She looked at the once prosperous center of the rainy field, but now it has become a barren land. With such a big noise, it will definitely attract attention. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and Robin also quickly left here.

When the people who escaped from the rain found that the fighting had subsided, they came back to find that both Crocodile and Nico Robin had disappeared without a trace.

What they didn't know was that after this, Nico Robin's figure appeared in Albana's palace.

Cobra was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Nico Robin. He didn't expect Robin to come here at this time.

After the live broadcast, the navy and various forces will come to Alabasta. Now that Pluto is in the hands of Roque, the only targets of their coming here are obviously Crocodile and Nico Robin.

As for the historical text that the Nafirutali royal family has always preserved, it has no value after Roque took the Hades away.

"I won't hurt you, I just want to know what's written in the historical text, please take me there," Robin said to Cobra.

Cobra stared at Robin, nodded and did not refuse.

From the live broadcast, he already knew what kind of person Robin was, and thanks to the fact that she was the one who participated in the live broadcast, Crocodile's conspiracy was discovered and broken.

And Crocodile was the real culprit. Nicole Robin was at most instructed, and she didn't tell Crocodile about Hades' whereabouts at the end. From this alone, it can be seen that she has a bottom line. people.

What's more, the current historical text is no longer valuable to them. Cobra happily took Robin to the royal cemetery and let her see this historical text.

Robin hurriedly left after reading the words on the stone tablet.

She just wanted to understand the history. Now that she's finished, she should leave. If she is later, she may not be able to leave.

After Robin left, Cobra did not announce that Robin had been here, and Robin also told him that Crocodile was injured now and was planning to leave Alabasta. If you want to capture him for revenge, it is best to seize the opportunity. , otherwise it will be too late.

Therefore, the search for Crocodile began in various ports in Alabasta. The captain of the navy who had come nearby by the order of the Warring States also joined the operation, and in exchange Robin took the pass given by Cobra. Boarded the boat that left Alabasta.


After some time, Admiral Kizaru and CP9's Spandam arrived one after another and launched a search for Crocodile in Alabasta.

In the end, Crocodile was still injured because of his body, and he was intercepted and blocked the coast by the naval captains who arrived too early, and failed to leave in time.

In the end, he was arrested by Kizaru under the search of CP and the navy.

Since then, the general Kizaru has made another contribution.

PS: The first update.

Chapter 123

As for Nico Robin, it seems to have disappeared. Ren Haijun and CP did not find any clues here.

After searching for a while, he could only let it go, thinking that he had escaped from Alabasta.

As for the historical text of the private collection of the Alabasta royal family, Kizaru and CP9 don't even bother to read it, and the treasure map that has been found is worthless at all.

The arrest of General Kizaru's arrest of Shichibukai Crocodile was naturally publicized by the world government.

In order to restore the lost face of the navy and the world government.

However, this time people didn't buy it, and some even wondered if the navy had picked it up again this time, forcing others to take credit for themselves.

But after thinking about it, I feel that it is impossible. Luffy and the others haven't reached Alabasta yet.

If Luffy and the others did it, then I'm afraid the Straw Hat Pirates would also have to be caught this time.

As a result, the general Kizaru faintly became one of the three generals on the navy table, whose reputation and prestige were far higher than those of Akainu and Aokiji.

Although he is a bastard, he is at least a decent navy.

The temperament of people in the pirate world always likes to reconcile and compromise.

For example, if you give them an Akainu who is the most active in work but has the most ruthless personality, they will definitely refuse.

Another example is to give them an Aokiji who is lazy and soft-hearted, but abuses his power, and they will also refuse.

In these two cases, if you give them another kiwi who behaves well but is a jerk, they can accept it.

Against the background of the two talents Akainu and Aokiji, Kizaru has become so outstanding.

People all over the world gradually expressed their hope that Kizaru could take over as the marshal.

I'm afraid even Kizuna himself didn't think of this.

Even the inside of the Navy did not expect things to develop like this, but soon, they unexpectedly felt acceptable.

Because Akainu not only has a bad impression in the people's hearts, but also has become a little bad in their hearts. Without him, it's all because Akainu's behavior is really detrimental to the image of the navy. They don't want such a man to lead the navy.

