Yaxiu looked at Linali's gleam in his eyes, and his heart moved slightly.

Perhaps, the next thing to do is to open up this fallen angel girl.

Bring Grefia, Seraphel, Sona, and Rias to the throne of the Demon King and increase Linali's strength.

In fact, they are preparing for the future.

He can't stay in this world forever, there will always be a day to leave.

I don't know what the proportion of time in Demon High School will be after going to another world.

So at least you have to settle down with people close to you first.

Without any worries, Yaxiu can explore the new world with peace of mind. .

Chapter 135 The Eyes That See Through the World

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, another two months have passed.

In the past two months, the situation has changed dramatically.

First of all, it's not just the army of the pseudo-demon king's government that continues to attack - after the division into three groups, although they have mastered a more advanced battle formation ceremony.

But the bloodline of Gulei Feiya and others, after another half a year of improvement, has completely surpassed the Demon King level.

Fighting on the battlefield all day long, the soaring magical quality has gradually become handy in application, and the combat experience has been greatly enriched.

So they have been able to lead the legion to counterattack.

This counter-offensive was overwhelming.

In less than two months, the Pseudo Demon King's government army has already lost a large area of ​​its territory.

Within the demon forces, their influence is getting smaller and smaller.

During this period, Yaxiu has been sitting at the headquarters and commanding the overall situation.

Because the enemy's situation was getting worse and worse, his nominal leader was naturally subjected to various crazy assassinations.

And in the eyes of outsiders, every time it is more dangerous.

However, the demon wolf Fenrir was always by his side, never leaving, and those enemies didn't even need him to take action.

One by one, of course, in order to pretend to be cursed and attract the hidden Li Xavier and another malicious god, he actually didn't plan to take action under non-crisis situations. "Your Majesty, Miss Grefia and Miss Seraph are about to advance to the capital city of Lucifer!" The good news came one by one.

Of course, there is also some worrying news.

"However, Miss Rias and Miss Cana on the left are a little behind. It is said that they encountered a strong barrier from the pseudo-demon king in front of the acropolis.  …"

"very good."

Staring at the strategic map hanging on the wall, Ash pondered for a moment, and said lightly: "Order, Grafia and Seraph immediately prepare their troops to surround Lucifer from the front and the right, Liya Si and Cang Na only need to block the Acropolis, they don't need to fight to the death." "But...~v."

Sigman was a little worried: "The situation of Miss Rias and Miss Cana on the left wing... If the pseudo-demon king leads the army to break through from their direction, maybe..."

"All my decisions are correct!"

Yaxiu turned his head and glanced at everyone in the headquarters, his tone was full of strong confidence: "So, you only need to trust me - isn't that why [Lucifer's new government] is formed? "

"...Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone bowed and saluted sincerely.

That is surrender to the stronger.

Nearly half a year of war, although Yaxiu did not make a single shot, but most of the time, he stayed in the center of the headquarters.

and played a decisive role.

At the beginning, he didn't know much about the marching formations in the magical world, so he could only keep silent and listen to the various strategic decisions of the Pureblood Seventy-two Pillars.

But Ash is a very strong person.

How could he allow himself to be only a display leader.

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While listening carefully to other people's various decisions, he silently compared and analyzed in his heart.

Even suspended the study of magic, began to spend energy, carefully learn how to conduct a war - a war in the magical world.

Xiao Universe's understanding of the laws of the world has helped Yaxiu a great deal.

When he roughly understood the way of fighting in the magical world, he quickly became handy.

Calculation and layout?

For Saint Seiya, who has been absorbing and replicating the operation of the outside world, the amount of calculation is almost hundreds of thousands of times that of the same level of powerhouse.

In just an instant, you can easily analyze the path, direction, time, and rhythm that are most beneficial to your side.

Topography, weather, and the nature of the flow of external magic power?

These details that can affect warfare can also be easily obtained by exchanging information with nature.

Launching the battle formation ceremony at the location designated by Yaxiu, because of the flow of magic power, can actually increase the attack and defense of the soldiers by one layer!

That is almost comparable to the increase of a demon king-level powerhouse!

Enemy ambush and raid?The direction of the march?

One by one, in the magical world, it is reasonable to say that you only need to use some magic to track and predict it easily, but... don't forget, the enemy also has powerful magic ability.

Concealed march, or secretly ambushing, using advanced spells, can still catch oneself off guard.

As long as it is hit, it will declare that part of the legion will be completely cut off.

But in front of Ash, it was almost as if he could easily predict the future.

