must not be difficult to capture the coffin fungi.。”

Listening to what Lin Yun said, Uncle Jiu also nodded.。

“That's true. With Brother Lin here, I can't think of anything wrong.。”

Hearing Uncle Jiu catering to him like this, Lin Yun quickly said。

“In this case, I think we should give the younger generations more opportunities.。”

When he said this, Lin Yun glanced at Qiu Sheng.。

“I don’t think it’s better to leave it to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to capture the coffin fungi tonight.。”

When Qiu Shengwencai and Qiu Shengwencai heard what Lin Yun said, their expressions changed instantly.。

After all, their magic skills are average, how can they compare to Lin Yun and Uncle Jiu?。

Just let the two of them go to seize the coffin fungus. Isn't this asking for death?。

This was definitely unacceptable. Qiu Sheng immediately flattered his master Jiu Shu。

“Master, you and Brother Lin are both highly cultivated. I think regarding the coffin fungus, it would be most suitable for you two to go. "

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