As for Aokiji, Aokiji was originally the most ideal candidate, but due to Aokiji's dereliction of duty and the possibility that he would betray the navy and become a pirate, these dark futures made his voice gradually disappear.

In contrast, Kizaru became their ideal candidate.

Akainu and Aokiji never expected this outcome.

The two of them were facing each other, and they fought so hard for the marshal's ownership, but they were taken advantage of by the **** Kizaru.

Is this the so-called snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman's profit, and a replica of the war is being staged here again.

It's just that it wasn't Blackbeard who benefited this time, but Kizaru.

Akainu was secretly angry in his heart, what kind of smuggler is Smog, and Kizaru is the real king of scavenging, and he will be taken away from his marshal position!

And this situation can't help but make Sengoku and Wu Laoxing think again about the possibility of Kizaru as the successor of the marshal.


Since the establishment of CP9 in Alabasta also contributed, they made a lot of efforts in the search for Crocodile.

So under the operation of Spandam's father Spandain, Spandam finally did not accept more severe punishment, maintained the original disposal, and was reduced to a member of CP9.

And the commander of CP9 is Rob Lucci, who also made contributions in Alabasta.

In order to appease the people below, the World Government immediately sent the news of Spandam's dismissal, which finally calmed some of the dissatisfaction of the World Government and the bottom soldiers of the Navy caused by Spandam's speech with cerebral palsy.

And CP9 also continued to carry out the task of Pluto's blueprint for the Seven Capitals of Water after the Alabasta incident was resolved.

Since Pluto fell into Luo Ke's hands, the world government also hopes that there will be a Pluto that can fight against Luo Ke, at least in terms of firepower to suppress Luo Ke.

Therefore, the Five Old Stars asked CP9 to find the design drawings.

And due to the fact that the design drawings mentioned in the video were burned, they are required to be more cautious in this action, and they must bring back the design drawings intact.

Before, the five old stars didn't care about the design drawings, as long as they didn't fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives for the world government.

However, now that Luo Ke has a finished Pluto, the situation is different.

The Pluto design has become more important, and their idea is very simple. Since Luo Ke has a Pluto super battleship, and only one Pluto, they must have it too, and they can have one or one Pluto when they get the design. N ships.

In short, Luo Ke cannot be allowed to surpass the World Government on the battleship.

The core of the world government's ability to control the world lies in the navy, and the key to the navy lies in warships. At least the navy cannot be suppressed by others.

So far, Alabasta has finally calmed down after this.

Crocodile was captured, Nico Robin left, Hades was taken away, nothing was left in Alabasta, only the country that was messed up by Crocodile, so that the civil war did not break out, and the mastermind was also arrested. Arrested, people here can finally rebuild their homes and live a good life.

Everything is going in the right direction.


On the other side, the situation on Smoker's side was not very good, because he let the five old stars eat **** in front of the whole world.

Naturally, this was met with revenge from the Five Old Stars. He was found by CP9 as soon as he came to Alabasta.

CP9 was ordered by the Five Old Stars to personally invite Smog to eat shit. The **** was prepared by Spandam himself, so it was very fresh.

For this kind of thing, Rob Lucci and other CP9s are naturally too lazy to touch them, so it has become Luqi's subordinate Spandam to do it to make them look unpleasant, and Spandam can only go to the toilet to prepare.

As for whether Smoker eats **** or not?

The answer is not to eat.

Fortunately, the Warring States knew that the Five Old Stars would not let Smog go, so he specially asked Kizaru who went to Alabasta to take care of Smog and stopped CP9 from feeding shit.

CP9 is not Kizaru's opponent, so he can only pass the news back to Wu Laoxing, Wu Laoxing finds Warring States again, and asks Warring States to expel Smog.

The two sides had a big fight.

In this matter, Warring States did not obey the orders of the Five Old Stars. He believed that Smog's actions were not wrong. He just did what a navy with a sense of justice should do. In fact, it was Wu Laoxing who caused this situation. The old star himself.

If an excellent navy is punished for this, it will only chill the hearts of other navies.

