"I don't want to be easily wiped out by His Majesty's aftermath like those monsters, so I will try my best to input magic power into the barrier!"

The old demon quickly changed the form of the enchantment - at the cost of being almost destructive and shortening its existence indefinitely, it instantly strengthened the defense of the enchantment dozens of times.

In his mind, inexplicably recalled what Yaxiu said a day ago that sounded extremely arrogant (Zhao Ma Zhao). [What this barrier needs to be defended against is actually not the claws of evil... but the aftermath of my attack! 】Sure enough, I'm really old...

Zekram smiled bitterly in his heart.

Arrogant?Not crazy at all!

So many of us, including the four transcenders, really need to do our best to stop the aftermath of the attack of His Majesty Lucifer!

No... maybe even the aftermath...

Before this thought came to an end, the blazing white light—the countless densely packed Space Blades had already arrived!

The enchantment that was strengthened dozens of times, actually only resisted for less than a second, and then collapsed.

Everyone vomited blood and flew out!

They fell to the ground, and the magic power in their bodies was almost exhausted, and there was no movement ability to make up for them.

I can only look at the countless terrifying space debris shooting with despair on my face!

But in the next second, it seemed as if an invisible hand began to control.

A large piece of destruction white light in the void suddenly solidified in place.

Everyone didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

It was not until he saw that they began to disappear quickly that he finally breathed a sigh of relief. .

Chapter 146 Facing God, Only Worship

"Ha...are you saved?"

"We finally succeeded... survived the aftermath of His Majesty Lucifer's attack?" Including the four followers of Grefia, as well as all the seventy-two pure-blooded pillars.

There was a certain sense of disbelief.

After the catastrophe!

Immediately, they remembered the translucent magic mirror that Ashe had propped up in front of the barrier when the [Claw of Evil] appeared.

I am afraid that the reason why I was able to easily block the aftermath with the barrier just now was thanks to the defense that His Majesty Lucifer used before the battle.

If there is no "mirror" layer, even if it is an enchantment supported by millions of us, even if the nature of the enchantment is changed in an instant, its defensiveness will be improved dozens of times.

Maybe it won't stop the aftermath of His Majesty Lucifer's attack for a second!

Because of that blow... it was really terrifying!

Some knowledgeable people have noticed.

The attack just now was the ultimate use of "space"!

Shatter the space and control countless space blades to cut the enemy!

They are very clear in their hearts that it is impossible to resist those Space Blades only by the mere enchantment!

How strong is His Majesty Lucifer? !

Where is his limit? !

All 750 people had such doubts again in their hearts.

But... they didn't dare to continue to verify if they were killed.

I just stayed on the periphery, and cooperated with millions of elite demons to hold up a solid barrier for defense, and they were almost dying.

The strength of the strong is really not something that can be easily guessed.

The old demon Zekram thought more.

He stood up tremblingly, and glanced at the area that was wrapped by the enchantment before, like an invisible giant beast gnawed at it.

In an area of ​​[-] square meters, all the buildings inside have disappeared.

Looking from the sky, a circle of darkness and no light appeared on the ground, a huge hole like an abyss.

Zekram shuddered.

Finally understand why Yaxiu risked the death of millions of elite demons in the aftermath, and also tried to push them to build the enchantment.

If there was no barrier blocking for just one second, the aftermath of the attack would probably spread to half of the capital of Lucifer!

More than a billion lives could be lost by then!

"It's terrifying!"

A terrifying person, and a terrifying power... As expected, even a family member can be easily trained to surpass the Demon King level!

Zekram sighed inwardly.

Looking at Yaxiu who was flying over, he saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty, we lived up to your expectations, we barely blocked the aftermath of your attack."

(??1,:4'.) "In this [Claw of Evil] incident, except for some buildings, there were no casualties!" Everyone else stood up one after another and saluted, but no one spoke.

The eyes that looked at Ash were full of awe.

When faced with a "person", he may dare to chase or even fight.

But when you stand in front of "God", there is only pure worship left in your heart.

Because you know you can't go beyond that! "Um."

Yaxiu nodded lightly, and his eyes quickly searched in the crowd.

After a while, I finally found a few demon girls standing silently in the corner.

Although they were unscathed, their pretty faces were full of exhaustion—after all, most of the enchantment just now was maintained by them.

Except for Grafia, who was still able to maintain an elegant standing posture, the rest of them supported each other without any image.

