Manager of the Other World Brothel
The original landscape of the storyteller
The Wang capital, Glen Kaina, is at 2 a.m.
Well, that's one paragraph for tonight's work.
I'm not entirely sorry to help you until morning arrives, but after midnight, the hourly lady handles it.
The cleaning and recovery magic to the time-selling ladies is over, and it has been confirmed that there are no ladies with serious illness.
And then, unless something goes wrong with the overnight selling lady or her customer, I basically relaxed until dawn.
The clerks (staff) also take turns to take a nap, and the kitchen-related department really finishes its work by making breakfast orders.
The hourly ladies will be ready for tomorrow, and many of the overnight ladies will be in their dreams.
I don't know what it's like to be in endurance until morning.
Hang in there.
I really like this time of year when the gorgeous whorehouse is supposed to be (...).
It all feels quiet even though people's signs come from there properly.
The strange feeling of the whorehouse "The Dream of the Walnut (Papilio Somnium)" emitting uncertain signs of being asleep and half awake as if it were a big creature.
I'm alone in the office tonight, picking up that time.
Over the same noisy night today, I can feel my body relaxed.
Sink your body deep into the fine chair in the office and gently rub your eyeballs with your fingers.
I feel like I can grasp the fatigue all over my body along with the long sigh of natural exhalation.
It's funny because this actually just really makes me feel exhausted and completely different from what I think is going to make me recover with my magic.
No, are you scared?
This is what happens to me and the clerks moving in the clerical way, this isn't how tired the ladies are actually feeling.
Regardless of the subject's condition, my "unique magic" is a convenient way to heal illness and restore health with my magic, but it has no effect on my mind.
I can do whatever the load on the ladies' bodies is, but the load on their minds has to be reduced by appropriate means.
Sleep hours ensured for more than a certain amount of time, a delicious and nutritionally balanced meal, and appropriate vacation settings.
I'm going to have as many conditions in place as I can for such a physical thing, but it's the load on my mind that's not the only thing I can handle.
But sleep well, eat good food, and rest properly.
I'm sure that simple things like that are most important.
That's why I'm saying that even though my unique magic doesn't actually depend on the state of the target to be applied, I'm just magically converting each basic health.
Yeah, but I'll tell you what. You know, it's just a bunch of people who can't, you know, dream about butterflies.
If you're on your own, there are still more idiots who can't do it for someone else lately.
We just have to be careful with each other and support each other better than that.
It is forbidden to be nagging or alarmed, but you can say that the dreams of a butterfly (of which) are well turned around.
Well, that's my handle, because the ladies are trying to make a good air for all of us, but why?
I'm the one who made him worry about his three daughters, so I hope he flips around.
I don't know why, but I'm relying on you.
If you're going to do everything yourself, you're just old enough to know that it's not going to be very nice, and supporting each other well is the key.
Easy, but difficult.
I think it would be strange to support each other, but personally, I think it would be great to be able to speak out when I am in trouble.
Whatever it is, you can throw up weak noises.
I think it's worth a bunch of people because we can hear that and figure out how to deal with it together.
Well, there are a lot of tough people dreaming about butterflies, so if it was just "sweet," it's common to get scolded from all around.
'Cause that's one form of support.
Having figured that out, I guess it's important that it's a place to tell each other.
But, well, how can this seem to me, too?
I became a manager - no, by the time the title alone hadn't really meant it yet, I couldn't afford to think about it.
I feel like I've been thinking about something fine, like a city at night where it's supposed to be for hookers, but it was actually full of stuff in front of me.
It's obvious, but my relationship with the ladies wasn't like right now, and most importantly, I was licked by all three of them: Renamaria, Miss Listia and Miss Laura...
I can't be like this now without acknowledging that my 'unique magic' benefits greatly. If I didn't have this power, I wouldn't be a manager like I am now.
No. Is that around there?
Because I had this power, should I assume that the owner entrusted me with the manager of The Dream of the Walnut (Papilio Somnium)?
But I don't know.
If I hadn't first thought about how to use my "unique magic," I'd have self-destructed.
If you live a long time, are you insensitive to (...) of (...)?
When you think about it without taking that away, a steady general fatigue induces drowsiness.
I can do that if I recover with my magic, but I don't hate to sleep fine without defying my fatigue.