Wu Laoxing was furious at the disobedience of the Warring States period, thinking that sooner or later he would replace this guy in the Warring States period, but now is not the time.

Now the appearance of the three generals is not more suitable than the Warring States Period.

And Zefa also turned his face with Wu Laoxing after learning the news. Smog was his apprentice. Although he was only one of many apprentices, in this matter, he supported Smog.

Moreover, he was already dissatisfied with Wu Laoxing's disregard for justice and unscrupulous behavior in order to achieve his goals, especially after learning of the war on the top, Wu Laoxing also recruited Weibull as Qiwuhai.

All these made him very disappointed with the world government.

The disobedience of the Admiral and the opposition of the former Admiral Zefa made the Five Old Stars have to give up the idea of ​​punishing Small.

If it was just the Warring States period, it would be a big deal to let the Warring States retire early and let Kizaru be the marshal.

However, Zefa had to be cautious, because this guy's status in the navy was extraordinary. Except for the older generation of the Warring States period, the other three generals in the navy were students of Zefa.

Forcibly punishing Smoker and making him eat **** will not only humiliate Smoker, but also humiliate other navies. At this time, if teacher Zefa takes the lead in opposing the World Government, then the influence of the Navy may not be that much. Simple to calm down.

What's more, Spandam had already caused a lot of influence within the Navy before, so there can be no more trouble at this juncture.

You can't do things that cut your arm yourself.

There is no way the Five Old Stars can only temporarily give up revenge on this following Smog who has insulted them.

And this incident also made them pay attention to Zefa, who has a special status in the navy.

This is a very unstable factor for them. This guy has a pivotal position in the navy, and can even shake the influence of the world government on the navy and resist the decision of the world government on the navy.

Such people, they cannot stand nor allow such people to continue to exist in the Navy.

Originally, they wanted to drain the last value of these older navies and let them dedicate their last blood to the navy.

But now it seems that keeping them in the navy is a scourge.

We have to find a way to get rid of this scourge.


It's been a while since the last live broadcast.

The sea also had a series of reactions because of the last live broadcast.

First of all, because of the dialogue between Dr. O'Hara Crowba and the Five Old Stars, people all over the world confirmed the authenticity of Ralph Drew.

Not only that, but they also determined that the great secret treasure ONEPIECE hidden by Ralph Drew is the legacy left by the huge kingdom, which has enough power to overthrow the world government.

Almost everyone believes this, because the super battleship Pluto is one of the legacy left by this huge kingdom.

Whether it is out of the yearning for treasure, or the desire for this powerful force, or even the ambition to rule the world.

Following Roger's era of great voyages and the new era of great voyages opened by the last Whitebeard image, the world has ushered in the third era of great voyages.

It's just that this time, it is the era of great rebellion that will gain the power to overthrow the world government.

Not only pirates participated in this voyage, but also civilians, and even the royal family and nobles of the allied countries were commanding and contributing behind the scenes.

A hunt for the world government begins.

In order to cope with the sudden increase in the number of navigators at sea, the navy had to work overtime to catch criminals at sea, and on the other hand, continue to increase the number of navy to cope with this wave.

But to their disappointment, as the reputation of the navy in the world gradually widened, those young people who were determined to uphold justice began to distrust the navy, believing that they were just a group of lackeys of the world government, and that justice and everything were deceitful Yes, everything is for the rule of the Tianlong people.

So the number of people joining the navy also began to decrease, and the navy became less respected and popular.

In addition, on the New World side, the movement of the Four Emperors also began to increase, and they seemed to have rekindled their desire for ONEPIECE, and began to find the whereabouts of Ralph Drew in the New World.

As more and more people poured into the new world, the new world began to turmoil.

And there are not many people that can be drawn from the navy.

Due to the existence of Roque, the number of generals stationed by Mary Joa increased to two, and the nearby navy in charge of patrols also consumed a lot of manpower.

This has caused the navy to have a manpower shortage.

The Shichibukai was originally a system that appeared to make up for the dilemma of the navy's shortage of manpower.

However, because Crocodile intends to steal the country in Alabasta, he has been arrested by the general Kizaru, and is now locked in the advance city.

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