“Qiusheng, look, that coffin shining with green fire should be the coffin of the Zombie King.。”

“That green fire is the resentment that the Zombie King has accumulated for a long time.。”

“Now you just need to walk over, gently pry open the coffin board, and then take out the coffin bacteria from the zombie king's throat.。”

“How about it? It's easy. No need to thank me.。”

Lin Yun smiled at Qiu Sheng。

As if he had done Qiu Sheng a big favor, his mean expression was even more annoying than Qiu Sheng's usual.。

“I really want to thank you, Brother Lin。”

Qiu Sheng said to Lin Yun with a sinister look on his face.。

He didn't expect that Lin Yun would deliberately mess with him。

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qiu Sheng is thanking you on the surface, but in fact he is mocking him.。

After all, any normal person would know that coffin fungus is not so easy to obtain.。

Qiu Sheng originally wanted his master to go, but at this time Lin Yun encouraged him to go in front of his master。

Then how could Qiu Sheng be kind to Lin Yun?。

“Are you being polite to me?。”

Lin Yun patted Qiu Sheng on the shoulder and said to him。

There was no politeness in his tone. Even though Uncle Jiu was by his side, he didn't give Qiu Sheng any face.。

Although Lin Yun did this, Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai did not dare to get angry.。

After all, the cultivation level is there。

The three masters and disciples could only pretend not to care.。

“Wencai, you and your senior brother will go together later.。”

“It’s up to you two to open the zombie king’s coffin and take out the coffin fungi.。”

Uncle Jiu patted Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai on the shoulders and said with sincerity.。

He himself knew that his two apprentices were used to being lazy.。

Although Lin Yun was deliberately trying to tame Qiu Sheng today, Uncle Jiu also felt that it was time to train his two apprentices.。

What Lin Yun said was not unreasonable. He was too doting on his two apprentices.。

Otherwise, his two apprentices would not be as useless as they are now.。

“Coffin fungus is a very dark and cold thing. When you two go to get it later, if you really can't stand it anymore, you can exchange it and save it.。”

Before leaving, Uncle Jiu did not forget Qian’s instructions and warned Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.。

Because he himself knows that these two apprentices are used to being careless.。

At this critical moment, he had to give his two apprentices a beating。

“Got it, got it, Master。”

“Wen Cai, let’s go。”

Qiu Sheng said to Uncle Jiu impatiently, they were used to joking between master and apprentice, and Uncle Jiu didn't blame him for anything.。

I just cursed in my heart, these two brats。

“Oh, I'm so scared。”

Wen Cai followed Qiu Sheng with some fear.。

Although he was very scared inside, he still walked towards the coffin in front of him tremblingly.。

Perhaps with senior brother Qiu Sheng in front, even in the most terrifying place, there is still the slightest bit of support.。

Just like now, Wen Cai shrank behind Qiu Sheng。

It's as if Qiu Sheng is his only shield.。

In the dark night, dozens of coffins were neatly placed in the open space.。

The soul flags are floating in the dark wind。

In this environment, one can't help but feel a cold air rushing from the back to the top of the head.。

In such a gloomy and terrifying environment, let alone opening the coffin, even if you are passing by, you can't help but feel the gloomy energy.。

I wish I could put oil on the soles of my feet and run away quickly。

ps: Please make a full order! Thanks for the support!

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