
  Lefiya has begun to shut herself off.

  With a desire for magic, he asked, "Can this kind of thing be done?"

  "Okay, although I'm not sure what kind of magic it is."

  "Is that so..."

  Lefiya wanted new magic, but reason stopped her.You must solve the problem of chant first, otherwise no amount of magic will be able to be released in battle.

  "Well, even if it's a little thing, I hope you can teach me something like a trick..."

  "Abandon attack and defense."


  "Sorcerers (magicians) are basically not used to hand-to-hand combat. The attack and defense of the spear will cause the "parallel chant" to fail. In this case, it is better to concentrate on dodging from the beginning and focus on activating magic. ”.”

  There are four main actions required for "parallel chant" in battle, namely attacking, moving, dodging, and chant.

  Aside from chants, pure guard mages have little relationship with other projects.

  "Unskilled hand-to-hand combat will not only fail the chant, but even seek destruction."

  In the final analysis, she was advising Lefia to face the enemy's attack and run away as much as possible.

  "It is generally said that it is easier to learn "parallel chant" in the avant-garde profession, and the rear-guard mages require artillery shots that can change the trend of the battle, so they can only focus on strengthening magic skills."

  The avant-garde adventurers have to move around at any time, and at the same time, they have to engage in fierce swordfights. They are better than reaction speed and can cope with unexpected situations.They only need to practice the movement of chanting more. As far as learning "parallel chanting" is concerned, the original foundation is relatively good.

  "While launching fierce attacks and defenses, magic is activated. This kind of "parallel chant" is the domain of an avant-garde profession or a magic swordsman, and cannot be regarded as a standard. "

  (I see……)

  After hearing this explanation, Lefiya suddenly realized.

  Indeed, during training with Ais, whenever Lefia defends, the chant often fails.It turns out that from the premise - the action of emphasis was chosen wrong.

  Although it is true that there are some attacks that cannot be avoided, it is still necessary to focus on moving and dodging as a necessary condition, and keep it in your mind.

  "All in all, the responsibilities of a midfielder and a defender are not the same."

  The first priority for guard mages like Lefiya is to activate magic.

  "Let's practice it."

  "Please, please advise!"

  Nangong Xiao picked up the branch, and Lefiya raised her wand.He only waved a short staff with low lethality, trying to stop her chant.Lefia bounced off the stubby stick with the stick technique that Riveria had been teaching herself, changing its trajectory.

  "too slow."

  Nangong Xiao pointed out Lefiya's weakness.

  "You want to use the strongest attack magic in one go to defeat me, right?"


  "In a real battle, there is not so much time for you."

  The branch in Nangong Xiao's hand dashed forward instantly and touched Lefiya's throat.


  "The stamina of a wizard is very different from that of other types of adventurers or monsters. You should use small magic that can deal an effective blow to the enemy to weaken the opponent, instead of using this kind of long-term magic."

  "I understand!"

  The branches mercilessly beat Lefiya who failed, but the shot was not heavy, but urged her to take the next action immediately.

  (Must be successful this time!)

  Lefia, who had failed to sing and started again, gathered strength in her eyes.

  She moved and evaded with her footsteps, her lips continued to weave incantations, and she felt a real improvement.The best proof is that the singing time has been solidly extended compared to the beginning.

  "...Snipe, elf archer. Shoot through, the arrow that will hit - the light bow and arrow!"

  During the [-]th mock battle, Lefia finally succeeded in "Parallel Chanting".Guangya's single shot of the magic bow and light arrow is completed, and it is shot from the front end of the wand.


  Lefia was panting and cheered the magic activation.

  Of course, the power is much lower than the magic that stopped and used.In order to achieve "parallel chant", she suppressed the magic power, so the magic was much weaker.

  Nangong Xiao showed mercy when he attacked, which was also a major reason.In the fight against monsters, I am afraid there is no way to sing so smoothly.

  For Lefia, however, the result this time was a big step forward.

  Although it was only once, the fact that she successfully achieved "parallel chant" in normal battles gave her confidence.Thinking of Riveria's teachings to this day and her training with Ais were not in vain, Lefia's face (Wang Li's) cheeks heated with excitement and emotion.

  I still don't like being a magician.

  Nangong Xiao looked at Lefiya's appearance, and then thought about her appearance as a magician, her body trembled slightly.

  "From now on, I'm going to take the training content up a level."


