Because he could still vaguely feel that the godhead seemed to be related to belief, and even the spirit of the gods was implicated and confused with countless believers.

This is different from the initial encirclement of the Demon King by the fragments of the will of the demons.

It is a deeper level of [Fusion].

Not advisable.

At least until the power system of the small universe is completely understood, Yaxiu is not too worried that his spiritual purity is reduced.He sighed slightly and continued to ask: ". "Why do you want to capture the infinite dragon god Orpheus? ""save……….help me! "

Hades grabbed Ash's wrist tightly.

But the next second, with a "click" sound, his bone hands were completely broken.

At this time, the entire island has begun to disintegrate, and even tilted into the sea.

Yaxiu thought for a while, put Hades on the ground, and entered some magic power from the Holy Grail for initial healing.

His condition finally improved.

"Tell me, why do you want to capture Orpheus?" "Mother of Demons..."

Hades was silent for a while, and the fire in his eyes flashed: "Lucifer, you actually know this very well - aren't you already doing it?" "Otherwise, the powerhouses around you who surpassed the Demon King are how did it get here!"

Yaxiu was stunned, and before he could continue to ask, the underworld god on the ground sighed softly: "Some time ago, Li Xavier found me, and on the condition of your family's "Book of Lucifer" manuscript, I hope I Use the gifted eye of the underworld to observe what you've been doing in Agreas recently..."

(;1',4."") Following his words, Ash also roughly understood the reason why Hades was obsessed with the infinite dragon god.

This guy actually tried to use that [infinite power] to create an "artificial transcendence" using Lilith, the mother of demons, as a prop... ...and a "new demon" that belongs only to hell!

He wants to drive away (Zhao Lihao) the demons and fallen angels, and completely seize the underworld above hell! "What about the Book of Lucifer?"

After listening calmly, Yaxiu made a decision in his heart.

Hades must not stay.

Since he dares to hit Lilith, the mother of demons, one must know that Lilith is related to him becoming a mythical demon and in charge of the real original sin, how can he tolerate others coveting!

And this guy seems to be able to observe his every move in Agreas through his divine talent!

At this time, the disintegration rate of the island gradually began to increase.

Hades took out a parchment scroll book from the storage space very quickly, looking a little calmer.

"Okay, Demon Lord Lucifer, please stop by your word... I swear in the name of the Underworld God, I will never oppose you again in the future." After taking the parchment scroll, Ashe flipped through it roughly, and could I saw the [Devil's Birth Ceremony] recorded in it.

It should be the essence of the first-generation Lucifer Demon King.

Hades in front of him did not cheat.

Ash received the copy of the "Book of Lucifer" into the space and raised his hand with an indifferent expression.

A strong force of the small universe is rapidly gathering words. "Sorry, I never believed in the oath of the enemy."

"Wait, wait!" When he was about to die, Hades became extremely panicked: "Lucifer, you can't do this! If I die, hell will be - one" However, before the words were finished, the attack in front of him had already fallen. .

It directly crushed the light of his soul. "Hell is none of my business!"

Withdrawing his hand, Ash looked at Hades' wreckage, his eyes indifferent. .

Chapter 156 Why was Orpheus not kidnapped by the poor scholar?

After dealing with Hades, Ash turned to look at the people around him.

"Today's affairs need to be kept strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to the outside world." Unlike Loki, who is extremely unpopular.

If the Greek pantheon knew that Hades had died at their own hands, it might have taken revenge.

Although with the strength of Yaxiu, he is not afraid of the opponent.

But I am afraid that it will lead to a full-scale war between the two forces.

Ash doesn't want his personal affairs to involve unrelated people. "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Grafia immediately saluted respectfully.

Leibel, who was shocked by the power of the [Plasma Light Speed ​​Fist], also came back to her senses, her pretty face was flushed with excitement, and she quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, causing the blond ponytail on her shoulders to shake: "Yes, Your Majesty... ...including my parents, I would never say anything!"

Yaxiu ignored her and couldn't wait to walk towards the [Infinite Power] that remained in the void.

The rich pitch-black energy turned into the shape of a snake, intertwined end to end.

Just its simple "sense of existence" has caused the nearby void to distort for a while.

Is this... the manifestation of Orpheus' power?

Staring at the black snake in front of him, Yaxiu's spiritual sense could sense that countless subtle energies were not "volatizing" outwards normally, but were constantly "converging" inwards.

Its nature is vaguely like countless faint black holes connected.

If I want to use an analogy... the highest level of Mingyu magic in the Huahua Palace in the martial arts. "There are definitely deeper detailed structures."

Yaxiu stretched out his hand and held up the black snake, only a few small strands of energy were separated from it, and the rest was thrown at Orpheus.

The beautiful black-haired Dragon God was startled.

