Lin Yun smiled faintly。

He didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.。

“Brother Lin is so kind. He must be punishing these two guys like this because of me.。”

Xiaoli thought happily in her heart。

Brother Lin must have done this because of what happened before.。

Thinking of He, Xiaoli looked at Lin Yun with even more intense eyes.。

If it weren't for the lack of entity......

As I thought about it, Xiaoli's originally cold body seemed to heat up.。

“Don't think too much, I just think their two characters are not stable enough, so I took this opportunity to temper them.。”

Looking at Xiaoli's appearance, Lin Yun said calmly。

“So, this is not called punishment。”

“If they practice more now, when Uncle Jiu gets old, they can stand up and inherit Uncle Jiu's career.。”

“Otherwise, as they are now, they can handle some small things, but if they really have to stand alone, I'm afraid Uncle Jiu's sign will be smashed.。”

Lin Yun explained to Xiaoli beside him。

Uncle Jiu, who was following closely behind, was shocked when he heard Lin Yun's words.。

“Brother Lin is so kind to me, considering my old age so early?”

“No, Brother Lin has enough things to do. I should teach my own apprentices well. I can't pamper them like this in the future.。”

Uncle Jiu made a decision in his heart。

He is not a person who likes to cause trouble to others。

What's more, Lin Yun。

In Uncle Jiu's eyes, with Lin Yun's talent and his cultivation that he is increasingly unable to see through, there should be more important things to do.。

Training his disciples now is simply a waste of Lin Yun's precious time.。

Wencai and Qiu Sheng at the front were running with panic on their faces, unable to stop.。

Along the way, if they saw something and couldn't dodge in time, they would directly hit it.。

Big trees, rocks, various obstacles。

Everything was scanned by them, just like the demolition team。

On the road, various animals ran away far away。

They used special gestures to convey information, knowing that there were two monsters nearby.。

“Brother Lin, please help, please let us take a rest. We are almost exhausted.。”

Qiu Sheng shouted and asked for help from Lin Yun。

Wencai, who was running at the same speed next to him, also wanted to ask for help.。

However, he kept having coffin fungi in his mouth and couldn't speak, so he could only hold it in his heart and rely on Qiu Sheng to express his thoughts.。

“Don't be afraid, you won't die。”

Facing the begging for mercy, Lin Yun just smiled lightly and showed no intention of paying attention.。

“I have attached a diamond talisman to you. Don’t worry, even if there is a mountain in front of you, you will not die. At most, you will only get a broken bone.。”

“No matter how seriously injured you are, I can always save you. So, don't worry about your life safety。”


Is this human language?

Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked miserable.。

Why did their Brother Lin suddenly become so bad?。

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

In a series of earth-shattering noises, they finally returned to the town。

The moment he returned to the town, Lin Yun thought and took off the Thousand-mile Talisman attached to them.。

As for Uncle Jiu, he used his own magic power, and two of the talismans on his body automatically fell off.。

“Brother Lin, I’ll return this talisman to you.。”

Uncle Jiu took the golden Thousand Mile Talisman and handed it to Lin Yun, with a trace of reluctance flashing in his eyes.

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