Seeing Yaxiu's gaze, Seraph seemed extremely excited and limped closer.

In the end, he fell directly into his arms and spoke in a weak voice.There was a faint hoarseness in his voice: "Take me back... I'm really exhausted!"


Before Yaxiu could speak, Gurefia scolded lightly: "In front of so many people....It's too rude!"

"There's nothing rude or rude." Ash smiled, and his warm eyes swept over the four of them. "Also, it's been hard for you today." He nodded again to Zekram and the pure-blooded Seventy-two Pillar, signaling the other party to stay. Come down and clean up the mess.

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He waved lightly.

A small cosmic (bceg) energy wrapped around the bodies of several girls, gently holding them in the void. "The civil war is finally over.... Let's go, let's go back to rest." He opened the space to transfer the magic circle.

"But Lucifer's mansion...our home was blown up by you just now!"

Seraph looked back.

The unfathomable bowl-shaped terrifying giant hole in the ground made her shudder.Immediately, the girl asked with great interest: "Axiu, what exactly was your move just now? I think it can kill any god!" "Even if the god of the Bible is resurrected, it can't be stopped..." Cang Na also nodded in agreement, with lingering fears on his face.

She just experienced it firsthand.

Only the aftermath is completely powerless to resist.

Of course, if you want to escape.

With the strength of his own transcendence, he has already accepted the increase of Yaxiu through the connection of his family in advance.

It is still possible to immediately escape to the outside of Lucifer before the attack.

- This is also the reason why Asia Xiu is assured to let the four people maintain the enchantment.

He has reserved a final retreat for his followers.

"I think, I am afraid that even the [Great Red] will be completely killed!"

Rias compared her own and her brother Sazex's magical power of destruction, and she always felt that under the countless space blades just now, it was completely paediatric. "Let's go home first... um, the mansion of the new capital."

Yaxiu did not interrupt their excited chattering discussion, but just smiled and said: "Go back there and have a good rest, after the tense civil war for half a year, and the attack of the [Claw of Evil] just now, I am afraid you are also very tired." After falling, he entered the transfer magic circle with his four family members.

The brilliance of magic power flickered, gradually drowning the figures of several people.

As for the next thing to clean up the mess, naturally, it will be handed over to Zekram and the others.

After experiencing the horror of [Sunshine], no one in the demon forces dared to resist him.

The remnants of the hidden false demon king are expected to surrender soon.

"Axiu, I suddenly want to understand what kind of person I want to be in the future!"

At the moment when the transfer magic was activated, Seraph's excited voice suddenly came out: "I want to be like you today, maintain the stability of the world, defeat monsters, save everyone in the underworld, and harvest their gratitude and awe... …”

Well, it seems that Seraph is still on the path of a magical girl.

Perhaps in the original book, when she joined forces with Sazex and others to defeat the old Demon King's government, she had the same thoughts as she does now.

Hope to defeat the boss like the old devil again, in order to achieve the great purpose of "save the underworld".

In the end, she was influenced by the human AGC culture... She became a "magic girl who saves the world".

Of course, Seraph is not a Virgin who is determined to save the world.

In a way, she just thought it was "cool". .

Chapter 147 Calm down

When Yaxiu's figure disappeared completely, everyone seemed to be relieved as if they had moved a heavy boulder from their hearts.

The nobles didn't pay much attention to their image, and fell to the ground directly.A pure-blooded demon was silent for a moment, and suddenly let out a self-deprecating sigh: "I was really ignorant before, and I actually tried to spy on the strength of His Majesty Lucifer~..."

"Even the peasants in the underworld know that when the strong are fighting, the most important thing to do is not to watch, but to run as far as possible.... Now that I think about it, I'm not even as good as a peasant!" Another person extremely Nod of approval.

"His Majesty Lucifer has probably lost interest in demon king-level enemies, so in this civil war, he will not take action at all, but will just send his dependents to dismiss them at will." "He has been looking at the clown-like eyes, looking at the fake The Demon King's government jumped up and down." "No!"

The third person retorted:

"I think Your Majesty Lucifer is to avoid causing more casualties."

"After all, with the kind of strength he just showed, he can destroy the entire Lucifer in an instant, including the rebellious pseudo-monarchs!" "But for the innocent people in the capital, he endured."

Zekram listened to everyone's whispered remarks, and suddenly his heart moved, and he said, "I think.... His Majesty Lucifer needs to change his title!"

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