Or, the eyes that see through the world?

Any ambush and trap can be accurately learned through the outer universe.

The intelligence warfare is [*]% accurate, and it can even seize the opportunity to counter ambush, or take advantage of some bad weather to cause heavy damage to the enemy without any effort.

Everyone thought it was incredible—but even if Yaxiu didn't use his own strength, he could still be of great help to the battle.

It can be said that the reason why this civil war can be pinched in half a year is almost to the end, and it has entered the capital of the pseudo-democracy government.

In addition to the invincible united forces of the four artificial transcenders including Gurefia, Yaxiu's excellent strategic vision accounted for at least three layers of credit.

The pure-blood nobles who stayed by his side, no matter who they were, were already extremely impressed.

Even if Yaxiu never showed his true strength.

Every time they saw that figure, they subconsciously fell into awe... Your Majesty Lucifer, what a terrible person.

If he was born in the ancient times, even if he had no power to hold a chicken, he might be able to easily crush both angels and fallen angels.

After all, at that time, the power displayed by the God of the Bible was only comparable to that of the Four Demon Kings.

When the high-level combat strength is similar, it is extremely important to have a precise grasp of the war strategy level.

"." Next, let's prepare to receive Lucifer. "Standing up with a relaxed face, Yaxiu said calmly: (Zhao Hao Zhao)

"As long as I follow my orders, this civil war will end in ten days at most."

"Everything has been arranged, we just need to sit here and wait for the final result of the battle."

"Your Majesty, what if the pseudo-demon kings fled to a remote area?" Sigman was a little worried: "After all, although they can't beat Miss Gurefia and others, they can still do it if they want to escape." "Underworld region The vastness, once they hide in the dark, it is a hidden danger, Song!" Yaxiu turned his eyes and shook his head with a smile at Sigman: "It seems that you don't know about the Demon King - or , you don't understand the meaning of carrying the ancient names of Beelzebub, Leviathan, Asmodeus." "The previous escape can be understood as a strategic retreat."

"But if they escaped at the last moment when the capital was about to fall. . . . that's really fake. Demon King!"

Chapter 136 The Ambition to Become [Original Sin Incarnation]

After the civil war of the demon clan came to an end, Ash returned his attention to his various studies.

In addition... there are enemies hidden in the dark.

"Li Xavier and that unknown god...must find them!"

After contemplating for a while at home, Ash opened the teleportation magic circle and took Fenrir to the ruins.

He is a cautious man.

Since it was decided to pretend to be weak and draw out Li Xavier and other secretly malicious guys, then he must pay attention to the details.

Like taking Fenrir...

This is more in line with his state of being "cursed and lacking any strength".

"However, Li Xavier can really bear it. For the past two months, he has entered the ruins every three or five days, but he has never shown up." As usual, he sent the demon wolf away to guard outside the door. Xiu entered the space where Lilith was hidden and thought helplessly in his heart. "Perhaps I'm not sure yet, I'm not sure about my situation..."

As he stepped up the steps, Yaxiu felt unsurprisingly that there was still a familiar aura around him.

It proves that besides himself, there have been people who have entered the ruins in recent days.

It is one of the two enemies who secretly spy on him.

Li Xavier, or another unknown deity.

737 Ash sighed in his heart, pretending not to notice, and soon came to Lilith's side.

(,1.4.;) These days, the blood of the seventy-two columns has been completely purified.

For the rest of the time, he has been studying the condition of the flesh mass in front of him, as well as its principle of filtering out mental interference, and even the principle of giving birth to demons.

These studies are still very helpful.

The ocean of emotions is due to the thoughts and thoughts of countless intelligent beings, and between good and evil thoughts, various emotions will be induced.

Together, they are the source of the formation of [Apocalypse Beast] and [Child of Dawn].

These two creatures born in the ocean of emotions, to a certain extent, are actually affected by various emotions of human beings.

So the will of the Apocalypse Beast is extremely chaotic and negative, while the will of the Son of Dawn is orderly and positive.

It is estimated that the God of the Bible was inspired by this, purifying emotions in a certain way, creating the purest [faith], and then increasing his power by absorbing faith.

The so-called Garden of Eden [The Unsullied Man] is one of His experimental products in the way of faith.

Lilith acts as a filter for emotions.

The internal details of her body are arranged, if enlarged, it is like countless complex magic circles connected together. The flow of blood, the arrangement of bones, and the reception and transmission of nerve terminals are all extremely regular.

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