Is he really cursed and unable to exert the slightest strength?

I always feel that my various worries before the war are completely unnecessary! .


Chapter 129 Your Majesty, my wife is the number one beauty!

In the shock of everyone, the first battle with the false demon king government ended.

Seraph was still too young after all.

Although the quality of magic power is much stronger than that of Vidred, the latter is extremely experienced in combat and has many means of life-saving.

What's more, the enemy still hides two demon kings, Zulfame and Damados.

When they saw that the battle situation was unfavorable to them, they immediately jumped out, one of them joined the marching formation ceremony to increase the strength, and the other flew to the sky to help Vidred and fight for a smooth retreat.

Ash thought for a moment and decided not to stop.

On the one hand, his strength is obvious to all, and there is no need to show his strength at all.

Coming out the fertility potion also made most of the demons grateful.

Orthodox blood, powerful strength, and special contributions, and they have reached an agreement with the senior leaders of the King faction in advance.

He doesn't need to show anything.

Also, Rias and Sona haven't gained reputation yet.

If you want to hold them up as demon kings, you have to do a good job of laying the groundwork.

And defeating the false demon king government is the best stage for the four girls.

In any case, the first battle of the civil war kicked off.

As the Lucifer Demon King Yaxiu didn't make a move at all, and when all three enemy demon kings were dispatched, he could still be tied with the enemy, and even his own side had the absolute upper hand.

This is already an amazing record!

The new Luciferian army was rejoicing.

But at the high-level meeting, the atmosphere was a little weird.

"Your Majesty, Miss Seraph and Miss Grafia..."

Seeing that his father Zekram remained silent like a stone sculpture, Sigman thought for a while and took the initiative to ask. "Their strength has grown so exaggeratedly, is it the result of your instructions?"

Gulei Feiya is not bad, after all, is a member of Lucifer's six affiliated family, even if the king's faction will pay attention, but they are not very clear about the specific situation.But Seraph... 12 Since she was born, after learning of her great potential, she has been continuously watched by several high-ranking nobles of the demon family.

What level of strength was in the past, everyone knows.

Until more than ten years ago, something uncontrollable happened—the Leviathan royal family tried to force her to take the oath to become a retainer.

At that time, there were even several debates within the Dawang faction.

Several high-ranking pure-bloods such as the Baal family, the Agares family, and the Vassago family are all considering—“Instead of swearing allegiance to Leviathan, it is better to find a more suitable candidate within the Lord and Sect.”

So, they kept silent, hoping to take this opportunity to subdue Seraph... and even the entire Sidi family.

However, the suzerain of the Sidi family has his own mind.

Ehrlich quietly compared the situation of the king's faction, and finally turned his attention to Ash.

It’s very simple—although Yaxiu didn’t have much foundation in the underworld at that time, he was young enough and strong enough to be the successor of Lucifer Demon King.

Even though he has not been accepted by the Lord and faction, he has the same idea.

And his style is relatively strong, and he doesn't mind falling out with other demon kings.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ehrlich is very aware of his daughter's personality.

If you are loyal to the King's faction, you are not a bound retainer.

Compared with the status of a retainer, being the wife of the Demon King would at least be much less restrictive.

It just so happened that Ash and Seraph were the same age, and their strength, identity and appearance were also extremely good.

So when other people still treat the daughter of the Sidi family as a retainer, the Sidi Sect Master is ready to find a son-in-law...

"After I was cursed and couldn't take action, I could only train the people around me." Yaxiu nodded calmly, looking like he didn't care.

To put it lightly, make the people around you more silent.

They looked at the two beautiful girls behind Ash - Seraph was bored and looked around, and even wanted to study the back collar of Ash's gorgeous Demon King's robe.

His father, who was specially allowed to attend the high-level meeting, Ehrlich, the head of the Sidi family, gave him a stern look before finally letting go.

Gurefia was very polite, just like a professional maid, she just stayed quietly behind Ya Xiu, without squinting, as if she was concentrating on waiting for her master's call.

Quietly withdrawing their eyes, everyone was speechless.

You can easily compete with the Demon King by training it at will... Then, what if your Majesty is serious about training?

Perhaps he could guess the doubts in everyone's heart, Yaxiu paused, then continued to speak with a smile: "Well, in fact, Rias and Cana, I have also trained them for a few months - their time with me is too short. , in order to be useful, I had to be a little more serious." Ehrlich's eyes lit up.

At this time, he no longer complained about Yaxiu's abduction of his two daughters, and couldn't wait to ask: "Your Majesty, what strength is Cang Na now..."

"It should be about the same as her sister Seraph." Ash nodded gently to the old father-in-law: "Cangna is still very talented - of course, so is Rias." After the voice fell, even Czechra There was no way for Mu to remain calm.

"Your Majesty, I remember the second daughter of the Sidi family and the second daughter of the Gremory family... They were like you before, and they were accidentally cursed?" "Curse can also become an opportunity."

Ash was silent for a moment, showing a meaningful expression: "This is the reason why I know that Vidred and the others have bad intentions, but I still insist on pursuing [Lucifer's Regret] - because it can become mine. opportunity!"