If that happens, you'll wake up soon, and you can make an immediate recovery at that point.
Leave yourself to the sleeper and let go of consciousness-
Things are serious.
The owner said, "Try it." I don't have the right to defy it, or the power to defy it.
So I'm not going to say anything more about being the manager of a whorehouse.
No, honestly, all kinds of "why? I do, but I'm not the owner who answers when I hear it without thinking about it.
After thinking for yourself, here's the correct answer? If I ask, I will not answer the questions correctly or hassle.
Besides, I've been calling you "Master," and from today on, even if you ask me to call you "Owner".
Everything seems to be important to get into shape.
So I guess this outfit also follows the "manager" statue that the owner (owner) thinks of.
I wonder if it would look good if someone wore it.
Pure white button-down shirt with a dark black vest and trousers. The jacket is the same color.
Even I don't know anything about fabrics or tailoring, but I can understand that this guy is a superior substitute.
They say it's a uniform. I wear it, but I'm totally losing my clothes.
Just because I am conscious, when I can enjoy the laughter, I snap, Master, but I am also the owner (owner).
No, that's not the problem.
The problem is that I'm much weaker (...) than I thought I was.
As soon as I was assigned the manager here, I was reminded.
It's still fine if you're just weak, but there are also suspicions of considerable femininity.
I had no idea this was going to happen.
I was watching sweetly.
When I said the manager of the whorehouse, I thought that if the office were the main method, there would be no contact with the whores.
Even though it's inevitable to have direct contact with the whores to take advantage of my 'unique magic' that doesn't even help shit in battle, I didn't think magic could be done in non-contact, and that would be a problem.
To the extent that he lived normally and was normally in contact with the opposite sex, he understood painfully that it was not a reference to what would happen if he were placed in the position of "manager (manager) of a whorehouse".
The Walnut Dream (Papilio Somnium), the whorehouse where I was ordered to be my manager, is the number one luxury whorehouse in the Wang capital, Glen Kaina, known as "The Sluttest City in the World".
In other words, all the whores there belong to are perfect beauties.
I'm not just a beauty, I'm a professional on that path, familiar with what I'm showing you.
It seems that there is a class system called the "petal system", and when it comes to its upper rank (class), I honestly get confused just because I'm in the same space instead of the big one.
If you can smile at me, it will turn bright red, and I even feel controlled (controlled) to make good my thoughts over here with one trick at a time.
No, not yet if it's blushing and grated to the point.
If you're seduced when you're alone, I'm most afraid of myself that I'm going to get on that invitation lightly without thinking about it.
The owner (owner) made it clear in front of all the whores to whom he belonged that he would leave the full powers in The Dream of the Walnut (Papilio Somnium) to me.
At that time, it was understood at first sight that the owner (owner) was an absolute owner, even for them, who were extraordinary whores.
Especially the superior whores, who apparently have some sort of contract with the owner (owner) for the 'Dream of the Walnut (Papilio Somnium)' whore.
Even the "contract" is left to me, the owner.
If you cage me, you can get them to complete their contract.
Still no whore treats me lightly because the owner is respected or frightened.
But my attitude toward talking to them is definitely seen as "easy to give."
And it's almost shooting straight.
I'm definitely easy to give.
If I hadn't been openly fooled by the top three "petal systems", one of the top dreams of a butterfly (papilio somnium), a top whorehouse with top sales and only five all over the king's capital, Glen Kaina, I would even have feared I would have been caged without worrying like this.
The three beautiful girls, named Renamaria, Listia and Laura, were the top three of "The Dream of the Walnut (Papilio Somnium)" despite being still young, wearing an atmosphere that didn't just make you think it wasn't Yotai talk about beauty and color......
He looked at me like he despised me from the bottom of his heart, feeling too pretty to even have evil thoughts, and accidentally approached the vegetables.
Goddamn it, it sure would have been a shame if I'd gotten vegan and thought back.
I can't help but think that even I, who geek at whores other than ourselves, was genuinely unreliable and pitiful to see.
But thanks to that cold gaze, I was able to think that I had to work out some measures.
Instead of caging in to see how easy it is to give, it's a thankful story to think about that it would fool someone as clear as I can tell.
If you try them, it would be a more profitable story to do as you want to bone me out.
I don't care what you think about purposefully making fun of it and stirring up your mind, it's just "kind".
