In order to achieve this purpose, I need this bottle of potion, and I also need this time.

These students of mine also need my teacher to shelter them from the wind and rain, and the new navy also needs me to cultivate and grow.

For these, I can only choose to give up them now. "

Zefa looked at the midair and said to everyone watching the live broadcast:

"I never agree that the current navy is just, nor can I agree that the Shichibukai system is just.

The world government has been established for 800 years, but the pirates in this world still exist for 800 years. I don't see any hope of ending.

I once believed deeply in the government and the navy, believing that they are the only answer to justice and that only they can bring peace to the world.

But now I found out that I was wrong. What really brings peace is neither the government nor the navy under the control of the government, nor can they bring peace, they can only maintain the rule of the government.

The only thing to protect is the interests of the pigs from the Tianlong people.

In order to maintain these, they even cooperated with pirates and pirates who have killed many navies and people.

This is not justice, nor can it be justice.

Therefore, I am here to announce that since the government and the navy cannot give justice, then I will give it. If the government and the navy cannot annihilate the pirates, then I will destroy it.

From today, I, Zefa, officially resigned from the navy and established the NEO navy.

I'm here to declare war on all pirates. Sooner or later, the NEO Navy will wipe out all the pirates in the world. Even if I can't do it alive, someone will continue to do it after I die.

I hope that the children of the future will be born in a world without pirates, and such tragedies will not happen again.

Finally, regarding what happened in the image, I hereby apologize to everyone in the new world. I dare not ask for your forgiveness, but in the future I will keep this matter in my heart and always be vigilant not to take this path.

Justice is meaningless if it cannot protect people.

I will repay this sin with the rest of my life. "Zefa bowed his head deeply to everyone in front of the screen.

PS: The fourth update.

Chapter 138

Zefa's declaration was conveyed through the screen to all over the world.

Many people mistakenly thought that Zefa gave up resurrecting his relatives for the sake of his own survival, but they did not expect that he would give up resurrecting his relatives in order to make this world a world without pirates for justice.

Between justice and personal feelings, he chose justice at one time.

This shocked those who had misunderstood him before.

People watched the naval hero who almost went astray and lowered his head deeply, and couldn't help being moved.

This is the first time they have seen the Navy apologize to them.

Whether it was the mistakes of Alabasta before, or the people who abused their power and almost harmed the water city, they were subjected to the slaughter order, or the slaughter of Akainu in O'Hara, and before the Goa Kingdom and Sabo were bombarded by the Dragons. matter.

Neither the world government nor the navy has taken a stand on these matters, let alone apologized.

Instead, he tried his best to save face or make amends after the incident happened. However, these operations never thought that he had done something wrong, just to save face.

In the eyes of people, the attitudes of the world government and the navy do not take them seriously at all. In their opinion, you almost killed so many people, so you should apologize.

However, there was nothing, even quibbling and covering up afterwards.

This kind of behavior makes them feel that they are a flock of sheep kept in the sheepfold and can only be forced to accept it, whether it is good or bad, they can only accept it.


The government and the navy don't care about their thoughts or attitudes at all, they only care about their own face.

Zefa's sincere apology stands in stark contrast to the inattentive approach of the Navy and government.

Seeing Zefa's lowered head, the people who were still angry at Zefa's actions to destroy the new world gradually disappeared.

Before the incident happened, Zefa also realized his mistake, apologized sincerely, and decided to use the rest of his life to atone for his sins.

With such an attitude, they have nothing to be angry about.

The most important thing is what Zefa said before, in order to let the new life in the future live in a world without pirates, he will establish the NEO navy and annihilate the pirates all over the world.

Justice that cannot protect people is not justice!

Different from the terrifying idea before, it can be heard from Zefa's words that he wants to form a new navy to replace the current navy, and he will use the rest of his life to achieve this.

If he can't achieve it, he will cultivate successors to continue to achieve it.

Not for the interests of the government, nor for the rule of the Tianlong people, but for justice, to destroy the pirate army.

This kind of thinking has rekindled hope for many who originally wanted to join Zefa's new navy but gave up because of its extremes.

To be honest, there is no more suitable role in this world than Zefa.

Needless to say about Zefa's personal character, as long as it doesn't go to extremes, the entire navy probably won't be able to find a second navy that can match it.

And the current navy was cultivated by Zefa. If he was there, they also believed that Zefa could cultivate a second navy.

A navy that is not controlled by the world government and does not exist for the interests of the Dragon people, a pure navy.

This idea made a lot of people's heart pounding, whether it was a commoner or a royal family.

They have long been fed up with the world government and the navy used by the government as a puppet.

In their eyes, although the navy protects them, it is actually oppressing them.

These navies are like sheepdogs in the sheepfold. Pirates are wolves outside. Pirates come to eat sheep, and shepherds stop them. This would have been excellent, but don’t forget one thing, it’s not just wolves. Will eat sheep, and shepherds will eat sheep.

And when the shepherd eats the sheep, the shepherd dog can't do anything, and even helps the owner to prevent them from escaping.

It is precisely because of this reality that people are quite helpless. They are protected by the navy on the one hand, and exploited by the world government on the other. They want to change this situation, but there is nothing they can do.

They have been longing for someone to change this situation, and Zefa's new navy is exactly what they expected.

Sheep and shepherd dogs are a good pair. It would be best if the existence of shepherds could be eliminated.

The sheep and the dog reached an agreement, the sheep exchanged wool for protection from the dog, and the dog exchanged wool for food.