Sigman's heart was a little complicated, but his face was full of surprise: "Cang Na. Sidi and Rias. Gremory actually has the strength to surpass the Demon King? Then this civil war, aren't we..."

"It's a win!"

Zekram continued to ask: "Your Majesty, since both Canna and Rias have skyrocketed in strength, that means you... have successfully restrained the curse?" Watch protective cover, calmly present their status quo. "It can be said that the curse was almost successfully restrained." Sigman swept away slightly with his mental power.I can feel that Yaxiu's blood is still riddled with holes, and the current situation is worrying.

It even seemed to be blocked by various strange substances.

This situation should be getting worse and worse.

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Why do you still say [Successfully restrained the curse]?

He suddenly looked puzzled.

"As I said last time, the essence of the curse is a spiral structure formed by two opposing forces, but their power is not balanced, and the dark side is weaker." "So in order to continue to maintain the spiral shape, the dark side will spontaneously Absorb the blood of the host." Yaxiu explained: "I researched for a long time, and finally a few months ago, I made certain modifications to the spiral structure of the curse, so that it was reversed from [absorbing power] to [release] Power]!" "As long as the energy accumulated in it is released, the spiral will not be able to maintain its shape, and it will collapse directly - the curse will be solved!" "So it is!"

Zekram responded quickly, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, you are using the energy released in the curse to continue to strengthen your bloodline! No wonder the strength of Seraph and Gurefia has increased so quickly!" Since absorption can weaken Blood vessels, then the release will definitely strengthen the blood vessels.

The devil has always relied on blood to improve his strength.

Everyone admired Yaxiu's whimsy.

If it was them, they must have hurriedly lifted the curse, and how could they have thought of using the curse in turn!

And, even if they thought about it, there was nothing they could do.

That is to perform subtle manipulations at the level of energy particles!

Thinking about it from another perspective, they immediately admired Yaxiu even more. "However, Your Majesty, your body..."

"I have been cursed for more than ten years, and my bloodline has been weakened a lot. It needs to be improved and repaired. It takes a long time and cannot be completed in a while." Yaxiu shook his head: "So think again and again, although I have successfully researched There is no way to remove the curse, nor does it get rid of it - of course, after the spiral structure has changed from absorption to release, it is no longer contagious." No longer contagious?

It also proves that Yaxiu can shoot without any scruples?

In that case, in addition to the four demon girls and the demon wolf Fenrir, the new Lucifer government has added another expert at the peak of the demon king!

For this civil war, everyone is more confident!

After Yaxiu dissipated the barrier just now, they could sense it.

Even though he has been plagued by a curse for more than ten years, His Majesty Lucifer still possesses a power that is superior to that of ordinary Demon Kings.

It's just terrifying! "Cough cough.  …"

While everyone was still contemplating, suddenly, Canna sister's father, Ehrlich, said with anticipation: "Your Majesty, otherwise... you can spread the curse to me too!" Everyone else reacted, and immediately Eyes lit up.

Yes, since the curse can be lifted, and as long as the curse form is changed, the energy that strengthens its own blood can be released. ………….Where can you find such a good thing!

How can we be missing!

713 When the time comes, everyone will become a demon king, isn't it beautiful?

Ash's face was a little stiff.

He glanced at Ehrlich, his old father-in-law, and shook his head expressionlessly: "It is easier to modify the spiral structure, but to keep the spiral running, you must rely on external forces."

"Every once in a while, you have to spend a lot of energy to replenish energy - and because the manipulation method is too meticulous, you will hurt the root of the bloodline if you are not careful. At present, only I can operate it reluctantly." But the transmission of power is another problem, this is not simply the input of magic power... so it can only be passed through the family channel." The people present immediately understood.

If you want to improve your power, you are basically set to die and you can only be the servant of Yaxiu.

Zekram and the others sighed in their hearts.

Although it can easily increase the strength.

But as a family member, even the devil Lucifer, the future Satan monarch, they are obviously unwilling to accept it.But Ehrlich didn't care, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, I am willing to be your servant!"

Both of his daughters were married to Ash, and now that he was a dependent, it was impossible for him to be neglected.

Ash's face became even stiffer.

"Pushing the spiral requires extremely fine control so as not to disrupt the balance. ... You have to get very close to your relatives!"

"….….I see."

Ehrlich was stunned, only to understand why Ash's expression looked so weird.

He could only sigh helplessly.

But others reacted suddenly.

Everyone stopped meeting and surrounded Yaxiu, with a very enthusiastic tone: "Your Majesty, I have a daughter who has undergone strict etiquette training since she was a child. She is beautiful and dignified. She is absolutely qualified to be your dependent..."

"Your Majesty, I also have a daughter..."

"Your Majesty, although I don't have a daughter, I have a younger sister..."

"Your Majesty, my wife is known as the number one beauty in the seventy-two columns... Don't look at me like that! I mean, my wife is about to give birth, and the child must be a very beautiful daughter, can you? Leave a place for her to belong to?"

Looking at a group of pure-blood nobles who suddenly became unscrupulous, Yaxiu shook his head speechlessly. .

Chapter 130 He must be holding on!

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