That's why I regret it!
What if it's "physiologically impossible, so I tried not to wrap it up and put my heart out"?
Whatever you do, you have to do it in return.
No. Except for that, if you don't do something about it, you don't act as the manager of the whorehouse.
Fortunately, I have one abdominal proposal right now.
My "unique magic" specializes in hygiene and physical fitness management.
I understood it deeply and figured out an interesting way to use it.
A state that does not entice any beautiful woman to a man exists, albeit for a very short time.
Says' Sage Mode '
If I could artificially produce that with my "unique magic,"
Name it, artificial perpetual sage mode!
This should make it possible for me to get answers to any attractive whores who make fun of me.
If there is not even a woman in this world, let a man live like God.
- Thomas Decker.
You can't lose a woman, so you can't go to God.
But it should be possible to be wise.
And that fully serves my purpose.
I guess I'm quite a genius to come up with using my unique magic this way.
Besides, I can also say that I got the strongest moves to get the blood of a shaggy customer at the whorehouse all at once.
Whatever the strong side, "I'm gonna lose my virility again! There must be no soldier threatened."
Honestly, I don't even want to think about vandalism without the owner. I can say it's an unwanted weapon.
The more or less magical construction is complete, and later only experiments.
If it fails, it will draw blood, but if you use my magic, you should also manage to revive it.
I'll just have to try and experiment here, once and for all so I can solve it in a short time.
If you go into a tiger hole, you don't get a tiger child.
Once in a while, activate the deliciously prototype magic and pseudonym "Artificial Permanent Sage Mode" against yourself.
There's nothing dramatically different about this.
I can just feel weirdly calm.
The embarrassing memories that I remember just now are not disturbing, as I just remembered, even if I remember the top 3 things about my beautiful sisters, especially Renamaria, Listia and Laura, who were restless.
On the contrary, if you calm down this way and remember, you will see how astonished the whores belonging to The Dream of the Walnut (Papilio Somnium) are.
The three of them who pointed out my pity are beauty that I don't even think of as human beings.
That's the first time I've been convinced that it's very impossible to calmly deal with a man's instincts if he stays on board.
I don't feel sorry for me or my customers.
They are more irresistible than they were born with men.
If you are weak, you are taken by your hand, and if you are strong, you try to make it your own, even with violence.
As long as you live such a rude life, you're literally a sage as it is--
- The magic effect has expired.
Oh, wow.
Seriously, it caught my blood.
If we don't solve this within this time frame, we can live without inadvertently reclaiming our function as men for the rest of our lives.
No, if it's a time-bound situation that can be exhausting, I can fully think that it's about to run out and get tired of it because it's so annoying.
Besides, I'm going to spend the rest of my life taking care of it.
Even if it's not my magic, if I get old and lose my natural resilience, is it something that makes me a man?
I feel like I've felt the secret of my dead grandfather's serenity one step ahead of me.
This requires careful use.
I do admire myself for not moving as if I were a woman's weapon, and it is definitely a useful magic to do this job fully entrusted to me by the owner (owner).
But I don't think it tastes good to throw a man's sex at all.
As I thought until just now, it's certainly not a good thing to be swept away by greed.
But that's the "man," eating up a man's sexuality and putting up with it. There must be something cool about it.
As for one man, I think it's better that way.
However, as manager (manager) of the luxury whorehouse "The Dream of the Walnut (Papilio Somnium)", it will be effective depending on how it is used.
The point is, I just don't want to misuse it.
All right, I got a little nasty sweat, but the experiment could be considered a success.
Look, three daughters who were horribly beautiful.
Renamaria, Listia, Laura.
Having fully understood your charm as women, I will deal with you calmly and without this.
I'm going to show you what "manager of the whorehouse" means.
Even they can say that there are men who don't see themselves that way.
Even if that is now (...) is a false one.
"You're asleep"
You're asleep.
Lunamaria and Listia were freed from work at night by eating overnight bought muscle and breakfast to drop you off.
Laura, who is always held until the same time as the actual overnight sale in order to extend the time-sale end-user until morning, joins the two and comes to the office to see how the manager (manager) is doing.
The manager sank his body into his chair last night, falling asleep.
"If I don't do something extra, I won't wake up."
"It's completely within the powers of the manager."