  Seeing Nangong Xiao disappear in front of the passage, Lefiya, who was thrown down, tilted her head and waited obediently.

  "This, this is...?"

  A slight chirping, and layers of frogs croaking.Just when the slowly approaching vibrations and screams made Lefiya panic.The group of frog-like monsters chasing after them roared and rushed towards Lefiya.

  As many as twenty monsters rushed over, and Lefiya jumped out of position.Ignoring her fright, a large group of frogs came over.

  Mr. Nangong turned out to be just as strict (Spartan)! !

  Lefia screamed in her heart, understood the purpose of the current situation, and began to sing the spell with all her might.profit.

Chapter 453

  "Riveria, what has Lefia been doing lately?"

  Tiona asked Riviria.

  "What are you doing..."

  Riveria, who was sitting on the couch drinking black tea, sighed while holding her closed eyes with one hand.

  In the Loki Familia headquarters, the reception room of the Twilight Hall.It was close to noon, and many members of the group had left the hall. When Riveria was resting alone in the conversation room facing the passage, her body, along with the Amazon sisters who were wearing tattered skirts and clothes, appeared in front of her.

  Tiona and Tione, who swayed their semi-short and long hair, their exposed brown skin exuded an uncooled heat, and answered her, "I had a fight with Tiona (Tione), a good move!"

  Tiona said cheerfully, and Tione, who was beside her, shrugged.Riveria looked at the injured bodies of the two and sighed.

  She knew that this pair of twins who had been together since birth, needless to say, this time the trick will evolve from boring sisters bickering to cannibalism, not just a metaphor.It doesn't matter if you work out against another self, but it's too hot.

  The deputy head of the Loki Familia sighed, as if to vent his exhaustion.

  "Lefiya is probably going to exercise too."

  "Ais has been looking weird lately."

  Thinking of the recent junior who exuded a miasma during dinner, and then showed an unusual spirit, Tiona thought: Maybe she was also influenced by Ais.

  Tione, who was beside her, also mentioned Ais' recent actions.

  "Riveria, what do you know?"

  "No, I have no clue either..."

  Riveria answered Tiona while recalling her memories from yesterday to today.

  Lefia was still looking for herself to educate herself as a sorceress as usual, but her attitude became a little ghostly.To be honest, even Riveria was frightened by her.

  She also read several books to study knowledge from last night to morning, sitting at the table without leaving.Although she used to be tireless, but now she is more active in trial and error than before, and she seems very desperate.

  "Don't talk about this...you should sort out your appearance anyway."

  Riveria looked at their appearance and said that she couldn't stand it any longer.

  They were probably engaged in fierce battles that were no different from actual combat. Their clothes and bodies were soiled with wounds and bloodstains, and their hair was messy.As a race of cleanliness (elves), their current appearance really makes Riveria look down on them.

  "Well, we'll fight again after a break, so that's fine."

  "Yeah, save the trouble."

  Seeing that the Amazon sisters didn't care and didn't mind, she sighed again.Riviria stood up from the couch, took Tionne's hand, and forced her to sit on the chair.

  "What's the matter, Riveria?"

  "Anyway, let's get your hair done."

  Riviria went around behind Tione and started combing her long black hair.She used the comb in the parlour to straighten her messy hair at once.

  "What a surprise... Riveria, how are you good at combing your hair? Because you are a royal family, I thought your hair and appearance were all taken care of by others."

  "Take care of that child... I learned it when I took care of Ais. That child really didn't care about hairstyles at all before, and I couldn't stand it anymore. I learned to take care of it."

  Riveria showed a small wry smile while recalling memories from a few years ago.The gentle movement of her palms stroking her hair made Tione seem a little embarrassed, and she seemed to close her eyes comfortably.

  "It's not fair! Riveria, wait for me!"

  "Okay, just wait a minute."

  As a result, Tiona was also clamoring to comb her hair, and Riveria couldn't take this girl and smiled with her eyebrows lowered.

  Riveria was being harassed by two cat-like Amazons, and the gentle squeaks of the comb slid across Tionne's long hair.


  "what's up?"

  "Riveria knew Ais when she was a child... Ais who just joined the family, right?"

  Tiona sat on the chair and asked slowly as she watched her sister comb her hair.Ais joined the family nine years ago, when she was seven.


  "Do you know 'Arya'?"

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