Chapter 46 Thank You For The Cat

The noisy time that Sakakibara and Ayano-san spent with us passed by quickly, and before I knew it, it was dark outside the window.
They came before noon, gave Mashiro a present, and served her lunch with ingredients they had brought with them, as a way of thanking her for their visit.

After that, I stayed at home all the way until the evening, not really trying to get involved with Mashiro, but just happy to be in the same space as her.
It had been a long time since the three of us had had a chance to talk together in a relaxed atmosphere, and I guess that was the reason why we ended up having a lot of small talks.
We talked about each other’s high school life in the past, how Sakakibara and Ayano-san got to know each other as usual, and so on.

As comfortable as it was to spend time with Mashiro at home, the time we spent together chatting without going out anywhere was very fulfilling and enjoyable.

“Thanks for today.”

When I returned to my room after dropping them off at the parking lot, Mashiro had returned to her human form, put on an apron, and was already preparing dinner.
The first thing I did was thank her for everything she did for me today.

“No. I didn’t do anything to deserve your thanks.”
“That’s not true. Thank you so much.”

As usual, Mashiro was modest, but I closed the distance between us and gave my thanks.
Mashiro gave a troubled look, sighed and headed for the kitchen.

“You’re welcome…”

She replied in a voice just barely audible, then opened the refrigerator a little too roughly to drown it out and started cooking.
I was satisfied with her small response, as she was much more willing to accept my favor than before…and I started thinking about the thank you once again.

This was something I’ve been thinking about ever since I heard it was okay to invite Sakakibara and the others to my house.
As a result, I want to give something back to her, not only for allowing them, but also for the good time the three of us had together.

“Mashiro. Is there anything you want as an apology for this time?”

While sitting on the sofa in the living room, I decided to ask her in a casual and direct manner.
Mashiro, standing in the kitchen, twisted her head around to look at me. I turn to look at her and our eyes meet.

“Eh, Mashiro…?”

After looking me in the eye, Mashiro sighed louder than before.
Compared to the earlier sigh, which had the nuance of “I can’t help it,” this time, she looked deeply disappointed.

“I know it may sound strange for me to say this, but you’ve been indulging me too much, Satou-san.”
“No, it’s not like that…Well, there is something to be said for that.”
“I’m sure there is.”

Mashiro looked at me like that, but I don’t think anyone would not spoil their cat in the first place.
Even though there are differences between people, there was no such thing as overindulgence as long as there was equal love.

“But this time, it was really a one-sided request. I wouldn’t feel good if you didn’t let me repay you in some way.”
“I’ll just accept your kindness. There’s nothing in particular I want right now.”
“W-What’s that look on your face?”

Maybe I asked her the wrong question. I shouldn’t have asked Mashiro, who doesn’t usually have any desire for things, what she wanted.
But asking was the least I could do.
What does she want that isn’t materialistic?
Is there anything else she wants?

I thought about it for a while as I stared at her back as she quickly prepared dinner, but I couldn’t think of anything but her wagging tail.
There were no more thoughts in the drawer of my head, so I reached into my pocket and pulled out the most civilized tool I could find.

As I searched for a suitable search term, I found a site that looked a bit scandalous, but it fit the keyword I was looking for.

“Hey, Mashiro. Do you like sweets?”
“Eh. What’s the context of your question?”
“It doesn’t mean anything, but if you don’t answer, I’ll die.”
“W-What’s with that…”

I don’t know what I said, but I think I was able to distract myself from the topic of conversation.

“If you don’t answer soon…Ugh, I’m fading…”
“Ha, what do you want to do now…? I don’t even particularly like it, it’s normal.”
“I see. Are you interested in accessories or cosmetics?”
“No, I don’t. I don’t feel the need for them.”

I asked each of the questions written on the screen of my phone, but none of them elicited any significant response.
I wondered if this site was appropriate, or if Mashiro was just too special. I have a feeling it’s more the latter, though.
Feeling a little skeptical, I scrolled down the screen to find something interesting.

“Also…would you be happy for me to help with the housework?”
“No, I can do it on my own. Not really.”
“Would you like someone to listen to you or talk to you?”
“Not really…Um, is this some kind of psychological test?”

“Hmmm…doesn’t apply to her at all. I wondered if a straightforward approach against her would be too much for her.
The only thing left to say…is this.
I didn’t pick it up because I felt like I already knew what it was before I asked it, but I decided to ask it at the last moment.

“Here is the last question. Do you feel happy when someone gently strokes your head?”

At that moment, the body of Mashiro, who was cooking, stiffened. She didn’t look back at me and just went silent.
Eh, was it such a difficult question to answer? I can’t believe that the most insignificant thing I’ve ever heard would be a strike against…

“…No comment.”
“I’m not going to answer any more questions. By the way, if Satou-san dies, I will die too.”

I was cut off from the conversation and she resumed cooking as if nothing had happened without looking at my confusion.
In the end, the website for articles on what makes women happy was useless and yielded no information.

I stared at her back again and held my head in my hands.

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