"... you're happy, no alert"
If you are a regular manager, you will definitely wake up if someone else (...) comes around the office. It should be, but I'm quite glad to be honest that the three of you sneak into the office and still won't wake up.
Because we are not included in the alert target of the first type of alert posture.
It's probably unconscious, so if you lose your trust here, you'll be relentlessly put back on alert again.
No. There's a good chance they'll let you back just because they found out about this fact.
He is three daughters who are almost completely sealed of movement because he thinks it will betray the trust of the manager (manager) without fail, while gaining a chance of a thousand one-of-a-kind pranks.
Under all circumstances, the grand principle that falling in love is better than losing seems to apply.
"Until constant."
"If you try to prank me, you'll be on maximum alert for a moment."
"Still, we must be the only ones allowed so far."
Talk to each other to make sure they don't do anything unnecessary.
Well, I'm sure Listie's right, and there's confidence and joy that we're the only ones allowed to get this far.
In that case, I guess I don't have to think it's cheap to just look at my defenseless sleeping face, but I can't help but think it's true.
"... don't you look amazing, manager"
I dye my cheeks just a little, and Listie leaks pompously staring at the manager's (manager's) dull sleeping face with the look of what makes her so happy.
"... sounds like a good dream."
This is also a look that floated in the heat, Lunamaria agrees, staring with her jaw on the manager's desk.
At least it's not the kind of look you have when you're having a bad dream.
I'm dreaming again, and that means it's time to wake up.
I enjoyed seeing my sleep face, and if I were to prank in exchange for a little trust, this could also be the last chance of a situation.
"... don't you want to take a look, Laura?
"... Whew, Laura"
For some reason, Renamaria, two Listias talk to Laura.
"I'd love to see that.... wouldn't you betray me?
Instead of staring at her sleeping face, Laura left her body in the chair of the sleeping manager (manager), who herself closed her eyes and nodded.
Only that left eye opens and returns the words as I look at the two people I've been talking to.
If you're going to see it, Ichigo Toshio.
That's the kind of confirmation.
Lunamaria, two Listias nod with a serious look that doesn't make them look that way.
What we're going to do is not Laura's solo offender, but Lunamaria, Listia, approved of being an accomplice in consignment.
Definitely spreads. And it pisses me off. It would also diminish the trust accumulated in a small amount.
Still, I can't stop wanting to see it.
In other words, Laura has the ability to take a peek into the manager's dreams.
"Bonding (Path) It's magical, so on the other hand, it's easy to crack ~. If you break in, you'll find out instantly, and if you look at it in too much detail, you'll just get really pissed off, just the annoying content, right?
Still, it seems to be a private infringement enough, but does it mean that it would be worse for these four to show gaps?
I guess there is a similar relationship of trust in the sweetness of forgiveness and forgiveness to that extent.
Or vice versa.
Unfalsely the top whorehouse in the world, there are three good women who are even warm enough to know what every man dreams of.
Beautiful little finger on your left hand in glossy cherry blossom color lips, wet in saliva It out in front of Lunamaria, Listia Laura.
If they peck that from left to right, with a slightly tongued lip, they lick it.
The lips of Lunamaria and Listia are not touching each other because they seem to touch each other in a rinse.
I don't see any hesitation or shame in the three of us as to whether this act, which also looks disloyal, is necessary to share Laura's abilities.
At the end of the day, the three saliva crossed, causing Laura's pinky fingers to gently touch the sleeping manager's lips.
Mucosal contact of body fluids is probably necessary for ability activation.
At the moment of touch, the manager's dream is passed on to Laura, Renamaria and Listia like a digest.
As a result...
"Oh, my stomach hurts..."
Only Listia could barely speak, and Renamaria and Laura are trembling because they can't even speak up to too many facts.
I couldn't help laughing at how the manager had stopped moving to their temptation.
The manager (manager) blued the first of his special moves from the heartache of the strangers who make a scene in The Dream of the Walnut (Papilio Somnium).
The "man's" ecology, the thought dragged by it, is fresh and honestly interesting.
Of course there is a manager (manager) who is a thinker.
Thanks to this, however, I understand why the manager (manager) is proud of his unmatched strength in terms of "versus women".
"Our moves and maneuvers amplify the (...) of"
"If you erase the former (...), it doesn't mean you can't get through one thing."
"It's sloppy."