This is their ideal state.

In fact, this is the ideal model of the kings of the allied countries. They are very puzzled. They are obviously paid by them, and they are obviously protected by the navy.

It doesn’t matter if you divide the interests. After all, the navy is managed by the world government, but how can there be such existences as world nobles riding on their heads, you have the money, and you have to step on them for status?

That's all for the world's nobles, and now there is a king.

Then what are the kings of the allied countries?

The village chief?

Your world government has kings, so what kind of kings are they?

If they join the World Government, is their country still their country?

Zefa found out that he had lost his way, and he had to rebuild a NEO navy to compete with the government's navy, which just fell into their arms.

This NEO navy must be built. If it is not built, it will not work. If it is not built, they will be completely swallowed up by the World Government sooner or later and become their pariahs.

Not only do they have to build, they also have to help build.

Only in this way can this seed of hope sprout and grow up as soon as possible, and not be strangled in the cradle by the world government.

They can also escape the control of the World Government as soon as possible, and have new options to choose from.

Whether it was for Zefa's justice or for self-help, at the moment Zefa's declaration was announced, a large number of people around the world who wanted to join the NEO Navy appeared.

The current navy and government have disappointed them too much. If it is Zefa, they believe that a real navy with justice will be established.

It may be possible to annihilate pirates and let new life in the future live in a world without pirates.

The world government has been trying for 800 years, and they have not been able to do it for 800 years, and it is getting worse. They have lost any hope.

Now they see new hope, and hope that new hope will allow them to see such a future in their lifetime.

Zefa's words aroused violent repercussions among the people, and at the same time, it also made many navies have impulses in their hearts, but reality tells them that forming a new navy is not so simple.

And the world still needs them to maintain order. Although they yearn for the future that Zefa said, sometimes people have to face reality.

The reality is that the world still needs to be maintained by the navy. Without the navy, the world would be even more chaotic. Although the government is not good, the navy relies entirely on the government to maintain its current operation.

They can't leave countless people under threat from pirates because of a possible future.

Maybe... Maybe one day, Mr. Zefa shows them that the future he said is really achievable, and they may choose to join it and embrace true justice.

But now, that's all they can do.

Life is not only about poetry and distance, but also facing the difficulties in front of you.

The navies of the Navy Headquarters watched Zefa's speech in the live broadcast, and they were full of emotions, excitement, or yearning, but in the end, no one took off the navy uniform and chose to leave.

Holy Land, Mary Joa, Hall of Power.

Wu Laoxing's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Everything went in the direction they least wanted to see.

They originally thought that Zefa would choose to revive his family, so that the old Zefa would not be the opponent of the navy and CP0 who went to catch them.

However, contrary to their expectations, Zefa chose a healing potion, which not only recovered his hands, but also enhanced his body and lifespan.

The current Zefa is similar to the previous situation when Whitebeard took the life potion and returned to the peak.

You must know that Zefa is an existence in the same era as Garp, Sengoku, Whitebeard, and Roger. Without the physical burden, it is several times harder to win him now than before.

What makes the Five Old Stars even more angry is Zefa's declaration, which is Chi Guoguo's provocation, a provocation to the navy and the government.

Not only that, but it also eliminated the negative influence Zefa had caused before. If Zefa really plans to build a new navy, I am afraid many people will choose to join.

The expansion of NEO's navy means the shake-up of the government's dominance of the sea.

This is something they can't just sit back and watch.

And now Zefa has more time to achieve this purpose, an enemy more terrifying than Dorag has appeared.

If Zefa can't be taken down this time, then Zefa may really give them a new navy in the future.

And the more serious consequence of this is that once the NEO navy shows its reliable strength, then the navy will inevitably defect. You must know that the top navy leaders are all Zefa's apprentices now.

Not only that, the new navy means that a new world government will also appear, and those non-joined countries and allied countries will approach them for asylum, thus forming a new union.

The power accumulated by the world government for 800 years will soon crack, and the power will begin to shift to the new government.

Their rights will be completely shaken!

At that time, they will either defeat the challenger and take back their rights, or be defeated by the challenger, and they will replace the world government and become the rulers of the new world.

Thinking of this possible situation, the Five Old Stars couldn't sit still.

This threat must be nipped in the bud. In any case, Zefa cannot escape this time!

PS: The first update.

Chapter 139

Wu Laoxing's side told CP0 to catch Zefa, if he couldn't catch him alive, he would die.

Anyway, if you live to see people die or see corpses, you must kill Zefa.

They don't believe in the navy at this time. They all know who the navy sent out. The two generals, Kizaru and Akainu, are both in Maryjoa. The only one the navy can send is Aokiji. .

What kind of virtue is this guy Aokiji, they have seen it in the video several times, they know it well, he is a guy who loses the chain at a critical moment.

If it weren't for the fact that Mary Joa might be in danger, they would have liked to send Kizaru and Akainu too, but they were afraid of Luo Ke's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, and the pile of explosive rocks that disappeared out of thin air still made them jump.

Compared with the navy, CP0 can gain their trust, after all, it is their strongest shield.

Zefa's declaration aroused the excitement and excitement of all the pirate guerrillas, and they immediately expressed their willingness to follow Zefa to join the NEO Navy.

Smaller also expressed his willingness to join.

He originally came to Zefa to take refuge, and the Navy Headquarters can't go back for the time being. Now Zefa wants to set up a new navy, and he is also very longing for it. If Teacher Zefa really intends to form a truly just navy, then he Naturally willing to join.

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