"You don't want.... This power of mine? You should be the same as the skeleton frame just now, just for it, right?" "It is indeed for [Infinite Power]." Ash He smiled and put away a few strands of strength in his hand.

He could feel that after the power split from the main body, it turned into an ultra-small black snake with the same tail as before. "But what I have is enough. No matter how much I have left, it is useless to give it to me. You can take it back."

The power that was absorbed by the Dragon Eater Samuel just now was unceremoniously taken back into the body.

Along with this action, a strong coercion involuntarily emerged from her petite body.

The disintegration of the surrounding islands is even faster!Ash hurriedly told Gurefia, "Go clean the battlefield."

He quickly collected Hades' body and half of Samuel's black tentacles.

——Although that thing contains the [worst curse] planted by the gods, but the holy warriors are extremely resistant to the curse, and there is no direct contact, there is no problem.

By the time the devil's aura was eliminated hastily, only a few fragments of the island were left floating in the sea.

A magic circle flashed through the soles of Axiu's feet, surrounding everyone including Orpheus. "Let's get out of here first."

What happened just now seemed to make the Infinite Dragon God feel kindness, and she did not resist.

The cold magic power flickered, and the figures of several people disappeared without a trace.

Not long after, huge waves rolled over, finally eliminating the last trace of the island.

In a huge dense forest, the birds chirped and the streams gurgled.

The sun shone a little bit of shadow along the canopy.

Suddenly, a mysterious magic pattern lit up in the clearing in the forest.

The brilliance suddenly became stronger, diffused and disappeared.

Several figures of men and women appeared on the spot, and the birds on the treetops fluttered. "That...Thank you, Your Majesty, for coming to rescue me today."

After teleporting to a safe place in the human world, the blond girl immediately stood in front of Ash with a blushing face, bowing her head shyly.Those big beautiful eyes were quietly moving upwards: "My name is Rebel, tenth this year..." "You wait."

Ash calmly stretched out his hand and interrupted, directly crossing the girl and walking towards Orpheus on the other side. "Orpheus?"

The beautiful black-haired Dragon God nodded.

"I heard that you have been wandering around the world, homeless?" Orpheus nodded again.

The expression is demure, and the movements are gentle.

She also looked very weak.

If an enthusiastic aunt passed by, at first glance, I am afraid that it was a little girl from some family who got lost.

……Do not.

Ashley felt it carefully again.

You can feel some kind of invisible, but extremely strong dragon might on the other side.

Ordinary people may fall into mental confusion if they get close.

I see……

No wonder Orpheus has a simple personality and does not rhyme with world affairs. He has been wandering around the earth for so many years, but he was not tricked by a poor scholar to give birth to a baby, and play an anime version of the fairy.

It was because of her unnatural dragon might.

Anyone who has not approached, will feel two wars, as if being stared at by the most ferocious beasts, and can only feel at ease if they leave quickly.

As for the mysterious side... Anyone with a bit of knowledge can feel the terrifying mysterious magic power in the girl's body, which is like a black hole.

——The Infinite Dragon God did not hide anything.

Well, that makes sense.

It is impossible for the halo of the protagonist of Hyoudou Issei in the plot to be enveloped in the ancient times, so as to ensure that his future harem will not be abducted.Suppressing the weird thoughts in his heart, Ash smiled and stretched out his hand: "My name is Ash. ... Orpheus, since you are wandering around, do you want to stay at my house for a while?" The mysterious beautiful eyes like a black hole stared at him for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I also hope you can help me with one thing."

If it was someone else who had already endured the kindness of being rescued from the monster by the other party just now, it would be impossible for him to continue to ask for anything with the cheek.

But Orpheus is different.

She has no human concept at all.

The simple infinite dragon god will definitely remember the kindness.

But in the same way, he still speaks how he thinks, and he never feels embarrassed. "What's the matter?" Ash asked.

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In fact, he had already vaguely guessed.

As expected, the beautiful dragon god on the opposite side spoke lightly, as if a jade bead had fallen on a porcelain plate: "Help me drive away the red dragon and take back my home!"

Even when she mentioned her enemy, her voice was still as calm as water, without the slightest resentment. "But not now."

Yaxiu said honestly: "I still need some preparation time." The dimensional gap will definitely go.

But as he said, it will take a while to get ready.

for example. …Analyze the [Infinite Power] that I just got, completely stabilize the bloodline spiral structure in the body, and find the God-killing tool [The Holy Spear of Twilight].

Finally, the Satan ritual was successfully held.

Orpheus didn't see it at all. He put his hand on Yaxiu's big hand, blinked his big eyes, and asked curiously, "Where is Yaxiu's house?"

"Underworld." Ash gently smiled: "I am the Demon King, Dragon God."

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