In four-law arithmetic multiplication, if the multiplier is set to zero, there is no point in using a number that is greater than the multiplier - moves, colors, or manipulation tubes.
Zero is zero where you multiply by what.
In a sense, there can be no effective means for biological men to pass to the manager (manager) of a state where the organism is no longer a man.
All I can say is sloppy. I try to line up my complaints about how to defend the iron wall, and all three of them come to mind at about the same time.
Certainly the manager (manager) does not stretch or blush under his nose, upset or anything like (...) and (...) against any beautiful woman.
But how'd it go against us?
Would it really have been an iron wall that far?
- No response.
"... but the manager... we'll be lit up or upset, won't we? Rarely..."
"Um, sure."
When I frankly set up the color trick, I only remember being stunning enough to make me lose confidence as a single woman, as opposed to being a luxury whore (Kurtizanne).
But no other love, no conversation, no contact.
That's what makes city boys and girls blush or show a little agitation in a situation where the manager (manager) doesn't think they can get eyes on the pretense, which is routinely present to such an extent that they have no difficulty remembering.
"What is that...?
Laura also looks at herself naked and throws her jacket at her without changing her expression, and the manager (manager) asks back as she remembers where she's lit up on her mundane bumps.
I think that was always the result of crap and inappropriate things.
Even though I don't think so, when the manager (manager) sees the depressed lady and shows her in the light.
When the manager (manager) was happy to compliment me and honestly happy to show it to me.
It's not about temptation or anything, but when I just miss you and want to touch the manager (manager).
At that time, it was true that the manager (manager) looked like a man and was illuminated.
"I mean, when you think of us as cute, independent of a man's instincts as a creature, what's called eclectic, I don't know..."
Listia boils bright red from the way she's saying it.
Both Lunamaria and Laura, who understood what it meant, blushed so much that they had never shown it in front of others.
A boy who hasn't yet become a man gives a girl who hasn't yet become a woman an impure favor in a way that nevertheless targets her as a man.
That's why I'm born, Reaction.
The occasional reaction that the manager gives himself is the same as the root.
"Oh, I don't know how to appreciate being a woman, but I think"
"Oh, right. Including that color and style, it's you."
"But I didn't admire the fact that I couldn't see it with my eyes? If you like it on top of that..."
The three people, born so beautiful and attractive that super as women, have thus become familiar with their eyes (...) since they were very young.
The eyes a man sees himself so much that he thinks that's what it is by default.
That's why I've certainly admired someone who likes me on it, ignoring my looks and styles and the whole thing I said about the color that flows naturally, even though I don't think that's possible.
In the process of forming something called yourself, what was born with, including appearance, surely acts.
Even though we know that we are "ourselves" by turning our privileged appearance and colour, we can't help but ask for it.
I'm tired of being exposed to those eyes.
In other words, where we arrange excuses, we get the pleasure of giving away the important part of our feelings to the fact that the manager (manager) was blushing at us after excluding any such elements.
I can't stop all three of you from blushing like you're sweating.
"This is embarrassing, because I'm not used to it."
"Wow, me too."
"I can make you..."
I learned about the manager's iron wall defense technique, but the unexpected "joy" often leaves the three of them defenseless without losing sight of the signs around them.
- You got it.
The three spines of Renamaria, Listia, and Laura freeze in the voice of a manager (manager) who should be tense just by listening, if usual.
The manager (manager) woke up deeply and quietly behind the chattering and talking.
And from the conversation between the three of them, the manager's voice, which seemed to me to peek into his dreams, was filled with gratuitousness that echoed from the bottom of hell.
Enough to keep the hearts and minds of the three good ladies named Lunamaria, Listia and Laura out of the cold.
"I didn't mean no offense, um, no offense..."
"And I don't know, I don't know anything..."
"Wow, I said stop..."
Threesome excuses are uttered, frightened by the bottom-cold voice of the manager (manager) who hears them for the first time.
But it's already late, and the manager seems to be in Mad Warrior (Berserker) mode.
"No questions asked, lose your memory"
"" "Sorry!!!
The day of The Dream of a Walnut (Papilio Somnium), which is supposed to be a luxury whorehouse, begins today with a very unlikely act.
The extraordinary routine surrounding the manager is still ongoing.
Even in a place called a whorehouse, while (...) creating laughter and joy.
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